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Lal Masjid cleric moves SC on imposition of Sharia law

It is a sad day when this low life terrorists can move easily to the supreme court and file a petition. The man who couldn't condemn APS and hates zarb e azb and operations against militants... Leaving him alive to this day is a mistake. ISI should kill him and make it look like another Militant outfit targeted him..
advocating such extra-judicial murder is not something we should express on this public forum. only leaders of the west have such privilege when they sign off the drone and jet strikes on "suspected" targets

killing him like this will make him a hero. a social media boycott is something which will hurt him and his kind more.
but this terrorist mullah said that he doesnot believe in constitution of Pakistan? :lol:
I must congratulate both the govt and COAS for letting this basturd roam free in the country and this really makes me question their seriousness and dedication for eradicating terrorists
This Maulana has taken the right step. A country that proclaims itself as the 'Islamic Republic' can only have Shariah as its law, and no other. The Government should either proclaim Shariah Law, or it should stop calling itself the Islamic Republic.

I keep reading on this forum that Islam is a complete way of life, offering all solutions for spiritual and temporal matters. It is then surprising that the Government of the self proclaimed Islamic Republic refuses to live by these words. Also, isn't it blasphemous to call yourself Islamic without following the Islamic law?
exactly. I would encourage pakistani posters to comment on his demand, may be he is the wrong guy but do you agree with his demand or not? if not, why not?
advocating such extra-judicial murder is not something we should express on this public forum. only leaders of the west have such privilege when they sign off the drone and jet strikes on "suspected" targets

killing him like this will make him a hero. a social media boycott is something which will hurt him and his kind more.

Signing off implies due process, Sir. An important aspect to keep in mind. :D
If that b...... died of natural causes it will big shame for all of us, send him to hell with burst od G3.

advocating such extra-judicial murder is not something we should express on this public forum. only leaders of the west have such privilege when they sign off the drone and jet strikes on "suspected" targets

killing him like this will make him a hero. a social media boycott is something which will hurt him and his kind more.
Irfan Bhai he ca be easily prosecuted by waging a war against the state for Lal Masjid issue why we are waiting...first place he should be shot dead if not then why the hell he is not tried even in court because of this scum we loses great soldiers one then is Haroon Islaam Shaheed.
advocating such extra-judicial murder is not something we should express on this public forum. only leaders of the west have such privilege when they sign off the drone and jet strikes on "suspected" targets

killing him like this will make him a hero. a social media boycott is something which will hurt him and his kind more.

I know I have suggested a radical method that may backfire but I see him as a dangerous enemy that needs to be dealt with before we end up fighting the same war again and again. I really hate his hypocrisy and our ineptness in dealing with him and his kind. The operation zarb e azb is always going to be won not on the battleground but in the aftermath. It will be won if FATA is given greater representation. It will be won if FATA and balochistan is developed and made a great place. It will be won if such voices are finished and crushed so that nobody can challenge the writ of the state nor brainwash countless children into becoming enemies of the state and follow an ideology that couldn't be further away from Islam.

I want this war to end completely and don't want to relive the horrors of 2007-12 where death was everywhere and everyday I would hear my countrymen and soldiers dying bcz of men like him who believed in killing and brainwashing innocent people.

It was a nightmare and I want it ended. I don't want this repeated just bcz we were unable to tackle these guys. Just bvz the state was to inept.

Be it killing him, ignoring him, locking him, rehabilitating him, whatever works but do something to make sure this is never repeated and he does not brainwash others again. Him and every other maolvi or mullah who is happily inciting the murder of innocent people in the name of Islam.
All true. An ordinary man would have been hung/shot/tortured/abducted long time back, however, this is Pakistan. Shit happens around the world, but happens here on a daily basis!

This guy took up arms against the state, under his leadership dozens of our soldiers were martyred, yet this baffoon parades around freely threatening calamity on all those who oppose him. He's making a mockery of this whole state. Shouldn't he be on trial for treason too?

