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Land Mafia wants their control in Karachi

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Great Job Zob! I think this further envisages the idea the leader of MQM, Mr. Altaf Hussain, talked about the blunder of making Pakistan. No matter how corrupt the political system of Pakistan is. But, we do not find any leader who has talked about our country with this intensity of treason.

In case mr. pak-marine if you did not receive the message. I would like to tell you that the minister is still there walking freely because politics in Pakistan is a dirty game. The matter is still pending and no action has been taken against the minister. Unfortunately, we are living in political dirt. We need a revolution to clear up the mess.

Pakistan Zindabad.

I have sent you the replies on the article in previous post please read and kindly come back to me with a reply. A REVOLUTION who exactly can bring one, you need a leader to bring a revolution and we severly lack one FYI. But i am keeping an open mind who are you refering to as revoulutionary : Zardari / nawaz / wali / altaf / army / or the taliban!??

How many khietes u see living in nwfp ?, if we in their place & act like the way they are in khi , they wont tolerate us ....let me enlighten you here, in khi there are appx 2 million ppl just from nwfp.

They have been there since ages they are a part of our life ! we cant do business without them & they can sustain a minute without us. Lets look at geographical loctions of both the places , nwfp is the prime source of all the menace we have , The weapons hoods like DARA , Herion and all lethal drugs are openly sold every body knows that ,Karcachi was a peacefull place untill 1980's ,Hell broke loose when this mess was brought to khi , Where were all the wisemen from pushtoon community , you say you condemn them , looking at swat and other areas its seems to one that they are fighting side by side with Taliban against our Army. The leading party has enforced nizam-e-adal , Why did the elders or who ever is in control (if there is any!?) didnt stood up against the trade of this poison named : Herion) do you have any idea how many lives it has distroyed. Khi has its problems i m not denying that nor i am calling mqm saints but in the circumstances they are the one who have the guts to speak out against this Taliban style shariat! even the women who got the sympathy vote were scared to walk out. You know why because Taliban is a great threat and one needs ....lls to stood up. Only Army and the mqm has the guts rest all keept their quiet.

mqm are right in speaking out against taliban ...... the action has to be taken now before the nusence start.... if you think ppl will sit back and watch this show the answer is no!! .... we in all our powers wil not let khi become a mess like nwfp , This ANP led land mafia are organised thugs who are playing hipocrats by denying talibans. Now by accepting and surrendering to these whackos they have proven they cant fight.
khietes wat does this mean
anyway ill answer every single point u raised
first of all some evidence of the fact that nwfp is the source of the menace of all ur problems please dont start sounding like indians blaming pakistan if a kid doesnt feel hungry give proper evidence. first of all the MQM has a militia not the ANP and as u know arms sales dont start and end in dara u can get them everywhere and anywhere so u sound childish saying that because its MQM who is the most heavily armed. now if u had done any research u would no that all of the heroin is taken by international dealers as pak and afghan produce 90% of the worlds heroin. heroin is not a big problem in peshawar so if its a problem in karachi its a refelction of the law enforcement and society. ok now to the taliban first of all understand the roots of the taliban, when the soviets invaded there was no problem until the isi got involded the pak army and isi funded encouraged these so called mujahideen and at that time Bacha Khan told them not to take up arms he was against it then and he sed that the world powers are using u so dont take up arms who listened then no1 and now here we are as a direct result of that funding and training the pak army gave them. In swat the taliban are heavily armed the local government is powerless and once again had u done some research u would of known about the tribals who have been slaughtered in swat and waziristan for taking a stand against the taliban. the pak govt , the army all suppourted this islamic law so y are singling out the ANP whose members are being pulled out of thier houses in swat and shot dead. has the ANP spoken against the army action. the fact that some people wanted the islamic law shows the level of our justice system if people wanted spedier justice. the only reason MQM spoke against the law is to defame the ANP dont be so naive do u think they give a damn about swat. they kill pashtuns in karachi but are so worried about them in swat :woot:. another thing do not dare drag down our troops down to the level of u MQM thugs. they are fighting to keep our country together not to tear it to shreads like those MQM swines. u have no proof of ANP land mafia ur own altaf swine sed its taliban so are u saying ANP and taliban are in an alliance. do u have any idea how pathetic ur lies sound. if u no our culture ull know revenge runs through our blood and MQM and whoever sheds pashtoon blood will pay a heavy price for it we will not sit and let some street thugs tell us how to live and we will not b singled out and murdered we will hit them back a 100 times harder

