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Sep 14, 2012
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I read it in one go. It was easy yet painful. The biggest takeaway is that the 1.5 mn civilian Viet death toll wasn't from collateral damage and/or lax ROE but from SOP institutionalised at the highest levels of the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs. ALL US FORMATIONS,WHETHER AIRBORNE,ARMOUR,AIRCAV,INF INCL USMC UNITS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN 65 TO THEIR COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL IN 75 used rape,mass murder,arson and killing of livestock and crop destruction routinely.
As a result Viet life was devalued to the level of smth non human.

This clip from Full Metal Jacket of a USMC DG shooting civilians happened all the time.

The book is 350 pages so let me leave the most important quotes to allow a sight of the wider picture.

-In 1969 alone 10 mn arty rounds were fired
-In 1966 91% of arty fire missions weren't actually in support of combat
-American bulldozers may have torn up 2% of the entire land area of S Vietnam
-21 mn arty and bomb craters were left postwar which when flooded caused malaria outbreaks
-so much of the peasants crops were destroyed they lived off US base garbage
-billions of dollars worth of hardwood like rosewood and teak was destroyed
-almost the entire rural female generation was reduced to hoism for survival
-due to destruction rice price inflation rose over 800% in the war years causing hunger,starvation and even death
-mass explosive destruction of villages and hillsides led to frequent floods and erosion after canals and paddies were damaged

For far too long Hollywood has fed us the wrong narrative via Platoon,Hamburger Hill,POW-MIA etc,etc. Finally the truth has been told.
View attachment 663603

I read it in one go. It was easy yet painful. The biggest takeaway is that the 1.5 mn civilian Viet death toll wasn't from collateral damage and/or lax ROE but from SOP institutionalised at the highest levels of the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs. ALL US FORMATIONS,WHETHER AIRBORNE,ARMOUR,AIRCAV,INF INCL USMC UNITS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN 65 TO THEIR COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL IN 75 used rape,mass murder,arson and killing of livestock and crop destruction routinely.
As a result Viet life was devalued to the level of smth non human.

This clip from Full Metal Jacket of a USMC DG shooting civilians happened all the time.

The book is 350 pages so let me leave the most important quotes to allow a sight of the wider picture.

-In 1969 alone 10 mn arty rounds were fired
-In 1966 91% of arty fire missions weren't actually in support of combat
-American bulldozers may have torn up 2% of the entire land area of S Vietnam
-21 mn arty and bomb craters were left postwar which when flooded caused malaria outbreaks
-so much of the peasants crops were destroyed they lived off US base garbage
-billions of dollars worth of hardwood like rosewood and teak was destroyed
-almost the entire rural female generation was reduced to hoism for survival
-due to destruction rice price inflation rose over 800% in the war years causing hunger,starvation and even death
-mass explosive destruction of villages and hillsides led to frequent floods and erosion after canals and paddies were damaged

For far too long Hollywood has fed us the wrong narrative via Platoon,Hamburger Hill,POW-MIA etc,etc. Finally the truth has been told.

The americans have committed the most war crimes and are the biggest mass murderers that this planet has ever seen. The majority of their victims are the non-white people of this earth. It is wonderful news that white americans are dying out and being replaced by blacks, latinos etc.
YOu haven't even mentioned "Agent Orange" which is killing newborns to this day

View attachment 663603

I read it in one go. It was easy yet painful. The biggest takeaway is that the 1.5 mn civilian Viet death toll wasn't from collateral damage and/or lax ROE but from SOP institutionalised at the highest levels of the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs. ALL US FORMATIONS,WHETHER AIRBORNE,ARMOUR,AIRCAV,INF INCL USMC UNITS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN 65 TO THEIR COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL IN 75 used rape,mass murder,arson and killing of livestock and crop destruction routinely.
As a result Viet life was devalued to the level of smth non human.

This clip from Full Metal Jacket of a USMC DG shooting civilians happened all the time.

The book is 350 pages so let me leave the most important quotes to allow a sight of the wider picture.

