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Lapses in security,a study after jail break

Slav Defence

Oct 30, 2010
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This post is a response to @Last Hope and @Major Sam's post jail break:

Seeing @Xeric's analysis and reports from news agencies,it is clear that lapses are diagnosed in police and civil regime who accused army in order to hide it's own blunders.
Security Lapse:Crisis and solution

Written By:Slav defence

The incidents such as Jail break of DI Khan and TTP attack has raised several questions on our defence and security,more specifically our police,training difference basic lapses as well as the coordination and communication between civil sectors,federal and provincial governmental bodies as well.

A lot discussions took place after that attack,counter response seems good.
So,I have prepared a systematic,diagrammatic study so that we can understand first of all the overview of problem,then suggest solutions with respect to it.


Fig..1.1 which I have drawn clearly mentions,that transfer of information was successful,the intelligence issued memo a day before this catastrophe,however the police performance does not appear sufficient and eligible enough to counter reponse perfectly at the time of attack,this has raised a lot of questions to our police department who mainly tried to hide out it's blunders by blaming intel for such failure.

--Their eligibility
--Their training
--Their performance
--Their psychology

Sadly,this is a fact that our police is not as effective as intelligence and army,that is why army is hired at a time of massive problems.

Sadly,we can see clear difference between a police officer and military professional,as there is a difference of their training,although Pakistan army has made an excellent attempt to cover such lapses by helping civil government to fulfill this weak spot,yet still we are not succeed to achieve our goal,our police is not eligible enough to deal with major catastrophes,they are not provided with updated,latest technology,where as government does take enough steps to motivate them,instead,thus the moral of our police seems low,due to low moral we can also observe the tentacles of corruption due to which has worsen the situation,overall thus,this has damaged the psychology of police as well,due to this they are not succeed to give 100% of result


Fig..1.2 which I have drawn,again points out clearly why our police officer's reaction was so weak?even though if some members object and say that their weapons were up to date (if they were as they claim),I will again question on police training,through out the world the powerful countries are working on their police training for example here is an extract of police magazine:


Figure 1 demonstrates that seasoned officers place importance on requisites for vocational vitality that are omitted under current curricula focused on officer safety and functional proficiency. It should be noted that the identified requisites for officer vitality have a direct impact on an officer’s spiritual well-being and are, by their very nature, subject to ongoing attack over their vocational life. Unfortunately, none of the academy training courses listed makes officers immune to the effects of toxic exposures such as horrific crime scenes or traffic accidents. Such chronic exposures take a tremendous toll on a person’s emotional and spiritual well-being. In fact, based upon research developed over the course of a decade of FBI-NA instruction directly focused on topics related to officer wellness, few officers have responded enthusiastically to inquiries regarding having received training to prepare them for the exposures of the law enforcement vocation. In other words, while other disciplines have established without doubt that humans are multidimensional, law enforcement training has not yet evolved to the point of addressing the urgent need to prepare officers spiritually.

Across the past decade, many crucial discussions about the strengths and weaknesses of twenty-first century police cadet training have been held at the FBI-NA. Law enforcement executives from around the world concur that there is currently a wide training gap with respect to the requisites for vocational vitality and the skill sets officers are trained in at the academy level. A review of the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA)–approved training curricula in police academies reveals that the primary foci of police cadet training are physical fitness, defensive tactics, firearms, defensive driving, departmental and patrol procedures, constitutional law, court testimony, and report writing. Whether or not the training is basic, intermediate, or advanced depends routinely on the length of the training program, among other factors. Longer training programs typically include instruction on topics such as homeland security, major crimes, crisis intervention, ethics, and death notification.1 Exceptional training that holistically addresses salient aspects of practice, performance, vitality, and longevity in law enforcement is noticeably lacking from the CALEA-approved training requirements for police academies across the nation.

More and more, the most innovative leaders in law enforcement are coming to the realization that this gap in training, though unintended, can no longer be ignored. It reflects a failure of law enforcement to train the whole person in a comprehensive and effective manner. Furthermore, this gap in training contributes disproportionately to the inability of officers to cope with the multitude of external and internal toxins to which they are exposed by not equipping them with the necessary tools to properly cope.

It is no longer acceptable to ignore the current practice of benign neglect: using maladaptive behaviors to fill the void created by the underdevelopment of the spiritual dimension of humanity. To save lives and vocations, this gap in training must be addressed. Throughout the twenty-first century, it will be the role and responsibility of innovative chiefs to ensure that officers receive appropriate training to cultivate the whole person.