You should ask this question to your elders just what exactly were they doing when these barbarains were infiltrating into your province and cities in thousands ..... what took them so long to wake up and find out your house has been introded ,your culture have been hijacked, MQM is retaliating against the same thugs , and i am surprised to see all this fuss , they are no saints lets not get into that but here they are right!!!!!!!!!!!

as ive just sed in my previous post our elders warned the army and isi we warned them at the time of the mujahideen. and we were abandoned in swat for a stupid peace deal which our govt was forced to accept. the fact that ANP won in elections shows where the peoples suppourt is. MQM is just stirring the pot as usual theyre not helping in any way while their swine leader hides with another countries citizenship how can u call him a leader wat a coward i wouldnt even call him pakistani after wat he sed
i am surprised at this authors approach ..... 450Billion is appx 5Billl USD well referesh your memory our countrys exchequer and pm and others were begging IMF and others for a payment of 3 billion usd

Yes MQM raises its funding for party through this 450billion....and ofcourse the profit are divided 50-50 between ZARDARI and MQM....!!! so no surprise there....and the loan from IMF is for pakistan...while this money goes directly into MQM pockets....and zardari gets 10%!!

Look the history is full of such incidences !! You are winging about major Kaleem, and bringing in irrelevant stuff let me bring up FALL OF DHAKA ....about Bangladesh dont know about you,but i am and other Pakistanis are embarased till this day about what happened there ? We lost half of the country ! 71000 soldiers laid down there arms ! 71K soldiers ! if the leadership was really a leadership and if they were not wrong 71000 would have put up a big time fight, its a Sham

Yes true PAKISTANI wants to discuss fall of dhaka to hide the fact that major kaleem was tortured by MQM...but you asked no case nothing well here you go read carefully

A Pakistani court sentenced the entire leadership of the MQM to 27 years in prison each for kidnapping and torturing a military intelligence officer. The prosecution claimed that on the orders of MQM leader Altaf Hussain, his supporters kidnapped and severely beat up Major Kaleem and his 4 assistants in June 1991. Hussain went into exile in London

so yes the whole leadership including RAJNIKANTH(ALTAF BHAI) has been sentenced to death....but ofcourse he had run away by then and let's not forget he has 300 cases against him.....unfortunately you can only kill a man once!!!

He is indeed saying partition a mistake , he is talking about some blame on Mohajirs and saying this in retailiation,Look i am not saying its the right thing to say in India , but I would keep and open mind here and certainly would like to see the full clip and understand out of what context he is saying that

Ok so like you said you are a true PAKISTANI and you want to see more of the clip...for me any leader be it PPP,PML,ANP,TEHRIK,JAMAAT....anyone if they ever say this its over they are not PAKISTANI FOR ME....don't care whatever god damn reason or context they say it in PERIOD....

Sorry but i have to say "i think you are very sad and so is your post" ! what mqm boy and neutral u are talking about !? you dont have much to say ! do you ?? infact i think you have no idea what more to say you are running out of reasons ? lol , If you wish to blame me then go on man say it on my face what you want to say be honest for once !!
p.s:: a suggetion on a personal note be upfront it will help you.

YOU WANT TO HEAR IT ON THE FACE...YOU ARE PRO MQM .....even after all the facts you asked for were provided which an neutral would also side are completely against MQM....as for your anger...well that will not help you bro from hiding the fact that your an MQM supporter....infact it gives you away.....

what is your point ? ?

my point is HITLER always won why because people were scared of him just like they are scared of ALTAF BHAI....