-In 1969 alone 10 mn arty rounds were fired
-In 1966 91% of arty fire missions weren't actually in support of combat
-American bulldozers may have torn up 2% of the entire land area of S Vietnam
-21 mn arty and bomb craters were left postwar which when flooded caused malaria outbreaks
-so much of the peasants crops were destroyed they lived off US base garbage
-billions of dollars worth of hardwood like rosewood and teak was destroyed
-almost the entire rural female generation was reduced to hoism for survival
-due to destruction rice price inflation rose over 800% in the war years causing hunger,starvation and even death
-mass explosive destruction of villages and hillsides led to frequent floods and erosion after canals and paddies were damaged

For far too long Hollywood has fed us the wrong narrative via Platoon,Hamburger Hill,POW-MIA etc,etc. Finally the truth has been told.
These white folks are still preparing for war today. Still sucking the poor young ones for gun foddering and sucking up money to keep the homeless and druggies littering the streets.
View attachment 663603

I read it in one go. It was easy yet painful. The biggest takeaway is that the 1.5 mn civilian Viet death toll wasn't from collateral damage and/or lax ROE but from SOP institutionalised at the highest levels of the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs. ALL US FORMATIONS,WHETHER AIRBORNE,ARMOUR,AIRCAV,INF INCL USMC UNITS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN 65 TO THEIR COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL IN 75 used rape,mass murder,arson and killing of livestock and crop destruction routinely.
As a result Viet life was devalued to the level of smth non human.

This clip from Full Metal Jacket of a USMC DG shooting civilians happened all the time.

The book is 350 pages so let me leave the most important quotes to allow a sight of the wider picture.

-In 1969 alone 10 mn arty rounds were fired
-In 1966 91% of arty fire missions weren't actually in support of combat
-American bulldozers may have torn up 2% of the entire land area of S Vietnam
-21 mn arty and bomb craters were left postwar which when flooded caused malaria outbreaks
-so much of the peasants crops were destroyed they lived off US base garbage
-billions of dollars worth of hardwood like rosewood and teak was destroyed
-almost the entire rural female generation was reduced to hoism for survival
-due to destruction rice price inflation rose over 800% in the war years causing hunger,starvation and even death
-mass explosive destruction of villages and hillsides led to frequent floods and erosion after canals and paddies were damaged

For far too long Hollywood has fed us the wrong narrative via Platoon,Hamburger Hill,POW-MIA etc,etc. Finally the truth has been told.

Go further and read the history of britain, how this nation of $w!ne-b@stards (the elite imperialist/colonialists) made an alliance with their defacto owners (zionists) to colonize the planet, plunder resources of other kingdoms, states or people, be the first nation in human history to establish slave trade as an enterprise and to proclaim that the british "have the burden to civilize humanity."

Well now, the "apple" (good ole U.S of A) didn't fall far from the tree! In fact, it has out grown, out gunned, out massacred, out genocide and out served (the zionists) than it's predecessor (british empire) in every aspect of colonialism and imperialism.

Vietnam ought to remember it's past, as many nations or people around the world tend to forget their past, as new generations are brainwashed by the garbage of hollywood, western mainstream media (and their lackeys like Al-Jazeera and indian news). Vietnam, ought to go talk to Afghans, Sudanese, Yemenis, Iraqis, Libyans and Syrians, to refresh their memories about what those colonialist, imperialist, zionist $w!ne-b@stards are really all about. Because the real danger lay in your ability to conveniently forget your past, that is exactly what they (zionist-west) hope for.
Go further and read the history of britain, how this nation of $w!ne-b@stards (the elite imperialist/colonialists) made an alliance with their defacto owners (zionists) to colonize the planet, plunder resources of other kingdoms, states or people, be the first nation in human history to establish slave trade as an enterprise and to proclaim that the british "have the burden to civilize humanity."

Well now, the "apple" (good ole U.S of A) didn't fall far from the tree! In fact, it has out grown, out gunned, out massacred, out genocide and out served (the zionists) than it's predecessor (british empire) in every aspect of colonialism and imperialism.