Beyond Survival toward Officer Wellness (BeSTOW)

Traditionally, law enforcement training has been one-dimensional. The profession’s best training practices have focused on tactical and mental development while omitting the cultivation of emotional and spiritual intelligences. An innovative chief embraces curricula that intentionally cultivate the whole person: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Without developing the complete person, all officers are, at some time in their vocational life, likely to be dysfunctional in one dimension or another. Thus, it is probable that officers who are overcome by unpreparedness at the societal as well as the agency level will attempt suicide. Addressing these issues proactively and in a holistic manner is the manifestation of spirituality in law enforcement

where as our government has still not taken any sufficient steps to make police perform better.

Now here is my figure 1.3 which finally suggests solutions:


The diagram clearly suggests the solutions,of problems such as:

--Lapses within police sector
--Trust deficiency between law and government sectors
--Corruption within police department

Therefore I hope that this diagrammatic approach will help us to understand solution and problems to it.

--We must work on latest methods to train our police.
--They must be provided with latest technology and updated weapons and trained to deal with major catastrophes,Pakistan army has always supported civil government in such cases and they will give more support if asked
--The amount reserved for police must be increased,if civil regime complains of failure for lack of required amount due to various reasons,then civil regime is advised to add additional tax 1.2% for police in upcoming budget.

--Another factor we have is corruption,there are various reasons of it,but mainly few are:
>Low ranked police officers get less paid,are not given enough salaries to run their budget

--So strict actions must be taken against corrupted mindsets,the salaries of police officers must be increased.
--Now few also raised question on time taken for intelligence sharing,ie a day before memo was issued,so time requirement is another issue,which may be due to lack of trust between civil sectors.

--Necessary steps must be taken to reduce civil trust deficiency especially between intel agencies of army and civil sectors,also between Federal and Provincial elected bodies for this:

--A committee must be made which consists of both elected bodies of government and army representatives,the key objective of committee must be:
>To reduce trust deficiency
>Boost intel sharing with each other
>Works on steps to update training courses of police,as it is the greatest need.

Our army will be less burdened if our police will show better performance and will be made eligible to deal with major catastrophes,

Best Regards,
Slav defence
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An excellent effort by you...I commend it. Very encouraging...

There are some deficits, some grammatical problems, but a very good effort.

I'll give a detailed reply later.
An excellent effort by you...I commend it. Very encouraging...

There are some deficits, some grammatical problems, but a very good effort.

I'll give a detailed reply later.

Thankyou sir,forget grammar,I have ignored it,instead I have given my full effort to throw suggestions...:D
This post is a response to @Last Hope and @Major Sam's post jail break:

Seeing @Xeric's analysis and reports from news agencies,it is clear that lapses are diagnosed in police and civil regime accused army in order to hide it's own blunders.
Security Lapse:Crisis and solution

Written By:Slav defence

The incidents such as Jail break of DI Khan and TTP attack has raised several questions on our defence and security,more specifically our police,training difference basic lapses as well as the coordination and communication between civil sectors,federal and provincial governmental bodies as well.

A lot discussions took place after that attack,counter response seems good.
So,I have prepared a systematic,diagrammatic study so that we can understand first of all the overview of problem,then suggest solutions with respect to it.


Fig..1.1 which I have drawn clearly mentions,that transfer of information was successful,the intelligence issued memo a day before this catastrophe,however the police performance does not appear sufficient and eligible enough to counter reponse perfectly at the time of attack,this has raised a lot of questions to our police department who mainly tried to hide out it's blunders by blaming intel for such failure.

--Their eligibility
--Their training
--Their performance
--Their psychology

Sadly,this is a fact that our police is not as effective as intelligence and army,that is why army is hired at a time of massive problems.

Sadly,we can see clear difference between a police officer and military professional,as there is a difference of their training,although Pakistan army has made an excellent attempt to cover such lapses by helping civil government to fulfill this weak spot,yet still we are not succeed to achieve our goal,our police is not eligible enough to deal with major catastrophes,they are not provided with updated,latest technology,where as government does take enough steps to motivate them,instead,thus the moral of our police seems low,due to low moral we can also observe the tentacles of corruption due to which has worsen the situation,overall thus,this has damaged the psychology of police as well,due to this they are not succeed to give 100% of result


Fig..1.2 which I have drawn,again points out clearly why our police officer's reaction was so weak?even though if some members object and say that their weapons were up to date (if they were as they claim),I will again question on police training,through out the world the powerful countries are working on their police training for example here is an extract of police magazine:


where as our government has still not taken any sufficient steps to make police perform better.