Zob my friend with no offence to you i dont thnk you have any idea what m i saying ! i am hoping that you will come with a some fresh beter argument instead of this.

give me an argument not just baseless half baked pro MQM opinon... thank you...

How many khietes u see living in nwfp ?, if we in their place & act like the way they are in khi , they wont tolerate us ....let me enlighten you here, in khi there are appx 2 million ppl just from nwfp.

karachi PAKISTAN ka hai MQM kii "JAGIR NAHI" and how many Lahore people do you see in NWFP...or how many quetta people do you see in lahore vice versa.....unless ofcourse you don't think NWFP is part of pakistan...because any pakistani can go anywhere he wants... karachi sindh kaa hai how many sindhis do you see in karachi????

They have been there since ages they are a part of our life ! we cant do business without them & they can sustain a minute without us. Lets look at geographical loctions of both the places , nwfp is the prime source of all the menace we have , The weapons hoods like DARA , Herion and all lethal drugs are openly sold every body knows that ,Karcachi was a peacefull place untill 1980's ,Hell broke loose when this mess was brought to khi

80's the birth of MQM....??? yousaid it yourself they have been living here for ages...but in 80s all hell broke loose because of two reasons afghanis and MQM.....

mqm are right in speaking out against taliban ...... the action has to be taken now before the nusence start

tell ATLAF BHAI to come back and lead a long march or something to show he is serious about the SWAT issue and it is not a political stunt...because hey you,i and everyone condemns the TALIBAN but no one acts on it...because we are not in a position to act...he is let's see some action the part of MQM not just words....

now i ask you 3 questions....

1)how does MQM get its funds

2)what is MQM doing besides just "condemning"

3)why is Imran Khan being stopped by MQM??
You should ask this question to your elders just what exactly were they doing when these barbarains were infiltrating into your province and cities in thousands ..... what took them so long to wake up and find out your house has been introded ,your culture have been hijacked, MQM is retaliating against the same thugs , and i am surprised to see all this fuss , they are no saints lets not get into that but here they are right!!!!!!!!!!!

now i ask you the same thing ask your elders this what were they doing when MQM was infiltrating karachi in the 80s.....

MQM is equally as bad as TALIBAN....so stop defending MQM.... i hate TALIBAN.....and MQM equally....both are terrorist organisations with people support...
My friend Waris listen buddy In future to avoid clutter here on the window please copy a link so that its clear to every one can follow online . Posting such articles make you look like a propaganda guy who have nothin to say but they keep coming with these silly stuff. I am a resident of Karachi teling you my expericence why dont u tell me yours and talk to me instead of posting these articles ,

Also i asked you a question in previous post and here is it again just what exactly happned to the minister??? was he tried arrested by police ,army was there a case filed by any one. mqm has many enemies sp imran khan is on the case , he went to england some time ago to file a case against altaf hussain, no one will waste an oppourtunity like this to file a case against them.

My point has been illustrated here that you are defending MQM the moment you have joined this forum. Listen, let me make it clear that I can post an article directly on the forum not to create propoganda. But, I will post it to convey the outright truth which exists.

I am defending MQMs present action in khi, i am defending their anti taliban voice and defending what they are doing against this mafia manace we have in our city. My suggetion of not posting an article was to avoid clutter here media have their place in papers and tv a small link can be read or seen, this place is where v can reason things so peoples opinion and replies are more important than a article by some journilist, any how if you dont agree with what i am saying than post some more !! i have sent you the reply about the article do have a read through.

Please refer to Rauf Klasra, the journalist from The News, if you have any issues with it. The article clearly brings attention to the fact that Altaf Hussain is using the land mafia for his benefit. We all know that the scam was put under the carpet by the PPP government in a bit to reconcile with the MQM. But to my understanding, no political party has ever had a long term relationship with MQM.

i have defined land mafia for you please read the defination of what do they do and how they operate. for answers plz refer to my replies with the article.