You forgot to tag His Holiness Pope @Syed.Ali.Haider - dalakhor patwari! :D

advocating such extra-judicial murder is not something we should express on this public forum. only leaders of the west have such privilege when they sign off the drone and jet strikes on "suspected" targets

killing him like this will make him a hero. a social media boycott is something which will hurt him and his kind more.
I know I have suggested a radical method that may backfire but I see him as a dangerous enemy that needs to be dealt with before we end up fighting the same war again and again. I really hate his hypocrisy and our ineptness in dealing with him and his kind. The operation zarb e azb is always going to be won not on the battleground but in the aftermath. It will be won if FATA is given greater representation. It will be won if FATA and balochistan is developed and made a great place. It will be won if such voices are finished and crushed so that nobody can challenge the writ of the state nor brainwash countless children into becoming enemies of the state and follow an ideology that couldn't be further away from Islam.

I want this war to end completely and don't want to relive the horrors of 2007-12 where death was everywhere and everyday I would hear my countrymen and soldiers dying bcz of men like him who believed in killing and brainwashing innocent people.

It was a nightmare and I want it ended. I don't want this repeated just bcz we were unable to tackle these guys. Just bvz the state was to inept.

Be it killing him, ignoring him, locking him, rehabilitating him, whatever works but do something to make sure this is never repeated and he does not brainwash others again. Him and every other maolvi or mullah who is happily inciting the murder of innocent people in the name of Islam.
In war & love , every thing is legal in the end of the day ?lolzz
& this burqa -posh sharri-yaat , should be send to hell faster ?
Lal Masjid cleric moves SC on imposition of Sharia law


File photo of Maulana Abdul Aziz. PHOTO: AFP

ISLAMABAD: The infamous cleric of Islamabad’s Lal Masjid, Maulana Abdul Aziz, on Thursday approached the Supreme Court regarding the imposition of Sharia Law across the country.

Aziz moved the constitutional petition through his counsel Tariq Asad under Article 184 (3) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

In the petition, Aziz urged SC to “direct federal and provincial governments to take steps as required under the Constitution in order to enable the lives of Muslims in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Quran.”


Further, the petition requested the top court to “direct the state under Article 25-A to provide free and compulsory education to all children between ages of five to 16 years.”


A request was also included in the petition to direct President Mamnoon Hussain and governors to present a report before the National Assembly and Provincial Assembly on the observance and implementation of the Principles of Policy.


Last month, Maulana Abdul Aziz rejected a warning issued by the district administration against his recently launched campaign for implementation of ‘Sharia Law’ across the country.

“Pakistan was created for the Islamic system but has been far away from Islam since birth,” Aziz said in a video released on Sunday, adding he would go ahead with his plans.

“I demand a committee be formed to determine if the present British-era judicial system is in accordance with Quran and Sunnah,” Aziz is seen asking in the 25-minute video.

The prayer leader said nothing could deter him from his mission, adding he wanted to tell the government and all state institutions his movement for the implementation of the teachings of Quran and Sunnah will continue.

“I demand enforcement of Quran and Sunnah as it a constitutional obligation,” he said, and offered himself for an open trial if there is any case pending against him. “I want to put myself on trial but that should be in line with Islamic Sharia.”


Right step by wrong person. Not sure how to speak on this.

But again, how it will gonna implement? There is a wording from 1997 from court on Islamic Banking to State Bank. Still not implemented completely.

Could someone explain what are important policies and/or laws that are missing in the current system and would be implemented as part of this proposed system.
Thats great news..soon Pakistan will become "Realm of Conscience" for Muslims.Afghanistan tried and failed.Its Pakistan's turn now.. :D
Right step by wrong person. Not sure how to speak on this.

But again, how it will gonna implement? There is a wording from 1997 from court on Islamic Banking to State Bank. Still not implemented completely.
O bhai, please tell us how 'Islamic banking' would work? It's easy to throw around words and act like an angel, but nothing practical is spoken

Fun fact: Sharia would mean getting rid of the blasphemy law, apostasy law and would streamline the khula process amongst many other things these mullahs and their followers dream about.
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