Now here is my figure 1.3 which finally suggests solutions:


The diagram clearly suggests the solutions,of problems such as:

--Lapses within police sector
--Trust deficiency between law and government sectors
--Corruption within police department

Therefore I hope that this diagrammatic approach will help us to understand solution and problems to it.

--We must work on latest methods to train our police.
--They must be provided with latest technology and updated weapons and trained to deal with major catastrophes,Pakistan army has always supported civil government in such cases and they will give more support if asked
--The amount reserved for police must be increased,if civil regime complains of failure for lack of required amount due to various reasons,then civil regime is advised to add additional tax 1.2% for police in upcoming budget.

--Another factor we have is corruption,there are various reasons of it,but mainly few are:
>Low ranked police officers get less paid,are not given enough salaries to run their budget

--So strict actions must be taken against corrupted mindsets,the salaries of police officers must be increased.
--Now few also raised question on time taken for intelligence sharing,ie a day before memo was issued,so time requirement is another issue,which may be due to lack of trust between civil sectors.

--Necessary steps must be taken to reduce civil trust deficiency especially between intel agencies of army and civil sectors,also between Federal and Provincial elected bodies for this:

--A committee must be made which consists of both elected bodies of government and army representatives,the key objective of committee must be:
>To reduce trust deficiency
>Boost intel sharing with each other
>Works on steps to update training courses of police,as it is the greatest need.

Our army will be less burdened if our police will show better performance and will be made eligible to deal with major catastrophes,

Best Regards,
Slav defence

in my case i observed from PDF, from discussions in talk shows.

For this i will take these statistics as a base.

- Plan was already decided how to tackle attack by taliban and they did exercises too and every thing was fine till evening.

- They put extra 50 ELite force commandos with up to date weapons.
- Machine gun was installed on the main gate ( Main gate was built by britain and it was string enough to deter any attack for shorter time).
- communication with Army in case of attack.

if you look above every thing was perfect on virtual scenario to tackle any sort of attack

But in reality During attack the reality was

- Around 100+ TTP Militants Attacked The Jail.

-Fired RPG on APC of police and destroyed.
- Destroy Transformer
- Attacked from 3 side to keep inside police man busy
- Police open the gate with out any obstacle
- police didn't contact with army
- 2nd tier defence layer police hide and run away.
- took half hour to finish their job inside Jail
- Army came to know after attack
- Police backup arrived in 4 and Half Hour

The Failure attribution can be given to these factors.

1. Lack of Leadership Will from High Political Authorities

Reason: To fight and to sacrifice your life for something is not a easy job for any person. For this two major things are needed.

- Strong Belief( For What i am Dying)
- Strong will power and clear objective

which both are lack in police bec of sympathetic behaviour of KPK Govt. this thing make them confuse why to sacrifice there own life for these leaders who call them there friends.

2. Inside Job

With out inside job they couldn't have able to get inside the jail with out any obstacle. here , where we need to find out corrupt and taliban sympathizer among us.

@Slav Defence

The police sipahi salary is even 20K +. how you can say its very low even as an engineer we got job in pakistan in sub cons around 8 or 10k.


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in my case i observed from PDF, from discussions in talk shows.

For this i will take these statistics as a base.

- Plan was already decided how to tackle attack by taliban and they did exercises too and every thing was fine till evening.

- They put extra 50 ELite force commandos with up to date weapons.
- Machine gun was installed on the main gate ( Main gate was built by britain and it was string enough to deter any attack for shorter time).
- communication with Army in case of attack.

if you look above every thing was perfect on virtual scenario to tackle any sort of attack

But in reality During attack the reality was

- Around 100+ TTP Militants Attacked The Jail.

-Fired RPG on APC of police and destroyed.
- Destroy Transformer
- Attacked from 3 side to keep inside police man busy
- Police open the gate with out any obstacle
- police didn't contact with army
- 2nd tier defence layer police hide and run away.
- took half hour to finish their job inside Jail
- Army came to know after attack
- Police backup arrived in 4 and Half Hour

The Failure attribution can be given to these factors.

1. Lack of Leadership Will from High Political Authorities

Reason: To fight and to sacrifice your life for something is not a easy job for any person. For this two major things are needed.