I would also like to state that MQM is the only party in Pakistan which has kidnapped an Army official by the name of Major Kaleem and murdered him brutally in 1991. We are all aware that MQM was created by General Zia to counter the PPP. However, the land mafia has been existent in Karachi even before MQM. But, we need to understand that every political party including MQM has been part of every scam which is possible. Basically, Pakistan has been misgoverned by our rulers.

IF mqm they killed this major guy,The army and security forces has in return killed 1000's of mohajirs without knowing if they were a part of mqm or not , there are a lot of articles pictures , But thats not relevant and nor the embaracing separation of Bangladesh ,this whole thing is beside the point!! they were sad part of this nations prolong embaracing history and like we belief may be we will find out on the judgement day who was right or wrong or responsible!!

We are here to discuss the illicit mafia and their dirty tactics. You are repeating the same things Please refer to my reply to the article. Why the mqm was created well it was not just dirty tactics played by the then army but there were several more factors to it, i will add this line for you and other may be it wil help others " mqm came into bieng after appx 40years from independence , before people of khi voted for jamat e islami and others but they proved for decades that they are incapable. It started from karachi university as a student union , when pathans migrants moved to khi in the beganing it was all good but later , some dirty minds have ideas about brringing ak47 and herion , First every body took it lightly thinking well they are brothers and fellow men , when they started getting on the nerves than the hell broke loose and mqm came into power, we were forced to the wall where there was no choice but to have an ethinic pary of our selves and take matter into our own hands.

On one point i do agree with you our country has been not even misgoverned thats a small part infact its deprived of all its wealth , looted and hijacked by all politicians including mqm, unfortunatly the same is with the army ! just what good they are !?, our armed forces are too commercialised , they are into various businesses i.e from banks to industries including real estate. they are quiet succesfull in all activities except the job they are getting paid for i.e : ""countries security "". So there is no one really to protect us, evetually its ppl take over every thing. This is whats happning in khi despite knowing all the facts the security forces are quiet about khi situation.....may be they are too busy in their businesses and they got no time for us.. wel thats why we are supporting mqm as the least they are doing is helping this crap stopped some where.

We need to unify o n this notion that action needs to be taken against PPP, MQM, ANP, PML N, PML Q, JI, JUI-F for all their wrongdoings. Please remember that nothing is greater than Pakistan. In Karachi, I am also aware the most of the people residing are Urdu-speaking. But that does not mean every person is supporting MQM. We need to differentiate between those elements who are sane. If Talibanization is happening in Karachi then I am sure that Pakistan Army is not sitting in the barracks and sleeping. We all understand that Pakistan Army is fully capable of carrying out a operation in Karachi.

Agreed and i am fully with you about action has to be taken against these all odds parties , in limited choice we vote for the best available option. I can only dream and wish for a pakitan like this, clean of all this junk. I hope and pray to Almighty if he can give us this one chance to clear all the mess and start fresh. As Allah says: ""He help those who help themselves"" thats why i am spending so much time on this forum ,as may be where you are you dont feel an effect but in karachi we can smell danger. I dont know why our armed forces are not taking any action. What are they waiting for ihave no idea. Unfortunatly they have been like this from a long time.

But, the only problem with the operation is that a lot of innocent people will be killed. But, if Altaf Hussain comes on TV and tries to blame people for having arms who belong from the NWFP then I think that is wrong. We need to understand that MQM has their own army which is headed by Mr. Saleem Shehzad. Please refrain from indulging in politics of terror. Time has come that Pakistan witnesses a revolution in which all people from Khyber to Karachi are held accountable.

mqm wing its comon we see them every day they dont harm us they are there to protect as police is hardly seen when such things are expected ,we see pathans and all in our areas every day .. no body touches them... they operate business no one touches ... why now all the fuss ??? think about it ... why will we creat panic in our homes ??
Who will head this revolution !! we need this from last few years .One good guy can do this all , but he/she is unseen , unheard and non-existent. There were ppl but who ever stood up against the odds. they are now not with us or quiet because of the fear.

