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Kulbushan Yadav refuses to file review petition instead, will proceed with mercy appeal

Still waiting for his fate to be determined. I guess the issue is dead and public has moved on.

India's BJP sitting government spokesperson passed blasphemous remarks against Prophet (s.a.w), The East India company /imported government did not even expell Indian ambassdaor or suspended trade

All religious parties, TLP, MMA, Jui-F are completely silent.. during IK govt they were carrying pitchforks, where are they now?

Kulbhushan needs to be hanged to deliver a strong message to India
Still there but people are busy in politics.

Whatever is going to him but he will never see Indian soil again.
Who Knows... Prisoners Swap after some years is possible and common throughout the world.
Pakistan don't get any benefit by hanging him. I believe pakistan got all the info from him if he is real spy. It is better if pakistan secretly swap for pakistan spy(s) in India. Win - Win for everyone.
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