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Last words of Aurangzeb on his death-bed

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hey....the picture in your avatar....i have seen it at many places....wat does it mean ??

It is a symbol of solidarity with democrats of Egypt popularized by Erdogan of Turkey and co-opted by many Islamic democrats.

I do not wish to say more for fear of derailing the thread. Message me if you want to continue this conversation.

The language you use shows your origins and your level of education (if any)...
You must have got the point......

.... and what have you learned about my origins, level of education, etc...

Also what point were you trying to make? All I could see was an incitement for troll-fest. Did you mean it some other way? Let me know kid.
How do the Indian posters relate it the atrocities committed in Rigvedic battle of Dasrajana and Mahabharata where tens of millions of people were killed – Pandavas or Kauravas were not Muslims or were they. How do they relate it to the numerous battles that were fought amongst various states in India and the innumerable atrocities committed in those battles even before the advent of Muslims in India. Even after the Muslim advent in India, various states aligned either with or against the Dilli Sarkar and fought against each other in which numerous people were killed by various Hindu Rajas – how do the Indian poster view such aspects. Or is it that Indian history only talks about Muslim era and not the numerous more atrocities committed by their own Hindu rulers on their own people.

bro , there was a war conduct in ancient india... though when a state wins over other state it was just a change in the dynasty but ordinary people were not murdered nor they were forced to change their religion nor the temples were destroyed .....ifyou visit south india once u cansee many temples which where destroyed by muslim invaders ,the butchering of people and the horrible ways they employed in order to convert the native people...soldeirs being killed in a war is different from armies going on rampages on villages and towns obliterating every hindu structure , kiling people and raping women....
Mehrgarh is located in Pakistan and not India. It is a city with a history of over 9000 years. Was there an India then - there wasn't any.
It is a symbol of solidarity with democrats of Egypt popularized by Erdogan of Turkey and co-opted by many Islamic democrats.

I do not wish to say more for fear of derailing the thread. Message me if you want to continue this conversation.


thnk u!!
Mehrgarh is located in Pakistan and not India. It is a city with a history of over 9000 years. Was there an India then - there wasn't any.

Nobody knew about Pakistan back then. Civilization belongs to Humanity, not contemporary nation states.
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He also imposed Zakat on Muslims . And, percentage of Zakat was greater than Jazia. Again, Jazia was imposed on the 21st year of his rule. It was mainly for financial reason. Even women and handicapped hindus were excluded. But, every Muslim had to give Zakat.

Tell me just one think - Will you allow another Khalistan in India? Same reason.

You are an Idiot who want to change the Historical facts for your so called fear of Khalistan. Stop your BS. Aurangzeb was a back stabber fundamentalist Muslim. When he confessed that he was a sinner, Who are you to advocate that he was a very good human being.

He also imposed Zakat on Muslims

Blunt Lie. Pl provide the reference that he imposed Zakat on Muslims only.

Oye kakay if Killing Non Muslim Innocent Civilians was the Holy duty of Muslims than after being Ruled for Couple of Hundred Years By Muslims there wouldn't have been a single Hindu left in Sub continent...You should be Thankful to the Morals of True Muslim Rulers as they didn't Looted,Raped or Rampantly Killed you as was the Norm during those Times....

Because Muslims were not powerful enough. Their Asses were continuously kicked by Shikhs, Marathas and Rajputs. How ever your country did a wonderful job of reducing Hindus to 1% from 21 % in 63 years.
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How do the Indian posters relate it the atrocities committed in Rigvedic battle of Dasrajana and Mahabharata where tens of millions of people were killed – Pandavas or Kauravas were not Muslims or were they. How do they relate it to the numerous battles that were fought amongst various states in India and the innumerable atrocities committed in those battles even before the advent of Muslims in India. Even after the Muslim advent in India, various states aligned either with or against the Dilli Sarkar and fought against each other in which numerous people were killed by various Hindu Rajas – how do the Indian poster view such aspects. Or is it that Indian history only talks about Muslim era and not the numerous more atrocities committed by their own Hindu rulers on their own people.

I have not seen rulers seen wage wars on another just for their wives, like some Muslim kings did in India. If u mention Ramayana , yes, war ends on the side on Dharma(Justice), and its a one off case.
Ther was strict rules on war. U cannot wage a war without informing ur enemy, no fight after sunset, not harming womens and cows after the war etc which were strictly enforced.
Even Pakistani rulers like Porus followed this kinda rules. There was honour and bravery in every war.
But it was not the case with some Islamic rulers!
Because Muslims were not powerful enough. Their Asses were continuously kicked by Shikhs, Marathas and Rajputs. How ever your country did a wonderful job of reducing Hindus to 1% from 21 % in 63 years.

Yes they were Powerful enough to Eradicate your Kind as was the Norm doing by the Invaders that time but you should be thankful as you speak now because Muslim Ruler's were kind Enough to let your kind to Live in Peace otherwise you won't have been here jibber jabbering....
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