And, please stop defending MQM and support the flag of Pakistan. Pakistan Army is hamesha ZINDABAD Inshallah !!!

Its all about Pakistan!!! I have told you the reasons why we support them , they work in khi's favour ... and perform for khi and thats why they have all the suport and loylity the minute they stop , the same they are history.
pak marine you quote yourself and argue with yourself you have become too confused beyond comprehension PLEASE STOP quoting yourself and quoting.......and replying to yourself
khietes wat does this mean
anyway ill answer every single point u raised
first of all some evidence of the fact that nwfp is the source of the menace of all ur problems please dont start sounding like indians blaming pakistan if a kid doesnt feel hungry give proper evidence.

Here is the evidence about dara
:click or copy paste into your adress bar , _vWTQQbK3jM[/media] - Biggest iIlegal Arm Market in the World

watch this video and find out the evidence , Forget kks every damn weapon on earth is on sale by these cockroches , they dont give a damn where all these guns end up ! i dont need to cry its the pushtoon brothers who need to cry on their fate that their beautiful land is now taken over by talibans and a lot of their brothers are helping to make sure it stays with them. hope its satisfying your hunger

first of all the MQM has a militia not the ANP and as u know arms sales dont start and end in dara u can get them everywhere and anywhere so u sound childish saying that because its MQM who is the most heavily armed.
now if u had done any research u would no that all of the heroin is taken by international dealers as pak and afghan produce 90% of the worlds heroin. heroin is not a big problem in peshawar so if its a problem in karachi its a refelction of the law enforcement and society.

We will go in circles here you will call mqm militia i will can anp , i noticed some guy posted a reply to you in previous post with some photos for your hungry and curious appetite for evidence why dont you see them and satisfy yourself ...... just look what your anp silly saints are doing!!.... at no point i said mqm is not armed it is armed but what option do they have , as i stated before mqm by actions prove they donot want to sit back in khi thinking all will ok soon ,,,, in the presence of such gross idiots ! if the army or the security forces do not want to do any thing about it mqm are taking the matter in their own hands and the ppl of khi fully support them in this cause. As no way would like to end up humiliated like NWFP Not without a fight ,coming to the Herion part what kind of a selfish and self centred human being , muslim you are !? who is so proud of exporting , a lethal drug outside and inside their borders, this is just sad and represents your culture and society , i hope all pukhtoons are not like you.

ok now to the taliban first of all understand the roots of the taliban, when the soviets invaded there was no problem until the isi got involded the pak army and isi funded encouraged these so called mujahideen and at that time Bacha Khan told them not to take up arms he was against it then and he sed that the world powers are using u so dont take up arms who listened then no1 and now here we are as a direct result of that funding and training the pak army gave them.

we all know taliban roots please save the hassle next time . A great example of leadership ...wow i am impressed , The guy BACHA KHAN people call their leader and vote for said to pps dont involve but they did ! was he the only wise guy in NWFP? Didnt your elders realise letting so many foriegnors /peddlors with weapons will later become a problem for themselves.

And then you blame ISI for all your missfortunes , Look honest truth is your ANP was too busy cashing contracts and least bothered about people. Infact here is a fine example of how ANP a political party voted by NWFP failed miserably to addres and counter intruders and problems. Even in khi they donnt give a monkey about Pukhtoons and whats happning to the people all they want to cash in some more dosh with mafia and taliban before they are wiped out. Just think for one second they are loosing domination in NWFP sooner (few years )they will be fully out from their as the Talibans have taken over.

In swat the taliban are heavily armed the local government is powerless and once again had u done some research u would of known about the tribals who have been slaughtered in swat and waziristan for taking a stand against the taliban.

