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KP Govt launched "Sehat Ka Insaf" Campaign.

amazing. using the party workers to do something for generations. just imagine how many children have been saved from potential polio related diseases through this effort. may God accept this effort of all those individuals who were out on streets doing this.
this is just the start insha'allaah the rest of KPK is next.

this is PTI's office in KP, what are they doing? they are working on polio eradication drive. hats off !

Round three: Just under 550,000 minors vaccinated as Sehat ka Insaf continues

Entering its third week, 547,093 children were vaccinated against nine paediatric diseases during the third round of the Sehat ka Insaf campaign in 77 union councils (UC) of the provincial capital, according to claims made by the provincial government.

Amid the recent spate of violence, strict security measures were adopted. “There were 5,777 boots on the ground,” an official associated with the campaign told The Express Tribune, “At least four policemen were available to cordon-off a single street.”

As vaccination teams reached out to around 0.3 million houses for nine paediatric diseases in 77 union councils, polio inoculation was carried out in 44 union councils.


Round three: Just under 550,000 minors vaccinated as Sehat ka Insaf continues – The Express Tribune
some 6000 parents have refused to get their kids vaccinated, and around 30,000 were not present at home.


Parents to receive invitations for vaccinating children

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Department will launch a campaign from Sunday (tomorrow) to scale up awareness among parents of the significance of immunisation against nine vaccine-preventable childhood ailments.

“The campaign seeks to increase the immunisation rate from the existing 47 per cent and safeguard children against avoidable diseases,” officials said, adding that the drive would be run for three months in Peshawar every Sunday.

In the biggest-ever immunisation campaign in the province, about 12,000 ‘Sehat Razakaar’ (health volunteers) will go door to door and distribute invitation coupons among the parents, requesting them to bring their children for vaccination to their nearest centres run by the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) at government hospitals, they said.

The parents will be asked to fill up and return the coupons to the health workers and ensure to bring their less than two-year-old children for vaccination.

The officials said that the children would get free vaccination against tuberculosis, polio, diphtheria, pertusis, tetanus, hepatitis ‘B’, haemophilus influenza, pneumonia and measles.

They said that routine immunisation for child-related illnesses had suffered a great deal in the past because the health workers remained preoccupied with anti-polio campaigns and gave little attention to other ailments.

Under the ‘Sehat Ka Insaf’ programme, the government wants to scale up routine immunisation and protect children.

The officials said that many private hospitals and clinics had been selling these vaccines, but parents couldn’t afford their cost and as such let their children exposed to dangerous diseases.

For instance, private outlets have been charging Rs4,000 for pneumonia vaccination of a child, which was out of reach of the poor, they said.

The officials said that a total of 210,000 households in 80 union councils would be targeted in the campaign during which coupons would be delivered to them.

They said that the invitation cards had been designed in line with the Pakhtun culture of “Sut” (invitation) so that people felt honoured to accept them.

They said that about 50 per cent of the targeted children in the city had been without vaccination due to which many deaths had occurred in the past few years.

Measles has been claiming lives of dozens of children every month due to non-vaccination, they added.

According to the officials, these vaccines could not be taken door to door as the government required qualified technical staff to administer them to children.

Therefore, the programme has been designed to inform the people about the importance of vaccination so they could bring their children to the nearest government hospitals.

The remaining UCs will be targeted on next Sundays.

The initiative will guide and enable the parents to visit the health facilities and get their children immunised.

The campaign has already been carried out on the past two Sundays in which only polio vaccination was carried out, the officials said.

The next 10 days will witness vaccination of all childhood diseases in Peshawar after which the same programme will be extended to other districts of the province.

Parents to receive invitations for vaccinating children - DAWN.COM
Parents to receive invitations for vaccinating children - DAWN.COM
Second polio case detected in Peshawar

In a major development, the health department currently involved in conducting the ongoing ‘Sehat Ka Insaf’ immunisation drive suffered another blow after a second new polio case was diagnosed in Peshawar besides three more polio cases from the volatile North Waziristan Agency in a single day. With these four new polio cases, the total number of polio cases in the country during the current year reached 21. According to the exclusive information made available to The News by highly placed sources of the provincial health department, stool samples of a 18 months old child were collected from Qazi Khel village in Peshawar upon the identification of health department officers that were visiting houses door to door to deliver polio vaccines and dengue awareness pamphlets under ‘Sehat Ka Insaf’ drive in Peshawar.

“The name of the child is Shakirullah son of Zabiullah and he is an 18 months old. The child is the resident of Qazi Khel village in Khalisa union council No-2,” said an official of the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI).

Pleading anonymity, he said the new case is one of the four polio cases detected in a single day in the country and has dealt a serious blow to the national polio eradication programme as last year the total number of polio cases reported during the same corresponding period were only three.

“Its is a very bad news for polio eradication if a country starts reporting frequent polio cases during the low transmission season, Pakistan reporting frequent cases during the low transmission season is an alarm bell for the PM Polio Cell,” he noted.

According to details of the three other cases reported on Friday from North Waziristan, Khairmadullah son of Zabiullah, 18 months, resident of Miranshah, Sudis son of Seelan, 19 months, Miranshah, whereas the third case, that also belongs to Miranshah is a female child of 18 months and her name is Fatima daughter of Saifullah.

The government and its health department has not been able to reach children in North Waziristan for the past years due to ban on polio campaign by local Taliban as a protest over US drone strikes there.

Second polio case detected in Peshawar - thenews.com.pk

even in Bureaucracy people are saying Kamal ker diya Khan sahib nay itni zaberdast campaign ker kay !
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