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Korean Wave making North Koreans rebellious against the regime


Jul 25, 2011
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North Koreans getting more foreign media than ever, study says - latimes.com

North Koreans getting more foreign media than ever, study says
May 11, 2012 | 12:56 pm

Although North Korea remains one of the most closed countries in the world, more outside information is trickling in through foreign movies, television and radio than ever before, says a study commissioned by the State Department that surveyed hundreds of recent defectors.

But the growing access to outside information doesn’t seem to change North Koreans’ ideas about their own country -- a finding that splits from earlier research on the isolated nation.

Nearly half of the North Korean defectors who were surveyed said they had watched a foreign DVD, an illegal act that can be severely punished. Most of the movies were South Korean television dramas and films, which they often found appealing because they weren’t saddled with obvious messages.

"North Korea only shows beautiful images," a 26-year-old woman who left North Korea two years ago told the researchers. "But in the South Korean dramas, there is fighting and I think that is realistic. There is also poverty, but in North Korea they only show you good things."

The dramas also undercut North Korean propaganda. "I was told when I was young that South Koreans are very poor, but the South Korean dramas proved that just isn't the case," a 31-year-old man said.

Figuring out what is happening inside North Korea is a daunting task. The regime controls its media. Internet access is scant. Foreign journalists who are granted rare permission to visit the country are accompanied by government minders.

Because of those restrictions, research on North Korea relies heavily on interviewing people who’ve left the country. The researchers cautioned that the refugees and defectors may not be statistically representative of the entire North Korean population in their beliefs and behaviors.

Besides watching foreign DVDs, roughly a quarter of the defectors surveyed said they had seen foreign television or heard foreign radio while in North Korea. Some of the elite have also been able to bring in computers, USB drives and illegal Chinese cellphones, the study found.

However, word-of-mouth, not technology, was widely seen as the most important source of information. Almost all of the North Korean defectors who were surveyed said they had gotten information through "rumors" that wasn’t available in the North Korean state media.

The findings from the Intermedia consulting group echo an earlier study done by researchers Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland, which found that outside media were increasingly reaching the country.

But whereas the earlier study tied media consumption to questioning the regime, the new research found that outside media didn’t necessarily affect North Koreans’ beliefs about their country, though the outside media did make them more sympathetic toward South Korea and the United States.

"It’s something that we don’t quite understand," said Leon Sigal, director of the Northeast Asia Cooperative Security Project at the Social Science Research Council. "The hold that the regime has on people goes way beyond propaganda."

North Koreans do know about the outside world thanks to flood of Korean drama and movies that have swept the North Korean underground market. This is why the ROK is waiting for the eventual popular revolt against Kim Jong Eun to execute the takeover plan.
You highlighted all the wrong parts. What's important:

"But whereas the earlier study tied media consumption to questioning the regime, the new research found that outside media didn’t necessarily affect North Koreans’ beliefs about their country, though the outside media did make them more sympathetic toward South Korea and the United States."

SK dramas aren't making them revolt. Furthermore, defectors are obviously not a representative sample of NK's population.
SK dramas aren't making them revolt.
North Korean public's discontent with the regime is rising because of outside influences.

Furthermore, defectors are obviously not a representative sample of NK's population.
There is actually a weekly popularity ranking of Korean dramas and TV shows within North Korea, based on illegal DVD sales figure. This figure is known because those DVDs are produced in China, and the Korean intelligence gains access to the number printed for North Korean smugglers to figure out what's popular.

And the intelligence actually provide a feed back to the producers of popular shows. The top ranking show(Which is not a drama, but a travelling game show) increased gourmet eating segment to influence North Korean viewers, so that watching the show in North Korea becomes a torture.
North Koreans and South Koreans , they should have peace. NOT WAR.
Nobody wants peace. With North Korea continuing to provoke, while the ROK's stated goal is the regime collapse and the takeover of North Korea.
Growing access to foreign media is changing North Koreans' worldview, study says - chicagotribune.com

Growing access to foreign media is changing North Koreans' worldview, study says

WASHINGTON (AP) — The growing availability of news media and cellphones in reclusive North Korea likely forced it to admit within hours that its long-range rocket launch last month was a failure, the U.S. human rights envoy to the country said Thursday.


Restrictions that threaten years in prison and hard labor for activities like watching a South Korean soap opera or listening to foreign news broadcasts have been tightened since the mid-2000s but are enforced less than in the past, the study said. People remain wary of government inspection teams, but fewer citizens appear to be reporting on each other.

"The state can't count on their citizenry to turn each other in," the main author, Nathaniel Kretchun, said.

The study, titled, "A Quiet Opening: North Koreans in a Changing Media Environment," is based on research involving several hundred North Korean defectors and refugees during 2010-11.

It found that nearly half had watched a foreign DVD, the most commonly used type of outside media. About a quarter of people had listened to a foreign radio news broadcast while in North Korea or had watched a foreign news station.

