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Kumbh Mela: 'Eight million' bathers on first day of festival

Nair saab

Nov 23, 2010
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The first day of India's vast Kumbh Mela festival has ended, with officials estimating that eight million people took to the waters at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers.

The bathing was held under tight security with more than 30,000 police deployed at the grounds in Allahabad.

Hindus believe a festival dip at Sangam - where the rivers meet - will cleanse sins and help bring salvation.

The event, every 12 years, is billed as the biggest gathering on Earth.

The Kumbh Mela has its origins in Hindu mythology - many believe that when gods and demons fought over a pitcher of nectar, a few drops fell in the cities of Allahabad, Nasik, Ujjain and Haridwar - the four places where the Kumbh festival has been held for centuries.

As the sun set over Allahabad, a few hundred people were still bathing at Sangam and the crowd on the riverfront was thinning rapidly.

Some of the late evening bathers floated small paper or leaf boats with tiny earthen lamps set amidst marigold flowers into the river.

Security success
Official teams have been managing crowds on the river bank all day and, as soon as pilgrims finished bathing, they were encouraged to move away and make space for other bathers.

As dusk set in, police appeared to be satisfied with events.

"The day went off without any incident. The bathing went off peacefully," senior superintendent of police RKS Rathore told the BBC.

Police checkpoints lined roads leading to Allahabad.

The day began with groups of Naga sadhus or Hindu ascetics, many completely naked with ash-smeared bodies, sprinting into the chilly waters for a dip at the crack of dawn.

Some brandished swords and tridents, some stopped to smear their bodies and faces with coarse white sand from the river bed, while some chanted slogans and danced.

The ascetics are the biggest crowd pullers

The ascetics are the biggest crowd pullers, but away from all the media attention were millions of ordinary Hindus, mostly rural folk, who queued patiently for hours to bathe in the holy waters.

"It is special to have a bath at this spot. Taking a bath here is like bathing in nectar itself," said Brijpal Kushwaha, who bathed at Sangam in the morning and again in the evening.

The pilgrims came from all corners of India, travelling by train, bus, rickshaw and covering the last miles on foot as the entire festival ground was turned into a pedestrian zone.

Many had slept out in the open for the past few nights, braving last week's sub-zero temperatures.

Shankari Devi from the Indian city of Udaipur arrived on Sunday and spent the night in the open but her conclusion this morning was that "we had a good bath so all the troubles were worth it".

Auspicious bathing
Pilgrims appeared to make no demands on the authorities, and after performing their rituals, most appeared content.

"It's an auspicious day to bathe at Sangam. We come here to wash off our sins, and we have faith in the holy river," said Kismato Devi who had come for a bath from Tata town in the state of Jharkhand.

More than 100 million people are expected to attend the 55-day festival.

Tens of thousands of men, women and children have set up camp on the white sands of the river front.

Nevertheless, the festival is an immense logistical challenge and Allahabad has been preparing for months.

To cater for the millions of pilgrims expected there are 14 temporary hospitals, 243 doctors deployed round-the-clock and more than 40,000 toilets have been built for the pilgrims.

In 2001, more than 40 million people gathered on the main bathing day of the festival, breaking a record for the biggest human gathering.

The festival has prompted health concerns, however, with campaigners warning that the river waters are heavily polluted.

Most pilgrims drink a few drops of the Ganges water and many fill bottles to take home with them.

Authorities say they have taken steps to address the concerns.




BBC News - Kumbh Mela: 'Eight million' bathers on first day of festival
8 million people in water? Holy smokin' God ...That water must be ...*no words*

Ganga is already dirty as fcuk.....

indian government needs to do something about it....

How big is this place? Handling 8 million people? 100 million people in 55 days? Where do all these people stay? bath? toilet? diseases? That is one mess...how authorities handle this situation?
8 million people in water? Holy smokin' God ...That water must be ...*no words*

Ganga is already dirty as fcuk.....

indian government needs to do something about it....

