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Largest cancer research institute in South Asia

There it proves me right again.

point 3 suggests that a man eating lee fruits is more vulnerable to cancer than to those who eat more fruits and vegetables

point 4 suggest we have to consume a certain amount of vitamic c to maintain our plasma level which if not done can lead to cancer

these are not man made things........but natural phenomenon

then there is chronic inflammation which is a natural phenomenon which leads to cancer

but majority of cancer is caused by man made things......i can agree to that
Majority of factors are man made.
ab kya bolu.......i'll give an example.......most common cancer in indian women is cervical cancer>>>>>mainly caused by HPV

koi MD medicine ya Pathologist hai yaha?????
. .
I did read that viral infections cause these oncogenes to mutate.But then too viruses causing it must be a rare case compared to other factors isnt it???
Genetically speaking the presence of BRCA gene in women causes breast cancer, it can be hereditary,Cancer might not have existed 3000 yrs ago in mummies because there are few of them and most mummified were royals who would be well off and pampered, but cancer did exist in old ayurvedic texts and sushruta samahita..

Even being awake at nights leads to cancer, latest study reports anything other than natural light in nighttime leads to disruption of circadian rhythm which in turn upsets your pitutary gland and thereby leading to imbalance in hormones.Melatonin is secreted in night.

So its not entirely true cancers are man made many such viruses and bacterias exists in nature which cause cancer and genetic syndromes.
@halupridol @45'22' @Bombermanx1
I stand corrected......
Occurrences of cancer 're fueled by man made activities.And that a third of such cancers can be prevented.

Dont give me a CC fright.

news to me....completely.
I agree with your point man made cancers are many and have been more in recent years, My grandfather lived for 99 years and he started smoking cigars since he was kid of 9 yrs in olden times it was not taboo. and he smoked till her died , he never had fever,arthritis,diabetes, high bp or cancer.He was very fit infact he would get up a 5 am and take cold water baths,bask in early morning sun for vitamin d maintained a tight schedule,everything on time be it breakfast, lunch,tea or dinner he would hit the bed by 8 in night.While another person i know never smoked nor drinked alcohol but he died of lung cancer.:(
Lifestyle changes lead to cancers.But it is also true you inherit good genes and bad genes, longevity is gene based.
But certainly pollution nowadays is main cause of cancer around 60-70%.

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