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Korea and Japan to sign an military information sharing agreement next mont


Jul 25, 2011
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Korean and Japanese defense ministers are set to sign a framework MOU for sharing military information. Currently they share information regarding North Korea, but this agreement expands the scope beyond North Korea(You know what this would mean). In addition, they also agreed to share fuel and food in overseas deployment.

So this is what Japan's defense minister said when he said the SDF was going to get a radar data feed from Korea. Fuel and food sharing is the precursor to eventual weapons sharing agreement that the US has sought from both, so that the SDF could deliver arms to Korea in the event of a war.....
south korea and japan are both occupied bases of the usa so it's not exactly like these two countries have their own policies.
south korea and japan are both occupied bases of the usa so it's not exactly like these two countries have their own policies.
And the US thanks China for making the impossible happen. When the Asian NATO is formed, the US has China to thank.
And the US thanks China for making the impossible happen. When the Asian NATO is formed, the US has China to thank.

and china will take over this asian nato in the near future. so a big thanks for the usa for setting the group up.
china will be automatically invited.

don't give too much importance to your self mate. just like you should not underestimate how most countries feel about you.

its not a reflection on china in particular. its just that any time a country grows it will make enemies.
its just that any time a country grows it will make enemies.
This is not necessarily the case. The German economic dominance in EU has not won it any enemies.

Japanese rightwingers were extremely angry by this announcement, as it would imply that Japan has given up on the "military solution" of the Liancourt Rocks. And if Japan has given up on the military solution on the Liancourt Rocks, then Japan is also giving up on the military solution on the Kurils.
Both japan, korea and china are way too integrated economically and any kind of military conflict is out of the question. China will
naturally win on the territorial disputes due to its sheer size and power but this japan-korea alliance is necessary for maintaining
the balance of power in the region and is a welcome step. After all the yanks won't be there for ever to protect the japanese and
Both japan, korea and china are way too integrated economically and any kind of military conflict is out of the question. China will
naturally win on the territorial disputes due to its sheer size and power but this japan-korea alliance is necessary for maintaining
the balance of power in the region and is a welcome step. After all the yanks won't be there for ever to protect the japanese and
Why, They are shifting to Mars or to some other galaxy. Mate, till Asian contries are devided and they have enough natural resorces or Yanks have power, they are not leaving this place.
Why, They are shifting to Mars or to some other galaxy. Mate, till Asian contries are devided and they have enough natural resorces or Yanks have power, they are not leaving this place.
It is true that the US power is in decline, that's why the US is trying to forge the US-Korea-Japan triple alliance as the core security instrument in Asia, then expand it to include other nations.

One may not be able to win over all of PLA, but three can.... For example, until now the US and Japan shared data and US and Korea shared data, so the US could see what the ROK was detecting but not Japan. This may not have mattered until now, but the Japanese failure to detect the North Korean missile flight the other day changed all that. Japan desperately wants the access to the Korean radar data feed in order to monitor North Korean and PLA activities in the Yellow Sea, which in turn would theoretically give Korea access to Japan's radar feed in East China Sea near Okinawa, but I am not sure what Koreans would do with that... Anyhow, this agreement greatly increases the coverage of resolution of radars on both side, of much higher details than what China is able to gather alone.

Another immediate benefit is the fuel sharing, which would allow Japanese and Korean tankers to cross fuel each other's warships, which increases operating efficiency.
Both japan, korea and china are way too integrated economically and any kind of military conflict is out of the question. China will
naturally win on the territorial disputes due to its sheer size and power but this japan-korea alliance is necessary for maintaining
the balance of power in the region and is a welcome step. After all the yanks won't be there for ever to protect the japanese and

I doubt that Japanese needed any protection of any sort except the first few years post WW2. They've shown what they're like when they want to militarize. It is only a matter of time before Japanese dump their Article 9 totally and start building up military rapidly. As such they've got a cutting edge military and with the kind of technological expertise they have, a build up shouldn't take anytime at all.

Glad to see Korea and Japan ending their years of feud to jointly face a bigger problem. Hopefully the Korean right wing and Japanese right wing reach a rapprochement after this.

It is true that the US power is in decline, that's why the US is trying to forge the US-Korea-Japan triple alliance as the core security instrument in Asia, then expand it to include other nations.

In that case, it is important that your new president actually starts taking militarization a bit more seriously. From what I personally see, you Koreans will need to do a few things before things can turn on in your favor:

- build a strong anti-artillery defense system against the hundreds of artillery units posted near the DMZ by the Fat Kim's regime.

- remove any pacifist approach in your military or constitutional doctrine of the past and look forward to a more offensive military capability. Please note that China will not fight you head-on in a confrontation; they will use their last communist puppets aka NK.

- an agreement between the hawks on both Japan's and your side. We all know that you and the Japanese don't like each other due to past actions of the latter and that was bad. But now times have changed and a bigger threat has emerged that is common to both of your and equally dangerous. You must decide accordingly.

One may not be able to win over all of PLA, but three can....

In modern warfare, you won't need three countries to hold off the Reds. Japan and you have reasonable technology to hold off for long enough. Remember, Chinese would never fight you directly. They'd fight directly with the Japanese but for them, it would be better if they could get you and NK to kill each other off. China's objective in Korean peninsula is not communism now but whatever resources your north and you have beneath your surface.

Japan desperately wants the access to the Korean radar data feed in order to monitor North Korean and PLA activities in the Yellow Sea, which in turn would theoretically give Korea access to Japan's radar feed in East China Sea near Okinawa, but I am not sure what Koreans would do with that... Anyhow, this agreement greatly increases the coverage of resolution of radars on both side, of much higher details than what China is able to gather alone.

You may need to be prepared to be more unilateral in your military decisions (independent off USA's say)in the future as the US may tend to be soft footed on security concerns of you or the Japanese due to its own economic troubles. It is understandable but it should not become the cause of risk for you and Tokyo.
China is not invited in Asian NATO as it is an organization designed to specifically counter China. Just like how China's not invited in the TPP.

What other countries do you think will be invited in the Asian NATO?

Any idea on the origin of the name Liancourt Rocks for Dokdo/Takeshima?
It is true that the US power is in decline, that's why the US is trying to forge the US-Korea-Japan triple alliance as the core security instrument in Asia, then expand it to include other nations.

One may not be able to win over all of PLA, but three can.... For example, ...

For example, in Korea War, half of the world is against PLA. What's the result? Now there are only three... :lol:

It is easy to forget the history and suffer again... for the fools, especially the hostile fools.

BTW, any Pacific trade accord without China is a joke.
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