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Latest audio leak allegedly exposes Imran Khan’s narrative on horse trading

I said this months ago - IK is in a gun fight armed with a knife.
I also said months ago - they'll slowly bleed him and his people. They will inundate them with cases, false accusations and will with time manage to erode his shine. (This game plan was shared with me directly within a week of the NCM, by some in the know (not the protagonists, but those who knew what the Imported Gov was up-to) ). IK Was even told this would happen at that time.

IK's timing on his actions is horrendous. He keeps getting sidelined by guarantees and promises from some in the establishment, as he is unwilling to fight in the open. All he has done is give his opponents time to coordinate and align, and then amplify through paid media.
Very poor strategy execution on his part. He has failed to see the importance of timing, and believes he can keep people on this rollercoaster for however long he desires. There is an element of personal narcissism that factors into his thinking, which is a shame, and the large political rally turnouts further entrenches him in that thinking. This might be what hurts him the most at the end, as he overplays his hand under the mindset of his "rockstar" pull.

The other side are approaching this with a scalpel based effort that would make Machiavelli proud. There is strategy and policy center that is being managed externally. The Imported government had major coordination challenges in the early days. By giving them time IK has allowed them to entrench themselves more effectively and coordinate more smoothly among counter parties.

In the end he'll be managed through, cases, judicial actions, law enforcement actions, bribes, legislative actions, extra-constitutional play, judiciary, brand busting, and the working mechanics of the establishment. Parts of his party and his partners will erode and he'll slowly loose people in their own individual issues and challenges.

The only variable is economic meltdown. If that happens all bets are off.
@akramishaqkhan — so what do you propose he should do under the circumstances, Lone Ranger against everyone —- army leadership - let us bend over for you USA, iSI-only good for harassing poor people, , pdm thieves, corrupt judges- thinking they are above the law, lifafa journalists… bought out media…. Is there anyone left….
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The hacker, claiming to hold audios of the PM House, has leaked another soundbite that suggests PTI Chairman Imran Khan was involved in horse trading during his tenure at the country’s highest office.

The comments made by the former premier in the purported audio suggested that it was recorded before the voting on the no-confidence motion was held against him.

The audio mentions a 48-hour time period and it matches with the Supreme Court order that was issued on April 7. The top court had directed the National Assembly speaker to hold a vote on the motion no later than April 9.

It is not clear who else was present in the meeting where the discussion regarding the party position in the National Assembly took place.

This is the third audio of the PTI chairman leaked during the past couple of weeks following a series of audios of the incumbent government surfaced on social media.

In the previous ones, the PTI leaders could be heard talking about the alleged US conspiracy and how to use it in their favour.

Transcript of the leaked audio​

You are greatly mistaken that the number game is now complete

It's not like that...don't think that it's over because 48 hours from now is a long long time

Big things are happening in this. I am making some moves of my own which we cannot make public

[pause, background change]

I am buying five, I have five. [We need] to give the message that the five are very important

And tell him if he secures five more and it turns to 10, the game will be in our hand

The nation is alarmed right now.

Across the board people want us to win in any way possible, so no one needs to worry if this is right or wrong - whatever the tactic.

Even if someone breaks one, it will have a big impact

Meeting on PM House audio leaks

Interestingly, the audio was leaked online at the same time as Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah was chairing the first meeting of the committee formed to probe audio leaks.

The meeting was attended by federal ministers, cabinet secretary, and representatives of the Inter-Services Intelligence and Intelligence Bureau.

The federal government established the committee to investigate the security breach at the PM House and suggest steps to ensure safety.

It is important to note that neither the PML-N nor the PTI contradicted the contents of the audios, however, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif categorically denied that his government has any role in the matter.


Reacting to the development, senior PTI leader Fawad Chauhdry claimed that this audio is edited and the people know the source of the audio leaks.

"Can you justify the NRO22 by making such audios? It won't happen. People know where these are being produced and how."

The long march will decide, he said.

'Conman and fraud'​

On the other hand, Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal termed the PTI chief "a conman and a fraud".

