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Laptop scheme back fired

Can't talk on logic and valid arguments, resort quickly to personal attacks - a trait learned by you from your elders, aap ka iss me koi qasoor nai hay. Apna qibla durst karlo - Imran Khan tho kisi ko nai chorhay ga bhaiya.

Pakistan Zindabad

You'r having sleepness nights by trying to defend this pro western IK..I don't blame you neither want to get into any arguments.

Since your pointing ur fingers at me for personal attacks, who's trying act civilized by telling me wht i have learn from my elders.

Just give a sec and look at your posts on all the forum, and just think is that your parents taught you when they raised you.

YOu and his fans boys will go down to any level to defend this pro western,I don't blame u or any1 else,But find a icon that u could look upto
Do you know how rampant sex phone talk is among youngsters? Give them means of broadcasting themselves to others and they will do the same.
Our girls are not "sharif" as they use to be once upon a time. My respect for them is going down day by day because of their immoral behavior.

We all know what happens at those late night hours being awarded by all GSM operators..the mobile networks are tad too busy all night

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Laptop scheme is good? Lol......PML(N) supporters are hilarious at time.

Cost of each laptop = Rs. 1,25,000
Actual cost of each laptop = Rs. 25,000
Corruption in each laptop = Rs. 1,00,000
Corruption in total = Rs. 1,00,000 * 1,00,000 = Rs. 10,000,000,000 only

By the way.....2nd hand PC's with better specs would cost 10k in such a massive quantity. So it could really have been either 5,00,000 laptops or around 1.2 million desktops.

But hey....if it's PML(N) or PPP(P) or MQM or ANP or PTI or any other damned political party, the supporters will always remain loyal. If only this loyalty was with the country!

Buying of the Laptops, Distribution of the Laptops is trasparent (Transparency International, Express newspaper,19th April, Fromt page)
Buying of the Laptops, Distribution of the Laptops is trasparent (Transparency International, Express newspaper,19th April, Fromt page)

show us the tender advertisement and when and where the advertised bidding took place...

I know PMLN is good with photoshop so a newspaper advertisement link would establish

nobody here needs to sacrifice themselves just to defend or oppose laptops, the point is simple that
Laptop Corruption scam !!

Rs 1.70 billion laptop scandal in Punjab

By Adnan Adil

Lahore: By procuring 110,000 laptops with inferior and outdated processors through a local company instead of directly from the manufacturing company at a much higher than normal price, the Punjab government incurred a loss of at least Rs 1.7 billion to the provincial kitty, Daily Times has learnt.

The Punjab government has bought Dell laptops with outdated Pentium-D processors for Rs 4 billion at a rate of Rs 37,000 per laptop. But the retail market value of this machine is not more than a maximum of Rs 25,000.
Brother you should surf the Front Page of Express newspaper (E-paper :: Daily Express) 19th April, 2012. Transparancy International has certified that the Purchase of these Laptops is transparent. there is no such curruption.

show us the tender advertisement and when and where the advertisement bidding took place...

I know PMLN is good with photoshop so a newspaper advertisement link would establish

As the name indicates "Transparancy International" is an international Institute. Do you really claiming that the Officers/Officials of such an institution are so dump that they can not even identify such photoshop act.... ?? Seriously ??
Brother you should surf the Front Page of Express newspaper (E-paper :: Daily Express) 19th April, 2012. Transparancy International has certified that the Purchase of these Laptops is transparent. there is no such curruption.

As the name indicates "Transparancy International" is an international Institute. Do you really claiming that the Officers/Officials of such an institution are so dump that they can not even identify such photoshop act.... ?? Seriously ??

show us the tender advertisement and when and where the advertised bidding took place...
this is the nonsense politican feed to jahil awan for covering up their own in-competencies.
Look at Malaysia, Indonesia, Oman, HongKong, Israel..Japan and Germany complete destroyed in WW2.. All of them have defeated us while in 64 years of independence we couldn't even set up a proper administrative structure and country constitution. And whenever we did have good governance it was taken down by foreign proxies. Point in case..Mushraff.

What warrants that girls will not watch ****?

You just dont even know the difference between Nation and Country :hitwall: ... and dont even know the History :hitwall:
mubashar luqman exposing laptop corruption by Shehbaz Sharif CM Punjab from PMLN Nawaz Sharif Group ...

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Reportedly they are just giving Dual Core laptops (2006 technology) which cost around 25000 but Punjab Government paid 125,000 for each of them. Is that true?
If you wana play latest HD video games, sure DC is an old technology, but you wana run office applications, a statistical package, an engneering program its very sufficient.
This another cheap popularity and family projection stunt at the cost of public money and funds for running education projects. Good job by the junior journalist. I think this is true journalism and it should continue everywhere in Pakistan, against all rulers and government departments. Let people know where their money is going.
mubashar luqman exposing laptop corruption by Shehbaz Sharif CM Punjab from PMLN Nawaz Sharif Group ...

I have an advice for Mubashir Luqman : If these proofs are soo real and soo authentic and soo solid and he (M.L) is a "True Patriot" then plssss go to the courts.....
>You are a very very rich person, just one night income of yours is enough for the court fee.
>Any political party like PTI or PPP can help you for the court fee.
>Last but not the least, there are NGOs who can fight this suit for public interest.
but i guarantee you this, he will never go to the courts... coz he knows that everything he "GENERATES" has no solid grounds,aur adalat mai lainay k dainay parr jain gey. He only Generates such thing to create Mist/Fog so he can hide the good, people remains confused and no party can have simple majority (divide and ROCK).
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I have an advice for Mubashir Luqman : If these proofs are soo real and soo authentic and soo solid and he (M.L) is a "True Patriot" then plssss go to the courts.....
>You are a very very rich person, just one night income of yours is enough for the court fee.
>Any political party like PTI or PPP can help you for the court fee.
>Last but not the least, there are NGOs who can fight this suit for public interest.
but i guarantee you this, he will never go to the courts... coz he knows that everything he "GENERATES" has no solid grounds,aur adalat mai lainay k dainay parr jain gey. He only Generates such thing to create Mist/Fog so he can hide the good, people remains confused and no party can have simple majority (divide and ROCK).

Who stops Punjab government from going to courts and lodge defamation suit against Mubashir Luqman.
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