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Land Of The Free?


Apr 1, 2007
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ref:Land Of The Free? | MPACUK – Empowerment through political participation

Land Of The Free? 9:35 pm, Sun 27 May 2012

The United States of America’s Department of Homeland Security was forced to release a list of keywords and phrases that’ll get you on their radar. The list shows words that they will be looking out for on social media, in order to track down “signs of terrorists or other threats against the U.S”.

Here are some of the rather interesting words on the list, on which there are rather a lot of words (for a “free” nation that is):

• Exercise
• Threat
• Pork
• North Korea
• Exposure
• Wave
• Bust
• Home grown
• Hurricane

Whilst I was doing my EXERCISE, I received a THREAT from my neighbour who was from NORTH KOREA which has EXPOSURE to dictatorship. Sadly, with the economy going BUST and HOME GROWN problems on the rise, it’s going to take not a WAVE but a HURRICANE to remove NORTH KOREA’s awful regime.

YAY! I am officially on Homeland Security’s ridiculous watch list!

It’s amazing how they come into other peoples' lands and and intervene for the sake of “democracy”, when they outright prove themselves as hypocrites. This list clearly implies that no amount of bending over backwards will appease the US government and being an apologetic moron of a Muslim will not aid you, but only kill you, as you openly support not just oppression of your own people but oppression of humankind.

Allah says in Surah ash-Shu’ara Verse 227-

“Except those who believe and do good and remember Allah much, and defend themselves after they are oppressed; and they who act unjustly shall know to what final place of turning they shall turn back.”

Read more: Land Of The Free? | MPACUK – Empowerment through political participation
No land is free, the ones who call thereself free are imprisoned the most.
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