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Kosovo declares independence

The lesson to be learnt is that people who can't keep their differences aside and form partnerships, suffer because of it.

I don't know, frankly what the solution of kashmir is.

Being a patriotic Indian, I would definitely prefer of Kashmir can integrate peacefully with India and prosper.
I don`t think that Kashmiri people wants to be a
part of India. They never wanted it. After all you have now
pr today more than 900.000 indian troops there. More than
100.000 innocent Kashmiri were matterd/killed by Indian army
during search opration. I my self talk to both Pakistani & Indian
occupide Kashmiri. They wants Kashmir as a independent state or
a part of Pakistan.
Congratulations a new birh of muslim state in the
map of the world as Kosovo. Finally they are now free
from Serbia.:tup:
Wondring that why Kashmir & Pelestain being ignore
by World Super Powers :rolleyes:

Pelestain issue maybe because USA fully support
to Israel against so many muslim states around them.

But Kashmir isuue always being ignore :disagree:
Wondring that why Kashmir & Pelestain being ignore
by World Super Powers :rolleyes:

Pelestain issue maybe because USA fully support
to Israel against so many muslim states around them.

But Kashmir isuue always being ignore :disagree:

Kashmir has no oil :crazy:
But location of Balkan peninsula decides the line of oil pipe. :crazy:

So you mean to say a Muslim Kosovo is better for USA and its Pipeline then the Serbian Balkan ? .. feasibility of any projects also takes care of socio political condition and its future impact ..
wow what a move taken by the bunch of C I A masterminds.
Now neither Serbia nor Russia is accepting the independence. By supporting the Iran's nuclear programe and going against US, Russia was definately wining the hearts of many muslim communities of the world. And Russians were almost there in making a Muslimblock for its strategic interests. Now many muslims of the world will not feel good about the Russian attitude.
Slowly and steadily Uncle Sam is hunting down the old Russian Grizzly in the Balkans.
Good Show C.I.A Brabo...Brabo....Brabo

I think Russia lost most of the muslim hearts for a long time ago. First the crimean war against Ottoman empire, Soviet Unions attitude against religion, invasion of Afghanistan and lastly Chechnya.
The U.S. will probably prefer Kosovo, unless it wants to give up such a chance and prefer having something else in return (defense shield)?
How can any Muslim support Russia after what they have done in Chechnya? I'm not even religous and I can never forgive Russia for their war crimes there. Never ever.
or may be .. USA wants to Motivate other Islamic seperetist movements in Chechnya and elsewhere .. which will serve the following purposes
1) can shoo away the challange by weakening others states with the internal conflicts and keep the domination
2) Keep the Jehadist busy in smaller conflicts spread all over the world by motivating them with hope of smaller triumphs .
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