And this idiot been crying of the then opposition using horse trading. But this is exactly what he's been doing while sitting in the PM house. A crook and a lair, a shameless one. And brainless PTI supporters will certainly come up with a stupid justification. I get amused by their silly justifications. Let's see for how long these dummies keep aimlessly trying to defend him.
Corrupt dollar khor generals still thinking people are ill inform and they will leave khan with the release of these fake audio videos :lol:
This latest audio leak seems to expose Imran Khan poorly. How does the local news media in Pakistan treat this expose? Depending on how well the news media manages to take this new development to the public, PDM's fortunes may change. :coffee:
Strange times. Never seen Indians supporting a political party in unison. Anyway you can continue to enjoy the echo chamber you have built for yourself.
Oh no 😂🤣

Here you go @ Indians some more material for you lot . 😁
What have Indians to do with this ??
All we can do is just watch a comedy like Pakistan entertain the world again.

Everyone in the world knows IK was ushered onto the Kursi by the establishment who helped buy up Parliamentary members so he could be PM
The idea that IK is some pure honest politician is the most laughable lie.
IK will lie cheat even kill to get to the Kursi and that has not and will not change
He is a charlatan and will always be one
Strange times. Never seen Indians supporting a political party in unison. Anyway you can continue to enjoy the echo chamber you have built for yourself.
I've not expressed support for any party in the post that you've quoted. It was a mere observation that Imran could well be on to the back foot after recent leaks. Media's role in this expose has the potential to resurrect PDM's fortune. Most PTI supporters here are overseas Pakistanis; their dismissal of this audio leak does not matter so much because they do get to vote anyways. :undecided:
Prettt clear that the audio is doctored from 0:20 until 0:40 or something. The background and tenor changes too.

As a cynic, I would be very open to the idea that IK did indeed buy or try to buy opposition MNAs- but this audio, the way it’s doctored is proof that he didn’t. Because if he did, it would have been recorded and clearly they don’t have jack shit on that front if they are releasing this.
This is nothing, according to Gill, Nani 420 is gone to London to work on the deep fake video releases of Imran Khan.
I hope she intends to entertain us all, what a blockbuster movie it would be if Nani 420 shows herself at the receiving end of Imran Khan. Both parties members would be happy from such leak. :-):-)

with the quality of work she is producing making blunders that even a 12 years wont make, I am afraid she will make her video with Imran.
I've not expressed support for any party in the post that you've quoted. It was a mere observation that Imran could well be on to the back foot after recent leaks.Media's role in this expose has the potential to resurrect PDM's fortune. Most PTI supporters here are overseas Pakistanis; their dismissal of this audio leak does not matter so much because they do get to vote anyways.
You are clearly a cheer leader, but you can deny it as usually:
And yes we can see here denial of overseas Pakistanis doesn’t matter as, according to you they cannot vote, but the acceptance of overseas Indians does? LoL sure.
Now reality is overseas Pakistanis can vote in elections in Pakistan, its not like NRI status for Indians - they still hold full rights with passport, ID cards etc. Secondly, they can finance political parties and campaign through family and friends as well.

Media's role in this expose has the potential to resurrect PDM's fortune.

hazar khawahishain aisi ka har khawahish pa dam niklay. Keep up the support.
Now reality is overseas Pakistanis can vote in elections in Pakistan, its not like NRI status for Indians - they still hold full rights with passport, ID cards etc. Secondly, they can finance political parties and campaign through family and friends as well.

I did not know this. Then I wonder why overseas Pakistanis on this forum complain about voting? Is it because you have to be in Pakistan for casting a vote?
He is getting exposed every day Alhamdulillah. One can imagine how much dirt this no 1 fraudia Niazi carries with him. Only fools will side with him and put their Imaan in danger.
If a group of people who are known to be corrupt are all desperately trying to silence one man, it says a lot.

But they plan, and Allah Plans. And Allah is the best of planners

How hard is it to run out of the clock ? Imran Khan is 67 years old.
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