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Large bomb goes off in Bangkok

We stand with you Thailand.

Better not be militants from Southern Thailand....that would likely lead to a whole chain of unfortunate events
Recently Thailand deported Rohingyas,and Uighur to China
RIP to the dead.

Is this a Buddhist or a Hindu shrine? The name we use "四面佛" (four-faced Buddha) seems to imply it would be a Buddhist shrine.

EDIT: I checked and apparently 四面佛 can also refer to a deity called Brahma.

Which still doesn't clarify if this is a Buddhist or Hindu shrine.

It is a shrine that is visited by overwhelmingly Buddhist Thais. In South East Asia Hinduism and Buddhism existed side by side and there are many Hindu influences. Same in Sri Lanka.

This place is called Erawan Shine.
Erawan Shrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chinese name : 四面佛 ERAWAN SHRINE : 4 face Bhudda.

RIP to the poor people who died at the hands of this evil.
I wouldn't be surprised this is a breakaway faction of the South Thailand militants, who may now be taking direction from IS, as the attack had their hallmarks. The insurgency so far had been low level and with smaller attacks.
Now what the fault of Buddhist. ...are there illegal rohingya in Bangkok.
Many foreign tourists killed, I think this attack was clearly aimed at thailand's tourism industry.
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