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Lahore court sentences Czech model to 8 years, 8 months in jail for smuggling narcotics

So just because its a girl or some foreigner girl this made the news?

If only this poor lady had Oil and Honey mafia with her, she would go unscathed or even be eligible for running for the prime minister post
she probably did, you can't get nearly 9kg of drugs without knowing some higher ups in the badmashi mafia. its an indication that gori chamrri ain't gonna get you off the hook any more in Pakistan. And she should consider herself lucky that she got caught in Pakistan and not abu dhaabi, they would've beheaded her for smuggling in narcotics.
she probably did. its an indication that gori chamrri ain't gonna get you off the hook any more in Pakistan. And she should consider herself lucky that she got caught in Pakistan and not abu dhaabi, they would've beheaded her for smuggling in narcotics.


now how about the whole chain? she cant act alone.

now how about the whole chain? she cant act alone.
oh I know...not enough to just lock the mule away, you gotta get the loader as well. All in due time. after gongla sharif's imprisonment, I am convinced that the nation has taken the squeeze approach, remove the heads as well as the foot soldiers. slowly but surely...

dua karo.
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