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Lahore Bar Dance Mujra - This is so called ISLAMIC STATE

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why cant Pakistan become secular? where religion is followed with freedom and people themselves can decide what they want to do and what they don't.

May be emulate Turkey?
The Universal truth is that Pakistan is not as Islamic as its names suggests and India is not as secular as its name suggests.

The universal truth is that NOTHING in the world is as it seems.

BTW what does India have to do with this topic ?
Just because pakistan calls itself an "Islamic state" does not mean it was one in reality.
Do we have a true welfare state or proper justice for people.

why cant Pakistan become secular?

Most of the leading secular states have been responsible for the most crimes against humanity so its not much of a standard to follow.

where religion is followed with freedom and people themselves can decide what they want to do and what they don't.

I think you will find most the world is like that...secular or non secular
hope .. people will stop that but it will go towards secularism and Mullahs in your country will never let that happen. .

Unlike india where a religiously motivated party like the BJP has held power "pandit power".....pakistan has never had the "mullahs" win power in elections or truly run a government.
Europe has plenty of "christian democrats parties that stand in elections and have had power.

May be emulate Turkey?

Yeah......Where the islamic party is in power.
Are you kidding me? I wish to have strip dance legal in India :enjoy:
Our nation is realy f**** up :(

Boo,It sucks.Its not even mujra.If they have audience for this $hit.No wonder even the worst Bollywood movies gets viewers in Pakistan.And the worst part the uploader calling those men as liberals,what does a bunch sexually frustrated men who will do anything to get laid has to do with liberalism.Ignorance at its best.This has nothing to with liberalism, and those people really need to get laid.
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why cant Pakistan become secular? where religion is followed with freedom and people themselves can decide what they want to do and what they don't.

May be emulate Turkey?

Because Islam also apply as a law

it is obligatory for muslim to follow Quran and sunnah and make laws that are made in line with Quran and sunnah

like i do not mean any disrespect if some thing is written in hindus sacred book no one can vote it out of it

similarly quran and sunnah is divine.Quran is the word of God Almighty it is obligatory for muslim to follow it exactly the laws stated in it

we can not vote any thing out as in constitution of pakistan it is for this purpose written that people will exercise vote in boundaries coinciding with rules which God gave us(i don't have proper translation and memory of it now)

if muslim lie it is a sin and forbidden in islam but if he starts saying it is not a sin and is Islamic that is a grave sin and lie

i recall a article in pravda russia

Among Russian Christians those who believe in Christianity and God 62% of these Christians never touched Bible let along study or recite it etc

this is how religion vanishes when state power is not behind or focus on religious studies these religious practices according to all religion people stop following with passing time and it just become for name sake or hobby

people follow what is going on in society or more exactly the environment and society provided to them
so that means pakistanis get excited even by watching women dancing fully clothed. too much sexual frustration.

i guess that not wearing a burka equals nudity for these people....lol
THis is not BAR~! this looks like some kind of college gathering or function in college or uni.....
Because Islam also apply as a law

it is obligatory for muslim to follow Quran and sunnah and make laws that are made in line with Quran and sunnah

like i do not mean any disrespect if some thing is written in hindus sacred book no one can vote it out of it

similarly quran and sunnah is divine.Quran is the word of God Almighty it is obligatory for muslim to follow it exactly the laws stated in it

we can not vote any thing out as in constitution of pakistan it is for this purpose written that people will exercise vote in boundaries coinciding with rules which God gave us(i don't have proper translation and memory of it now)

if muslim lie it is a sin and forbidden in islam but if he starts saying it is not a sin and is Islamic that is a grave sin and lie

i recall a article in pravda russia

Among Russian Christians those who believe in Christianity and God 62% of these Christians never touched Bible let along study or recite it etc

this is how religion vanishes when state power is not behind or focus on religious studies these religious practices according to all religion people stop following with passing time and it just become for name sake or hobby

people follow what is going on in society or more exactly the environment and society provided to them

Hindu's don't have book from God.And Yes world will be a much better place with out all this crazy religions.
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