Thats what mqm is trying to do while still in power they want to avoid slaughtering of khi civilians like tribal areas and other parts of NWFP. I hope God will burn those Talibs who are doing this to the tribals. We clearly dont want to be in the same situation i hope you are getting the point!!

the pak govt , the army all suppourted this islamic law so y are singling out the ANP whose members are being pulled out of thier houses in swat and shot dead. has the ANP spoken against the army action. the fact that some people wanted the islamic law shows the level of our justice system if people wanted spedier justice.

The mqm never supported nizam e adal its clearlyagainst and in voilation of constitution Reason why i am singling out ANP is they were voted by the people to represent them , all these years they kept quiet now one doesnt left with much options except calling it gross stupidity or corruption !!??? Decide for your selves.
Knowing the fact that these animals are inside why didnt they make an effort all these years? why ? answer for yourself here. Now the poor party workers lives are in danger where as the leadership is still dreaming. If today any thing goes wrong in khi we go to mqm in khi because police and law enforcement is no good there..... They are held responsible by the people .... the leadership comes from middleclass houses so they know what the problems are and they make our voices heard.

the only reason MQM spoke against the law is to defame the ANP dont be so naive do u think they give a damn about swat. they kill pashtuns in karachi but are so worried about them in swat :woot:. another thing do not dare drag down our troops down to the level of u MQM thugs. they are fighting to keep our country together not to tear it to shreads like those MQM swines. u have no proof of ANP land mafia ur own altaf swine sed its taliban so are u saying ANP and taliban are in an alliance. do u have any idea how pathetic ur lies sound. if u no our culture ull know revenge runs through our blood and MQM and whoever sheds pashtoon blood will pay a heavy price for it we will not sit and let some street thugs tell us how to live and we will not b singled out and murdered we will hit them back a 100 times harder

The reason is nizam e adal its against the constitution what kind of a hipocratic national assembly it is which passes a law in contradiction to the state constitution!! You mind is so twisted that above para you are calling the army and isi behind every thing and now you becoming all heroic lol !! decide what you want , What part of what i said is a lie please clearify !!? Dont get emotional about pakhtoon blood its sheding all over ! and if your ANP and pukhtoons are so proud why dont you settle scores with taliban first who are openly slaughtering our pukntoons brothers. All you have is rage, Look i dont meant to be offensive to any caste or creed nor i wish to have any differences with my pakistani brothers and sisters ! Like it or not i have to speak the truth of my understanding , please dont be offended!
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pak marine you quote yourself and argue with yourself you have become too confused beyond comprehension PLEASE STOP quoting yourself and quoting.......and replying to yourself

ZOB kindly translate what you are saying again plzzz!!!!
You should ask this question to your elders just what exactly were they doing when these barbarains were infiltrating into your province and cities in thousands ..... what took them so long to wake up and find out your house has been introded ,your culture have been hijacked, MQM is retaliating against the same thugs , and i am surprised to see all this fuss , they are no saints lets not get into that but here they are right!!!!!!!!!!!

now i ask you the same thing ask your elders this what were they doing when MQM was infiltrating karachi in the 80s.....
my elders voted for mqm budy that what they did !!!!!

MQM is equally as bad as TALIBAN....so stop defending MQM.... i hate TALIBAN.....and MQM equally....both are terrorist organisations with people support...

If u have a personal one with mqm i really cant do much but i know for sure they are not bad as represented, they are just different bunch of lads who are trying to change things where they are , and i am confident on them that they will improve things in khi ...... and secondly ,and more importantly what choice do we have ! let me know if you have any preference ?? dont be shy about about your political views man !!
If u have a personal one with mqm i really cant do much but i know for sure they are not bad as represented, they are just different bunch of lads who are trying to change things where they are , and i am confident on them that they will improve things in khi ...... and secondly ,and more importantly what choice do we have ! let me know if you have any preference ?? dont be shy about about your political views man !!

so this is all what you have to say to all my questions and evidence that i have put forward....great going i guess you don't need to be shy and just admit it that you are an MQM supporter...a die hard supporter...no problem point taken sir....just come out of your lies and deceit and admit it.... i can't argue with a person who says he is "neutral" and when i provide him with all evidence that he asks for he turns around and just WHINES...and repeats the lines of altaf BHAI...!!
my elders voted for mqm budy that what they did !!!!!

