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Lad of three is staggering 10 stone


Oct 29, 2009
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THIS tubby toddler is tipping the scales at a staggering TEN STONE.

Despite being just three years old, chubby Xiao Hao already dwarfs his petite mum and is so fat he's been banned from several nurseries because he is a "health hazard" to other kids.

Desperate mum Xiao Lin, of Guangzhou, southern China, is now begging doctors to help shrink her super-size son.

She said: "He means no harm he is just big and likes to play. I take him swimming for exercise but it is hard finding trunks to fit him and even the rubber rings are too small."

Some medics believe he may have a growth hormone disorder while others say he is a victim of China's "Little Emperor" syndrome where families are allowed only one child, who is then spoiled rotten by doting relatives.

The average three-year-old should weigh just over two stone - Xiao Hao is five times heavier.

Dr Lu Hong from the Guangdong children's hospital said: "He is not just overweight but very tall as well so we may be able to treat him if it really is hormonal. But he cannot remain like this or his heart will never stand the strain."

Read more: Lad of three is staggering 10st | The Sun |News

Read more: Lad of three is staggering 10st | The Sun |News


Lad of three is staggering 10st | The Sun |News
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in china i have heard there is a worker camp for fatties there :), they are forced to get slim

( - _ - )
lol It's Buddha, quick rub his belly for luck.

Poor little *ahem* guy, it's probably hormonal. It's unlikely that it's his parents spoiling him.
Of all the stupid things media print i hate news like these most.

Why should a person or a children who has some disorder be brought to the notice of a wider public notice and be derided. Poor kid he is three years old, this media is becoming more and more devilish day by day.
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