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Ladakh and the Pakistan Connect ,an Article by a Worried Indian General

I wonder what our Baghat Sena has to say about this.
1. From SEATO, CENTO, to Cold war to afghan wars, it has always been Super Power +Pakistan and the record speaks for itself.
2. US is packing up in Afghanistan
3. This times it's China + Pakistan with Russia's blessings and it's against India
4. India can figure out the rest based on past projections
5. India has bitten more than it can chew
What a stupid article. The underlying assumption is that typical Indian arrogance.

If losing your area to your enemy in such a way that the PM of your country has to say 'nothing happened' to cover humiliation is not enough to kick out the arrogance in you, then you must be ready for a bigger setback.
unfortunately one cannot reply as any closely argued factual debate results in my posts being deleted as "propaganda"

Oh lordy lord, the thin skins at PDF cannot hold a mirror and view the deformed visage
Modi cant show lal ankh but Indians expects modi to nuke 2 countries that each have bigger nuclear arsenal and delivery system compared to India.

Indians are suffering from a new strand of Delusion
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