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Kim Jong Un’s ‘monster’ missile could overwhelm US defense systems


Nov 4, 2011
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Kim Jong Un’s ‘monster’ missile could overwhelm US defense systems
By Yaron Steinbuch
October 12, 2020


During a massive military parade in North Korea, Kim Jong Un rolled out a fearsome missile that can pack several atomic weapons in a single projectile that could likely target any US city by overwhelming defense systems, according to reports.

Weapons experts said the likely engine configuration of the “monster” Hwasong-16 intercontinental ballistic missile would allow it to deliver several thousand pounds of payload anywhere in the US, according to Bloomberg News.

The despot apparently learned from the former Soviet Union that it’s more effective to add warheads to a single system rather than to build more missiles, according to Ankit Panda, author of “Kim Jong Un and the Bomb: Survival and Deterrence in North Korea.”

“They can saturate the defenses by having more re-entry vehicles than the US can ever hope to defend against,” Panda, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said Monday at a web seminar hosted by South Korea-based NK News.

Panda estimated that the Hwasong-16 could hold as many as four warheads. The Hwasong-15, which Kim launched in November 2017, was believed to have a single warhead, Bloomberg reported.

“We are aware of reports related to the parade. Our analysis is ongoing and we are consulting with our Allies in the region,” Defense Department spokesman Lt. Col. Chris Mitchell told The Post in an email.

The Hermit Kingdom would need to launch 11 single-warhead ICBMs to have at least a 1-in-3 chance of evading missile defense systems and detonating a thermonuclear device on an American city, Panda said.

The more warheads it can fire, the greater the chance of overwhelming US defense systems, he added.

“If the North Koreans have questions about the performance of their own re-entry vehicles, putting multiple re-entry vehicles on a ballistic missile simply increases the chances that one of those will successfully detonate,” Panda said.

At around 85 feet, the new liquid-fuel missile appears to be about 6 to 9 feet longer than the Hwasong-15, weapons experts estimate. It’s also wider, making it the largest road-mobile ICBM of its type in the world.

The rogue regime displayed four of the new missiles during the parade, each carried by a never-before-seen 11-axle truck.

“It’s huge,” said Melissa Hanham, a weapons expert and deputy director of the Open Nuclear Network who called the missile “a monster.”

During his speech at the parade marking the 75th birthday of the ruling Workers’ Party, Kim said he would only use his arsenal if provoked.

“But if any forces try to use their military power against us, I will preemptively mobilize our most powerful offensive force and punish them,” he said.

The Hwasong-16’s engines may have been tested in December, but its actual performance cannot be assessed until North Korea actually launches it amid political risks for Kim because it would violate international sanctions.

A test also would undermine President Trump’s insistence that his personal diplomacy led Kim to halt test launches of long-range rockets.

If North Korea did test the missile, it would likely send it on a trajectory to reach an apogee in excess of 3,100 miles — 12 times higher than the International Space Station, Panda said.

Xu Tianran, an analyst for Open Nuclear Network, told the Sun that the missile “could probably reach the whole of the US with a very large, high yield nuclear warhead, or two or more warheads if the warheads are smaller and lighter.”

Markus Garlauskas, a former US intelligence officer for North Korea, said the missile — estimated to have a yield of more than 2,000 megatons — would erase any remaining doubts that Pyongyang could hit the US, according to the UK news outlet.

“If the Hwasong-15 could carry a ‘super-large’ nuclear warhead to anywhere in the US, then the natural question is what can this larger missile carry?” he told Reuters.

Retired CIA analyst Bruce Klingner of the Heritage Foundation said: “The clear message was that, counter to US claims, the North Korean nuclear threat has not been solved.”

You wont credit CHina for providing the help to make this happen? we already know NK cant produce these things alone, NO WAY.
Why would China provide nuke tech to others that can threaten its own border? Your analogy is just like saying Russia provide tech to help China create DF-41 which sounds laughable.
NK developing such an ICBM on her own without any help/input from China is next to impossible...... this is surely scaled down version of DF41....
Disarmament of NK and keeping these missiles permanently in some peaceful countries is need of an hour.....
NK developing such an ICBM on her own without any help/input from China is next to impossible...... this is surely scaled down version of DF41....
Disarmament of NK and keeping these missiles permanently in some peaceful countries is need of an hour.....
Don't discredit the north korean. They are more intelligent than u can think. See how a small south korean without much resources can amass an advance industries and a near 2 trillion economy.
Too early to reach this conclusion.

DPRK have not demonstrated MiRV technology yet. Secondly, numbers are important.
Why would China provide nuke tech to others that can threaten its own border?
to deter US! North Korea is strategicallly Russia and CHina's "buffer"against western capitalism oozing from South Korea..CHina beefs up North Korea because North Korea is sort of CHina's shield from capitalism and US influence stationed in the south of the korean peninsula.
Your analogy is just like saying Russia provide tech to help China create DF-41 which sounds laughable.
False analogy here- these are 2 completely different situations so u cant compare them the same way.
Don't discredit the north korean. They are more intelligent than u can think. See how a small south korean without much resources can amass an advance industries and a near 2 trillion economy.

My friend from where NK is getting the expertise, special materials, special fuels to make this ICBM a reality?? Country that is sanctioned from decades if can build ICBM so easily then what to say..... SK maybe was with low resources they were never sanctioned and cut off from the world....

Actually it's really great to see you still want to give all the credit to NK but reality is its your China who has made it possible for NK.... if they were not China neighbor and buddy they would not be so powerful they are today......
My friend from where NK is getting the expertise, special materials, special fuels to make this ICBM a reality?? Country that is sanctioned from decades if can build ICBM so easily then what to say..... SK maybe was with low resources they were never sanctioned and cut off from the world....

Actually it's really great to see you still want to give all the credit to NK but reality is its your China who has made it possible for NK.... if they were not China neighbor and buddy they would not be so powerful they are today......
Don't forget N.Korea is also a strong ally of Russia, many of its military capabilities might be from Russia.
Korea was already an industrial powerhouse before WWII under the Japanese rule.

It could manufacture locomotive and tractors back then, and perhaps even tanks. I guess it was more industrialized than most of Europe in 1930 (the like of Yugoslavia, Finland, Portugal, Greece, Turkey etc.). Specific data is rare, but what I have read and seen when living in Korea gave me the conclusion.

AFAIK, It inherited a very big tractor manufacturing plant from Japanese enterpreneurs after 1945 and had exported a lot of tractors, mostly to Eastern bloc countries.

And they are one of the most, if not the most, intelligent nation on earth, that will help.
Don't forget N.Korea is also a strong ally of Russia, many of its military capabilities might be from Russia.

Allies don't do this:

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2371
United Nations Security Council Resolution 2375
United Nations Security Council Resolution 2397
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