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Korea to accelerate the deployment of Beijing striking missile

South Korea to speed up development of new missiles - Telegraph

With a range of 800 km +- 50 km, this missile can strike Beijing.

They only needed 550 km range for North Korea, but went extra length to cover Beijing.
Honestly I don't think it is a good idea to Koreans. Most tiny countries should learn how to find a way to live peacefully between the gap of two big dominant countries, mostly small countries even have to please both sides (in this case China and US) by ***-licking--- it is harsh in feeling but necessary for small countries to survive. Acting proactively in current situation is not very wise to Koreans.
Acting proactively in current situation is not very wise to Koreans.

Going by Korea's actions Korea doesn't care.

1. Deployment of missiles that could strike Beijing.
2. Development of 300 km range supersonic anti-ship missile.
3. Development of 250 km range SAM.
4. Construction of a naval base 500 km away from Shanghai that could host two US carrier battle groups simultaneously.
Going by Korea's actions Korea doesn't care.

1. Deployment of missiles that could strike Beijing.
2. Development of 300 km range supersonic anti-ship missile.
3. Development of 250 km range SAM.
4. Construction of a naval base 500 km away from Shanghai that could host two US carrier battle groups simultaneously.

HI Jaytl. When is your real account coming up? You forget to brag about India in your posts as you are not a real Korean.
Exports to China currently account for 12 percent of South Korea’s gross domestic product, up from 3.5 percent in 2000. Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Chile, Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia have also increased their exports to China while exports by the U.S. and the U.K. to the Asian country represent less than 1 percent of their respective GDPs.

S.Korea is so dependent on China for everything,protection from the North and their whole economy
Korean is not actually Korean, he is an false flagger of an different ethnicity. And he seemed to forget that China's AAD is more than capabale of knocking out the missile during terminal stage.
That makes sense to me, I also can't believe a real Korean would waving flags for japs against China. It must be a false flag jap or viet or something else...
take it easy bro, korean is a false flag troll no need to take him seriously, just enjoy the way he makes a fool of himselfe and before you can say hallelujuh he will be in pink
Honestly I don't think it is a good idea to Koreans. Most tiny countries should learn how to find a way to live peacefully between the gap of two big dominant countries, mostly small countries even have to please both sides (in this case China and US) by ***-licking--- it is harsh in feeling but necessary for small countries to survive. Acting proactively in current situation is not very wise to Koreans.

that guy is indian

people who stay on PDF forum know this guy is the biggest false flagger who incessantly stirs up fights between S Korea and China. This "korean“ has been banned multiple times!

S/he gets scared away from revealing her/his identities whenver we challenged her with direct questions:

Korean is not actually Korean, he is an false flagger of an different ethnicity. And he seemed to forget that China's AAD is more than capabale of knocking out the missile during terminal stage.
At what percentage?

Thanks to North Korea, Korea stockpiles thousands of rounds of missiles. No one knows how many missiles the ROK stockpiles, but one war simulation that a reporter witnessed has the ROK army launching 5,000 ballistic missiles in 5 days. When asked if this could actually be done, the answer was "yes". And the ROK will buy $4.5 billion worth of this 800 km ballistic missiles. Even at a guessed average cost of $2 million, that's 2,300 missiles.

That's twice the number of ballistic missiles that China has aimed at Taiwan.
Going by Korea's actions Korea doesn't care.

1. Deployment of missiles that could strike Beijing.
2. Development of 300 km range supersonic anti-ship missile.
3. Development of 250 km range SAM.
4. Construction of a naval base 500 km away from Shanghai that could host two US carrier battle groups simultaneously.

The Problem is like Luxembourg striking Berlin or Paris. And the next moment Luxembourg would be glad to start from Stone Age again, because there will be no more Luxembourg to start anything at all.
Götterdämmerung;3790247 said:
The Problem is like Luxembourg striking Berlin or Paris.
Luxembourg doesn't have a powerful, sophisticated military like Korea does.
Luxembourg doesn't have a powerful, sophisticated military like Korea does.

You are not really bright, are you? All the bombs you have can at max destroy a whole province of China. The same amount of bombs coming from China to you would make a crater out of the whole Korea.
Götterdämmerung;3790279 said:
You are not really bright, are you? All the bombs you have can at max destroy a whole province of China. The same amount of bombs coming from China to you would make a crater out of the whole Korea.

You overestimate your motherland China.
And at the end, Uncle Sam will conveniently 'loan' a couple of nukes to Korea! :angry:

Divide and rule. Age old formula.
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