- Strong Belief( For What i am Dying)
- Strong will power and clear objective

which both are lack in police bec of sympathetic behaviour of KPK Govt. this thing make them confuse why to sacrifice there own life for these leaders who call them there friends.

2. Inside Job

With out inside job they couldn't have able to get inside the jail with out any obstacle. here , where we need to find out corrupt and taliban sympathizer among us.

@Slav Defence

The police sipahi salary is even 20K +. how you can say its very low even as an engineer we got job in pakistan in sub cons around 8 or 10k.



First of all,for me,20,000 is less,and it is for those engineers who are newly hired,the company later on give more training to eng in order to enhance his/her skills.where as a police officer who has already taken part in combat operations is given such a salary,wouldn't it be unfair with him?you are ignoring the perspective of psychology as well,I don't think so that for such exp officer can consider 20 thousand enough for a living,for schooling of his kids,for everyday expenses,imagine that some offers him 50 thousand less/more as a bribery,imagine that how he will feel? so I demand government that their salary must be increased.
second,if you again see my post,you will see that I have written 'low ranked officers' let me clear it more,such as police constables etc.
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First of all,for me,20,000 is less,and it is for those engineers who are newly hired,the company later on give more training to eng in order to enhance his/her skills.where as a police officer who has already taken part in combat operations is given such a salary,wouldn't it be unfair with him?you are ignoring the perspective of psychology as well,I don't think so that for such exp officer can consider 20 thousand enough for a living,for schooling of his kids,for everyday expenses,imagine that some offers him 50 thousand less/more as a bribery,imagine that how he will feel? so I demand government that their salary must be increased.
second,if you again see my post,you will see that I have written 'low ranked officers' let me clear it more,such as police constables etc.

the pay i ma talking about is of sipahi not of officer. :)

it depends even i know many people for them 100,000 is not enough to survive so it depends whats your needs.in army i think notmal sipahi salary is very low. @Xeric can you tell whats the pay of a sipahi who is on border ?
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Very well done Slav Defence, very well done. You are at par, just exact what I expected out of you.

We already had discussed about ways to improve police force previously. Till the change takes effect, what are the solutions at hand? Let Army handle everything? Form Police-Army alliance? Does the police co-operate with the Army or do they work under the Army?

I present you my solution, it is on paper right now let me plot it and will be coming up in next post.

Once again, you proved your quality.
Very well done Slav Defence, very well done. You are at par, just exact what I expected out of you.

We already had discussed about ways to improve police force previously. Till the change takes effect, what are the solutions at hand? Let Army handle everything? Form Police-Army alliance? Does the police co-operate with the Army or do they work under the Army?

I present you my solution, it is on paper right now let me plot it and will be coming up in next post.

Once again, you proved your quality.

Thank you sir,I am so honored,just like yesterday,you have again boosted my motivation,I will give my full effort Inshallah to bring what I can,and I will always try to contribute in best way I can,once again thank you :happy:
We can all agree that current system is similar to as shown:


Now there certainly is problem with co-ordination and co-operation between Army, Police and Provincial Government. There was no problem with Intelligence, and transfer of Intelligence intercepts.

I remember reading in book of Major General (R) Syed Wajahat Hussain about Pakistan Army tactics during the war of 1965. He was a Lt. Colonel or a Colonel at the time and was from Armored Corps.

During the tensed period, his unit was positioned at the border, Sialkot sector, and after talks, the mobilized troops were ordered back at their respective units. Not three days after de-mobilization, India attacked Lahore, with most of the units back already. His posting orders came, and with other units they arrived at the sector. He reported to General Tikka Khan (I believe, it has been quite a while I read the book).

There was a suicidal problem with communication and delegation between the several units posted, and General Tikka formed an immediate TASK FORCE. The charge was given to Colonel Hussain, with General's personal assurance. He immediately became an acting superior to Brigadiers, and the Task Force then lead the greatest tank battle after WW2. With hardly any tanks, or with satisfying supplies, the few tanks had to cover a vast area, and this Task Force was incharge of everything. The COs had to listen to every command, and the task force also enabled better intelligence gathering and sharing between half a dozen different Regiments.

My [TEMPORARY] solution to cover the gap until the Police is ready enough to stand on their own feet and tackle such objectives as D.I.Khan jailbreak is to form an Task Force. This shall be led by an Army Lt. Colonel, different force for different areas (who also communicate with each other). Task Force will also have officers of the Police and Paramilitary, acting as representatives of their units and issue the commands on CO's behalf.