ohh so sorry didn't see that you wrote this my appologies pak marine....now i know....which party do you support....sorry bro for getting you mixed up with a neutral....

anyhow when you calm down go back to page 5,6,7 see some proof read some proof and if you still don't find it enough tell me i will upload videos AGAIN of 12th may....but i am bored of arguing the same point over and over again when none of you want to explain or debate it...you just want to say MQM is the best...we will never get anywhere until and unless you defend the allegations or give suficent proof to prove MQM innocent....

p.s. NO ONE in his SANE MIND would say TALIBAN are good...that is never the issue the issue is karachi and MQMAZIATION!!!
IF mqm they killed this major guy,The army and security forces has in return killed 1000's of mohajirs without knowing if they were a part of mqm or not , there are a lot of articles pictures

I am sorry Mr. Pak-marine. According to my perception, you are no longer are a person who can protect our national interests if you blame the army for killing innocent mohajirs. I am sorry but Pakistan Army is the reason why Pakistan is unified today and not because of Altaf Hussain. The plans of Jinnahpur are underway in Karachi and this land mafia is a drama by MQM.

We all know that the MQM and PPP have kept the issues of big scams under the carpet. If it is upto the politicians of Pakistan then Pakistan would have been in serious trouble.

But, pak-marine I want to make one thing very clear. I support a clean up operation against ALL parties of Pakistan who have had a chance to come to power. But, you always end up supporting MQM. The party which still takes 'bhatta'', and the party whose leader is a British NATIONAL. The party which killed OUR HONORABLE ARMY OFFICER MR. PAK-MARINE. NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THAT.

Thank God our country is in the hands of the PAKISTAN ARMY. Inshallah Pakistan will always be united because Inshallah HE will keep us united and no plans of jinnahpur will ever be fulfilled. Ameen.
i say do a cleanup of KARACHI....KILL ANP & MQM....get rid of the problem of karachi once and for all.....wipe out all the political parties involved in the problems of karachi...for the NATIONAL INTREST....if ANP is bad kill those basta*ds...if MQM is responsible do the same....!!!
First of all, great job Zob. I highly appreciate your valiant efforts in supporting real justice on this forum.

Pak-marine, I respect your opinion but I was unable to understand your viewpoint since the beginning. Now, that you have confessed that you support MQM I would like to inform that now I even understand your point.

I am not a lawyer by profession who would be able to quote each line you tell me. But, I am a sincere Pakistani who sees the drama of land mafia unfold into our eyes. We all know that the MQM is still very powerful in Karachi except the army controlled areas. We all understand how they operate.

This party which has the strongest organization is undoubtedly using the most corrupt means to extort money from the public. According to my knowledge, there are still a lot of pan walas who pay the bhatta for taking a certain part of the footpath they are occupying. Is this not a land mafia?

Is this not a land mafia where every shop owner has to pay a certain 'bhatta' to carry out his activites? Yes, I know that MQM has worked a lot for building Karachi flyovers and underpasses. But, please do not say that they represent the brilliant people of Karachi. The 'mohajirs' for me are the backbone of the working class of Pakistan. They have pioneered in all fields such as banking, engineering, science, and others. This community has sacrificed the most maybe at the time of partition when the Hindus used to burn us alive.

But, please do not tell Mr. Altaf Hussain represent your people. Your calibre is way higher. He is operating one the biggest land mafia network in Pakistan. Karachi is worth billions and maybe that is why Bhutto had planned so much for Karachi. Was there any injustice when he removed Sindhi and made urdu the the provincial language in his tenure?

I hope that after this you will not further indulge in directing your reply against me. And, as far as the land mafia I have presented my case to the best of my efforts.

Thank you.

Pakistan Hamesha Zindabad ! Inshallah
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