How big is this place? Handling 8 million people? 100 million people in 55 days? Where do all these people stay? bath? toilet? diseases? That is one mess...how authorities handle this situation?

How about the gathering at Huj prilgrimage. Come on guys grow up. Its a religious festival.
How about the gathering at Huj prilgrimage. Come on guys grow up. Its a religious festival.

Yeah what about hajj gathering? Haj is the largest global human gathering...but Saudis have probably spent more money in order to cater pilgrims than almost india's entire freakin' budget!!!

Thats not the point...I genuinely want to know how indian authorities handle this gathering!

Also, it is way bigger than Hajj in numbers...
Yeah what about hajj gathering? Haj is the largest global human gathering...but Saudis have probably spent more money in order to cater pilgrims than almost india's entire freakin' budget!!!

Thats not the point...I genuinely want to know how indian authorities handle this gathering!

Also, it is way bigger than Hajj in numbers...
are you the auditor general for the Soudhi Government?
Neither you are an auditor or member of the INDIAN GOV, so let the f%%king INDIAN authorities do their job. You dont have to worry about our function or the way we conduct it
are you the auditor general for the Soudhi Government?
Neither you are an auditor or member of the INDIAN GOV, so let the f%%king INDIAN authorities do their job. You dont have to worry about our function or the way we conduct it

I care for humans for one.

Secondly, I just want to increase my knowledge. Whats wrong in that?

I'm not auditor general of Saudi government..but have lived there.

Saudi Kingdom have spent hundreds of billions of $ in holy lands so they can cater the largest global human gathering of mankind...but this is different topic.

I don't think that indian authorities will need to spend this much money because the 'scope' of this event is not that big..but the 'size' of this event is hugely huge ...
Please Dont feed Trolls & Post Latest Photos after all it comes in Every 12 years... This one is Maha Kumbha Mela which comes in every 144 years

in Last Kumbha Mela which was held in 2001 around 60 million people participated which include 1 million foreigners...
How about the gathering at Huj prilgrimage. Come on guys grow up. Its a religious festival.

They are basically insulting themselves by insulting the customs of their own people. There are 2 Million to 4 Million Pakistani Hindus. There are hindus in Pakistan, muslims in India. Hatred between the two guarantees discrimination in both and Indians have a much larger Muslim population to discriminate against.

We shouldn't look down at their customs. It is surprising how it does not hurt a Pakistani when one of his fellow citizens is abused on the basis of his ethnicity or religion.
The Maha Kumbh began this morning with lakhs of devotees as well as ascetics and religious leaders of various orders converging on the confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and the mythical river Saraswati in Allahabad for a holy dip on the occasion of Makar Sankranti. The inaugural day of the two-month-long congregation, was marked by the first "Shahi Snan" of 13 "akharas" wherein Naga Sadhus - a martial order of ascetics who move about either naked or scantily clad with matted hair and ash smeared bodies - marched to Sangam in processions with their leaders perched atop ornately decorated elephants, horses and chariots and musical bands in attendance in a unique blend of austerity and opulence..






Kumbh Mela is the largest human gathering for whatever purpose according to Guinness books.







Both events cannot be compared...
Because thr nature of both is very different.
I am unaware of the scope of Kumbh mela,but looks like its a visit to ganga and a dip in ganga? Correct me if i am wrong.
After the dip people go home....

Hajj has many more rituals and take many days and much travelling to complete....
I love these Naga Sadhus ... For the years these People Roam Snowy Peaks of Himalayas with nearly No Dress or food ... amazing resilience to extreme cold ... Some wash there Hair only at the Purna Kumbha Mela which comes once in every 12 year ...
Hajj has many more rituals and take many days and much travelling to complete....

Kumb Mela actually goes on for one whole month during which about 100 million people participate in that.

Im not exactly sure of the rituals during it..as it may vary..but the most common things is a bath in the Ganges..then visiting the Kashmi Viswanath temple..doing any rituals like dharpans..etc
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