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KP CM backs corruption accused minister

Your disagreeing doesn't change anything....and you know it. MCB's case in already in NAB, if Khan sahib is so concerned about MCB then why doesn't he bring a resolution about probing all the privatization transactions from NS's MCB to Musharraf's ABL,HBL,UBL,OGDC.PPL to be probed by an independent investigator? Parliament is the forum where he is the lest active. And why doesn't he stage a dharna to prob the issue?

And how long has it been in NAB? How many times have the investigating officers been changed? Oh wait, the last one who gave the true facts was somehow mysteriously murdered.

I cannot believe this, you're actually justifying corruption and malpractice. I mean i can't even say to you, Sharam Karo because you need some Sharam in you which is clearly lacking.
And how long has it been in NAB? How many times have the investigating officers been changed? Oh wait, the last one who gave the true facts was somehow mysteriously murdered.

I cannot believe this, you're actually justifying corruption and malpractice. I mean i can't even say to you, Sharam Karo because you need some Sharam in you which is clearly lacking.

PK's appointed investigative committee to present the finidings
Committee members
1-Shahram Tarakai- Senior Minister PTI
2-Shah Farman-Senior Minister PTI
3-Imtiaz Shahid Qureshi-Senior Minister/Deputy Speaker PTI
4-Special Secretary to CM KPK
Sab apnay he banday daal liyay hain :lol:
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I have been hearing this crap for the past 20 years. NAB has been investigating this matter for the PAST 20 YEARS, and they are finalizing their probe. Seriously, you might be very gullible but certainly not me.

PK's appointed investigative committee to present the finidings
Committee members
1-Shahram Tarakai- Senior Minister PTI
2-Shah Farman-Senior Minister PTI
3-Imtiaz Shahid Qureshi-Senior Minister/Deputy Speaker PTI
4-Special Secretary to CM KPK
Sab apnay he banday daal liyay hain :lol:

Do you have another source for this? If true, i would condemn it and not defend corruption like you guys defend PML-N corruption. In my eyes, corruption is the worst crime one can commit as this money belongs to the masses and not corrupt individuals. And, are we honestly going to compare PML-N's legendary corruption against PTI's? hahah jahil

Choor bhee apna, Munsif bhee apna. :lol:

I know right, similar to the comission Shahbaz Sharif made against Rana Mashood when he got caught taking bribes for Shahbaz Sharif.
I know right, similar to the comission Shahbaz Sharif made against Rana Mashood when he got caught taking bribes for Shahbaz Sharif.
Which commission? It is NAB AFAIK and they're not letting him get away with any corruption

At topic
It seems like a muk muqa has been achieved between JI and PTI, now we can finally put BoK scam to an end.


Chief Secretary has been made the scapegoat

And Jamaties and PTI are back hugs and kisses


BoK Scandal, RIP now :lol:
Which commission? It is NAB AFAIK and they're not letting him get away with any corruption

At topic
It seems like a muk muqa has been achieved between JI and PTI, now we can finally put BoK scam to an end.


Chief Secretary has been made the scapegoat

And Jamaties and PTI are back hugs and kisses


BoK Scandal, RIP now :lol:

I agree PTIs handling of Ehtesaab Commission is a joke.

Yes, NAB started investigating after the opposition made a fuss and Army Chief met NAB Chairman.

Before that, a committee formed by Shahbaz Sharif that compromised of all PML-N members.


BoK Scandal, RIP now :lol:

The only difference between you and me is, i won't defend this. I have enough morality in my body to condemn corruption, unlike some shameful people who continue defending their leaders like good slaves despite massive corruption that amounts to billions of rupees. Besides monetary corruption, the destruction of Pakistan's Civil Services when people like Fawad Hussain are placed as the head of Pakistan's Civil Services when his merit is 151.
The only difference between you and me is, i won't defend this. I have enough morality in my body to condemn corruption, unlike some shameful people who continue defending their leaders like good slaves despite massive corruption that amounts to billions of rupees. Besides monetary corruption, the destruction of Pakistan's Civil Services when people like Fawad Hussain are placed as the head of Pakistan's Civil Services when his merit is 151.
I said it before, your not defending it changes nothing! Mind it! KPK government was dubious when the dumped QWP, then sucked them up again. They were dubious when they tried to Frame ANP's mian ifthikar, they were dubious when the chief of their very own ehtisaab commission left.Now they are doing the same to JI. They won't change by your F8888in disagreement.
BC i don't understand this wierd mentality. "I don't agree" me not agreeing with Punjab government doesn't have an iota of impact other than showing my internal hypocrisy.

Yes, NAB started investigating after the opposition made a fuss and Army Chief met NAB Chairman.

Before that, a committee formed by Shahbaz Sharif that compromised of all PML-N members.


Though I can understand your trying to discredit NAB, the point is that He is not gonna get away with this. I will see if the culprit of BoK scandal even gets investigated in next 20 years.

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