Like of 1965, the Task Force is the king and all commands are to be swiftly followed. The Intelligence should be forwarded to TF, which will then decide whom to delegate the issue. They will be actively sharing the data and operations with Provincial Government. I am talking something like olden days telephone exchange operators, who link up the caller to his guest.


Any intercept would then be immediately acted upon, depending upon what it is. If Police have the caliber to handle it, it is their task, if a joint-force is needed, then they (the Army and Police) should be given their respected duties, objectives and tactical plans in the least of time. Army and FC/Rangers QRF should work directly for the Task Force.


This will work fine for short time, but is not the long-time solution. This will enhance the communication and cooperation between the military and civil forces, and keep everyone on their feet.
We can all agree that current system is similar to as shown:


Now there certainly is problem with co-ordination and co-operation between Army, Police and Provincial Government. There was no problem with Intelligence, and transfer of Intelligence intercepts.

I remember reading in book of Major General (R) Syed Wajahat Hussain about Pakistan Army tactics during the war of 1965. He was a Lt. Colonel or a Colonel at the time and was from Armored Corps.

During the tensed period, his unit was positioned at the border, Sialkot sector, and after talks, the mobilized troops were ordered back at their respective units. Not three days after de-mobilization, India attacked Lahore, with most of the units back already. His posting orders came, and with other units they arrived at the sector. He reported to General Tikka Khan (I believe, it has been quite a while I read the book).

There was a suicidal problem with communication and delegation between the several units posted, and General Tikka formed an immediate TASK FORCE. The charge was given to Colonel Hussain, with General's personal assurance. He immediately became an acting superior to Brigadiers, and the Task Force then lead the greatest tank battle after WW2. With hardly any tanks, or with satisfying supplies, the few tanks had to cover a vast area, and this Task Force was incharge of everything. The COs had to listen to every command, and the task force also enabled better intelligence gathering and sharing between half a dozen different Regiments.

My [TEMPORARY] solution to cover the gap until the Police is ready enough to stand on their own feet and tackle such objectives as D.I.Khan jailbreak is to form an Task Force. This shall be led by an Army Lt. Colonel, different force for different areas (who also communicate with each other). Task Force will also have officers of the Police and Paramilitary, acting as representatives of their units and issue the commands on CO's behalf.

Like of 1965, the Task Force is the king and all commands are to be swiftly followed. The Intelligence should be forwarded to TF, which will then decide whom to delegate the issue. They will be actively sharing the data and operations with Provincial Government. I am talking something like olden days telephone exchange operators, who link up the caller to his guest.


Any intercept would then be immediately acted upon, depending upon what it is. If Police have the caliber to handle it, it is their task, if a joint-force is needed, then they (the Army and Police) should be given their respected duties, objectives and tactical plans in the least of time. Army and FC/Rangers QRF should work directly for the Task Force.


This will work fine for short time, but is not the long-time solution. This will enhance the communication and cooperation between the military and civil forces, and keep everyone on their feet.

Excellent post sir,brilliant analysis,temporary formation of task force is the best Idea of which we can think of right now,I would like to draw your attention that why it is necessary?
Well,seeing Karachi's experience in which government has applied rangers along with police,is not a good idea,as I have observed a collapse in both institutions,due to difference of their training,seeing Karachi's experience,we should avoid this in DI Khan,as we need an implementation such as task force,as officers of task force will be given equal training,thus city will be secured with better co-ordination and harmony.
One day was good enough for police to prepare to protect it self, in given circumstances and region.

Actually, the preparedness would be most effective immediately after the lead but have tendency to decay as the time pass.

Where as the response of PTI leadership points at their sheer ineptness and lack of knowledge and vision.

PTI shall hire some graduates in various fields, on immediate basis.. which can explain them structure of state.
One day was good enough for police to prepare to protect it self, in given circumstances and region.

Actually, the preparedness would be most effective immediately after the lead but have tendency to decay as the time pass.

Where as the response of PTI leadership points at their sheer ineptness and lack of knowledge and vision.

PTI shall hire some graduates in various fields, on immediate basis.. which can explain them structure of state.

Keep the fil-thy politics away. The problem was in co-ordination and co-operation, and effective response. Even if it was Nawaz or Fazalur Rehman, or Altaf or Zardari, result would have been same. Musharraf's government could have a different approach not because of politics, but because he was a good soldier (wouldn't say excellent).
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