financial aspect is very important but I think not every detail is available on internet (or i was not able to find any). Lets wait for a month or two and we will have a better picture of the ground realities. The loss mentioned in the news was reported by only one or two sources and yet to be confirmed by the Government itself - so this could just be a mere speculation, I am not sure.
agreed, See since early 2000 we started hearing about Karachi circular railway project, bullet train from Lahore to Islamabad, Lahore Metro, World's second largest building, about 40 billion dollars+ worth of project in the Islands near Karachi and so on. But none of them actually materialised. Here we don't have a metro project where each line was supposed to cost billions of dollars but a smaller but very efficient project under a good little budget of only 22 billion rupees. The best part of that project is - it is no longer on the table like other projects.. It's actually practical and nearing completion.
So credit goes to the ones who started and completed this project... I remember I could not sleep for days and nights when I heard about the bullet train project couple of years ago - Now it was later scrapped and turned out to be just a dream.. our politicians gives a lot of dreams - but we don't reap anything in the end. This is at least one project which will benefit the people of Lahore and if properly managed, it will change the lives of people of Lahore (and of course similar models could follow in other cities like Karachi, Islamabad / Rawalpindi, Faislabad, Quetta and Peshawar and ultimately generate billions of rupees in revenue if managed properly.
convenient Transportation is always a very important part of people's lives or I just feel it that way