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Last year 29,000 officials been sentenced to jail

China is on the right track. Once a PRECEDENT is set, honest officials would not be intimidated to perform their duties accordingly and the bad apples will be punished if they cross the line.

The mood is set, well done China!
In India the legal system is horrifically slow. I doubt there were even 10% of the Chinese number punished.
Where are you? I am doing business in the south and west, but almost every business ,we need to please the officials no matter money or nice night thing or restaurant thing.

how south and how west?

Yunnan? Guizhou?

Also depends on what field. Medicine is very bad. Software, not so much.
better to catch some than none at all.

I think we should have realistic goals like getting corruption down to Eastern Europe levels.

According to the 2011 corruption ranking were ahead of Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria , Bosnia, Belarus, Albania, Romania, rank 75.

Corruption is eating away however we must tackle it even stronger.
Last year there were around 29,000 government officials been punished for bribery and corruptions, long way ahead for China to tackle its corruptions

the private media and blogs doing a good job in this respect

It's best to execute them. Stronger laws against corruption should be in place.
China's top procurator Cao Jianming said Sunday that prosecutors nationwide investigated 2,524 corrupt officials at or above the county head level, with 198 at the prefectural level and seven at the ministerial level.

The prosecutors took a hard line on civil servants who abuse their power for personal gains or take bribes, investigating 7,366 people in administrative and law-enforcement departments and 2,395 in the judiciary system, said Cao, while delivering a work report at the annual session of the National People's Congress (NPC).

Reviewing the work of the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) in 2011, Cao, procurator-general of the SPP, said greater emphasis was put to the combination of punitive and preventive measures, with procuratorates at all levels launching extensive publicity campaigns to prevent work-related crimes.

For 2012, Cao said measures such as preventive consultation, preventive investigation and warning education would be deepened to boost the building of punishment and prevention system for corruption.

According to Wang Yukai, a professor with the National Academy of Administration, the lack of prevention is often the reason for officials, especially the chief official of a department, to make the initial wrong step and then begin to take more bribes or embezzle more state assets until they are busted.

In a separate report to the parliamentary session Sunday, China's chief justice Wang Shengjun said courts nationwide convicted 29,000 people for embezzlement, bribery and malfeasance last year.

Cao said efforts were intensified last year to crack down on crimes of offering bribes, prosecuting 4,217 bribers, a year-on-year increase of 6.2 percent.

"Combining prevention and punishment will be more effective in combating corruption. But it will also require greater efforts to improve the anti-corruption system and further engage the public and the media in overseeing power," said Wang, the professor.

A communique issued after a plenary meeting of the discipline watchdog of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in January said, "The task of anti-corruption remains arduous. The war on corruption has scored evident achievements, but prominent problems still exist, and although anti-corruption efforts have been intensified, corruption still occurs."

It said greater efforts would be made to build a system of corruption prevention and control and more emphasis would be put to the combination of prevention and punishment in 2012, which the communique called "a year of significance" for deepening the anti-corruption drive.

Zheng Hong, an NPC deputy and procurator-general of the People' s Procuratorate of Guangdong Province, said, "A concept should be established to view both punishment and prevention as achievements. Investigating and preventing work-related crimes are equally important."

Zheng said the prevention of such crimes should be done in a comprehensive manner, employing measures of education, preventive investigation and crime-file inquiring to advance prevention in both individuals and industries.

Meanwhile, Zheng said preventive work should be intensified in grassroots organizations and corruption-prone areas just as in big construction projects.

Chen Shu, an NPC deputy and lawyer from the southern city of Guangzhou, said the more emphasis on prevention shows China is improving its anti-corruption system to reduce work-related crimes at the root. This would mean less damage to the society, Chen added.

As the current national anti-corruption five-year plan will end by this year, Chen proposed harsher punishment for bribers in drawing the next plan.

"This is to create a social environment that will eventually lead to the ban on the corrupt 'hidden rules', and to confine market entities to operate according to the law. It's also a preventive measure in another perspective," Chen said.
Got to accept that CHINA is a role model in punishing the corupt.
God I wish that I had a body in the INDIAN government just like the Judiciary not infuenced by any other office that punishes the corrupt INDIAN buracrats
^^^ if you let corrupt officials get away on light punishment it won't work thats why the death penalty sends a message.

Wholesale stemming out corruptions for a young country is a very time consuming process, especially for a country with China's size. But China is in a much better position than most countries around the world because she is seriously attempt to achieve such goals. Her many initiatives are just beginning.

I'm optimistic.

Corruption and Environmental issues need to be tackled, I admire Singapore on how far it has come.
^^^ if you let corrupt officials get away on light punishment it won't work thats why the death penalty sends a message.

Corruption and Environmental issues need to be tackled, I admire Singapore on how far it has come.
i don't belive in Death penality, but revoking thier citizenship and their familys for 10 years and seizing their property making them not leave the country will do the job.
i don't belive in Death penality, but revoking thier citizenship and their familys for 10 years and seizing their property making them not leave the country will do the job.

Each country has it's own ways of punishing the corrupt , however I do agree that India needs stronger laws on corrupt letting them off to easily will just make the situation worse . China currently ranked 75 in corruption I would like it to get to 50 during 2012-2013.
Each country has it's own ways of punishing the corrupt , however I do agree that India needs stronger laws on corrupt letting them off to easily will just make the situation worse . China currently ranked 75 in corruption I would like it to get to 50 during 2012-2013.
Its citizens like you who have a vision for your country that makes the difference.
INDIA too has a lot of such visionaries but as a democracy it will take a longer time but sure when it matures we will give a health competition to CHINA.
Its citizens like you who have a vision for your country that makes the difference.
INDIA too has a lot of such visionaries but as a democracy it will take a longer time but sure when it matures we will give a health competition to CHINA.

You will get there journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. ;)
According to the 2011 corruption ranking were ahead of Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria , Bosnia, Belarus, Albania, Romania, rank 75.

Corruption is eating away however we must tackle it even stronger.

Correct. Corruption Perceptions Index compiled by Transparency International 2011 shown in the wikipedia link below.

Give 5 years to Xi to advance 5 to 10 places up the ranking. And then a set of 5-year plans to eradicate this "mother of all crimes". Concurrently the problem of cronyism is also rampant. They need to tackle it as well.

Corruption Perceptions Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Correct. Corruption Perceptions Index compiled by Transparency International 2011 shown in the wikipedia link below.

Give 5 years to Xi to advance 5 to 10 places up the ranking. And then a set of 5-year plans to eradicate this "mother of all crimes". Concurrently the problem of cronyism is also rampant. They need to tackle it as well.

Corruption Perceptions Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Xi has alot of cleaning from Corruption to the Environment Issues, I hope we can get to at least in the 50's range in 3-5 years.

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