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KP assembly approves resolution against drone attacks


Jul 20, 2010
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PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly has approved a resolution against US drone attacks in the tribal regions of the country.

The resolution was presented by by senior minister Bashir Bilour and demands that the US envoy to the country be summoned to the Foreign Office.

The resolution calls for an immediate end to the drone strikes, stating that they violate Pakistan’s sovereignty and are counter-productive in fighting militancy. The resolution also demands that US should hand over drone technology to Pakistan.

KP assembly approves resolution against drone attacks | Provinces | DAWN.COM
:)))))))))))) Imran Khan is going to have a sit in and protest on 23rd and 24th April against drones in KP so KP assembly is only trying to ungli kata kay shaheedon main naam likhwana
the people of this country are "BEHIS" simple... when Imran khan protest rally non of single educated person be there with him.. everyone just go to his/her job in the morning and @ night just come back from office non of educated or any business class person interested to join any kind of rally nor protest.. simple the people of this country are damn damn be-his... just talking talking and talking ... from Army chief to single person of this country 90% are corrupted 80% of population of this nation not even pay single peny taxes ... few people (job) payed taxes thats it.. 70% of population using illegal electricity connections same with telephones... no one interested to ask!

more thn 30 programs on our TV Channels related to CURRENT AFFAIRS damn this BS capital talk, Kamran Khan kay saath GEO, Live with talat .. etc all are just earning money thats it.. i have never seen any TV journalist join any big protest like on PETROL prices .... electricity bills.. GAS bills etc..

this country will be going ****** already and will be ***** soon! because

"jo kom asi hoti hain Allah unko kudhe khatam kardeta hey .... adi say ziada kooom haram kha rahe hey aur khatay hian hamaray halat theek hojaye waah!" extra munafakhoor one of biggest example!


The people of this nation include me eveyrone is just TALK TALK AND TALK! nothing implement!

Who said PAKISTAN is poor country ???? always laugh on this statement that we are pooor

Go to the market... people buying gold, jewerllery... food everything... everything...

Every year from past 10 years everyyear AUTOMOBILE industry earn more and more money every year every month.. ... from textile to every business... everyone is booming... telme how many people came on the streets and road ????? more thn 1000 times petrol pricess food prices etc increased i have never seen any single protest from college, universities... to market not a single person came on the road for real protest.. just these humty dumty cartoon netwrok parties with their cartoons just doing protest to earn VOTE in elections that it!

people of this nation******

America kay nechay lagay hain Army say laykar hukmaran sab

aur koom enjoy kar rahe hey telefone kay packages !

About Drone strikes. . it will be continue with more power! wanna see... now see!
I thought the same about my country...but Anna Hazare episode changed in...we are in same frustrated state as expressed by you...and when Annaji appeared - a non-political-clean guy- ready to take politicians head on, the country rallied behind him....not the paid supporters who cheer for pack of biriyani and liquor, not the supportes who are brought to trucks and buses by the f..... netas, but the real common man - doctors, lawyers, farmers, students, teachers, and especially the yound Indians...

And I beleive the success in Anna's episode has given confidence that we can take on the corrupt politicians.

SO dont loose hope, its just matter of time and a good person to lead you
The fact remains that the US drones are killing terrorists. Al Qaeda leadership, foreigners, Afghan Taliban, TTP are all being killed. Yes many civilians are also dying. The reason for the collateral damage is two fold, the limitations of real time 'humint' or 'human intelligence' and the fact that these terrorists use civilians as human shield to cover their presence and their activities. The media also plays its part by highlighting civilian deaths.

If Pakistan Army could do the job the drones are doing, there would be no need for the drones. But Pak Army is killing only the terrorists whom they don't like and not the ones they think are useful.

Instead of passing anti drone resolutions, the KP Assembly could have passed a resolution saying that the accurate information on location of all terrorists would be conveyed to the drones and that no civilian will consort or associate with terrorists. This would have ensured that only terrorists got killed and not civilians.

But then we don't live in an ideal world, do we?
I don't think anything is going to happen in regard to the drone attacks they are going to continue but good job mp politicians did atleast they are showing resentment by passing this Resoloution
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