Nearly one-third of television watchers whose sets were fixed to state-run programing had modified them in order to capture a signal from outside stations detectable along the Chinese and South Korean borders.


Nowadays, North Koreans with exposure to outside news or entertainment media are more likely to be favorably disposed toward South Korea and the United States — the North's traditional enemies — although they would be extremely limited in their ability to express such views or act on them, the study said.

"Ultimately, North Korea is losing control of what its people are seeing and listening to and how people are thinking about their socio-economic conditions and the outside world," said Abraham Kim of the Korea Economic Institute.


Access to technology has picked up rapidly in recent years, fueled by cheap imports from China. Some 74 percent of those interviewed had access to a TV when they lived in North Korea, and 46 percent had access to a DVD player. Computers, portable USB drives and illegal Chinese mobile phones that can make international calls — unlike local cellphones — also have begun entering the country in substantial numbers, especially among the elite.

Martyn Williams, who writes the blog NorthKoreaTech.org, said that the government's intense use of its scant resources and electricity to jam foreign news broadcasts reflected its concern about the impact of outside media.

North Korea targets between 10 and 15 frequencies used by international short-wave broadcasters, such as U.S.-funded Radio Free Asia and stations operated by South Korea's government, for up to 18 hours a day, and on major occasions like the April centennial, it jams radio signals around the clock, Williams said.


The elites have the greatest exposure to outside media, with computers, USB drives and illegal Chinese mobile phones entering the country in substantial numbers, according to the report. The study identified DVDs as the most commonly accessed form of outside media. DVDs of South Korean films show the South’s prosperity and quality of life.

Human Rights Record
The increased media penetration may explain why the normally secretive leadership chose to invite foreign media to watch its April 12 missile launch and then, after it disintegrated over the Yellow Sea, admitted the failure publicly.

Those living along the militarized Chinese and South Korean borders are also able to access foreign television shows. There is no satellite penetration of North Korea, said Nathaniel Kretchun, who authored the report with Jane Kim.
Better both bastards taken over by China, except Takeshima of Japan.
what's funny is that most normal Koreans don't actually want unification anymore.
If they unify that would mean a lot of problems for them.
The biggest being cheap North Korean labor.
And of course cultural difference as well.

Most South Koreans are perfectly happy with the situation as is.
what's funny is that most normal Koreans don't actually want unification anymore.
If they unify that would mean a lot of problems for them.
The biggest being cheap North Korean labor.
And of course cultural difference as well.

This is why the ROK plans to keep North Korean border sealed and keep it as a SAR after the takeover, and put North Korea through a systematic development process that it went through back in the 60s and 70s. The North Korean development process will be accelerated through ROK money, knowledge, and EU/US FTAs that would make North Korea a super-attractive place to relocate factories from China for foreign and Korean companies.
Better both bastards taken over by China, except Takeshima of Japan.
WHEN North Korea begins to fall apart, just like how Eastern Europe did, just like how helpless the Kremlin was, so will equally helpless China. That abomination call North Korea will fall. Then just like how within one generation that the citizenry of North Korea became smaller and weaker, within one generation, the taller, better fed, better educated, and better looking South Koreans will raise their descendants to the higher standards of humanity. Korea will be better off under southern Koreans' administration.
WHEN North Korea begins to fall apart, just like how Eastern Europe did, just like how helpless the Kremlin was, so will equally helpless China. That abomination call North Korea will fall. Then just like how within one generation that the citizenry of North Korea became smaller and weaker, within one generation, the taller, better fed, better educated, and better looking South Koreans will raise their descendants to the higher standards of humanity. Korea will be better off under southern Koreans' administration.
For looking and figure size,which one is better and bigger,president Lee of South Korea or leader Kim from North?
Better both bastards taken over by China, except Takeshima of Japan.
If that's the case, then Japanese women would be deeply saddened and we don't want Japanese women to be sad.


The Japanese Women's Perspective of Masculinity between Korean and Japanese male stars by Asahi Columnist Kitahara Minori.

She compares Korean singing DBSK(Who holds holds Japanese record for drawing the biggest audiences in a single tour series) and Japanese singing team EXILE. According to Kitahara, big, tall and muscular Korean men woo pheromone and the estrogen level of women who smell the pheromone shoot up.

EXILE(One of biggest singing team in Japan), by comparison, are "cold" and "dominating", the very traditional maleness that Japanese women are used to. It's the different kind of maleness that Koreans bring to Japan which is driving Japanese women nuts for Korean men.

The food chain in Japan

Japanese men -> goes nut for -> AKB48 members -> goes nut for Korean male singers and moviestars
9cm masculinary Korean man, What a joke.

Back to the topic, a kidnapper and a cheater really make a fantastic team. Bedore that, don't pose your finger against each other.
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