Vietnam ought to remember it's past, as many nations or people around the world tend to forget their past, as new generations are brainwashed by the garbage of hollywood, western mainstream media (and their lackeys like Al-Jazeera and indian news). Vietnam, ought to go talk to Afghans, Sudanese, Yemenis, Iraqis, Libyans and Syrians, to refresh their memories about what those colonialist, imperialist, zionist $w!ne-b@stards are really all about. Because the real danger lay in your ability to conveniently forget your past, that is exactly what they (zionist-west) hope for.
The ironic is Vietnam today try to alliance with US against China. They invited US to their soil again. I will not shed a tear for them if they are raped by US again. A fool has no limit.
When you look deeper into the whole SEA issue a suspicion rises and deepens when looking at what befell Laos and Cambodia: the whole thing was a combined money scam for war profiteers and munitions makers, a deliberate depopulation program and (hate me now for Conspiracy theory,cue X fIles music!) a real life theatre to please dark forces to whom our Global Elites are beholden to!

Looking at Laos,wtf else could've been the reason



They dropped more ordnance in this tiny Buddhist nation than was used in the ETO in WW2! Look at the Plain of Jars, aka The Plain of Scars.


Imagine the UNEX from all that tonnage!


"You can understand their frustration of fighting with trees and bushes..." No,Metal 0-1. Just.No. US forces routinely raped,robbed and murdered Viet civvies! Rmbr Platoon after they left the village when Sgt.Barnes shot the old lady? There's actually a child rape scene,though you'd have top look carefully,involving Bunny,Junior and one other guy stopped by Sgt.Elias-this was a matter of course for all US units!
Like the massive bombing such acts weren't a strategic error or tactical battlefield mistake but very likely a policy tool.
View attachment 663603

I read it in one go. It was easy yet painful. The biggest takeaway is that the 1.5 mn civilian Viet death toll wasn't from collateral damage and/or lax ROE but from SOP institutionalised at the highest levels of the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs. ALL US FORMATIONS,WHETHER AIRBORNE,ARMOUR,AIRCAV,INF INCL USMC UNITS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN 65 TO THEIR COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL IN 75 used rape,mass murder,arson and killing of livestock and crop destruction routinely.
As a result Viet life was devalued to the level of smth non human.

This clip from Full Metal Jacket of a USMC DG shooting civilians happened all the time.

The book is 350 pages so let me leave the most important quotes to allow a sight of the wider picture.

-In 1969 alone 10 mn arty rounds were fired
-In 1966 91% of arty fire missions weren't actually in support of combat
-American bulldozers may have torn up 2% of the entire land area of S Vietnam
-21 mn arty and bomb craters were left postwar which when flooded caused malaria outbreaks
-so much of the peasants crops were destroyed they lived off US base garbage
-billions of dollars worth of hardwood like rosewood and teak was destroyed
-almost the entire rural female generation was reduced to hoism for survival
-due to destruction rice price inflation rose over 800% in the war years causing hunger,starvation and even death
-mass explosive destruction of villages and hillsides led to frequent floods and erosion after canals and paddies were damaged

For far too long Hollywood has fed us the wrong narrative via Platoon,Hamburger Hill,POW-MIA etc,etc. Finally the truth has been told.
When you look deeper into the whole SEA issue a suspicion rises and deepens when looking at what befell Laos and Cambodia: the whole thing was a combined money scam for war profiteers and munitions makers, a deliberate depopulation program and (hate me now for Conspiracy theory,cue X fIles music!) a real life theatre to please dark forces to whom our Global Elites are beholden to!

Looking at Laos,wtf else could've been the reason

View attachment 663865

View attachment 663866

They dropped more ordnance in this tiny Buddhist nation than was used in the ETO in WW2! Look at the Plain of Jars, aka The Plain of Scars.

View attachment 663867

Imagine the UNEX from all that tonnage!

View attachment 663869

"You can understand their frustration of fighting with trees and bushes..." No,Metal 0-1. Just.No. US forces routinely raped,robbed and murdered Viet civvies! Rmbr Platoon after they left the village when Sgt.Barnes shot the old lady? There's actually a child rape scene,though you'd have top look carefully,involving Bunny,Junior and one other guy stopped by Sgt.Elias-this was a matter of course for all US units!
Like the massive bombing such acts weren't a strategic error or tactical battlefield mistake but very likely a policy tool.
Remember all the young prostitutes they created, abused and exploited. They even do it now in their own country.
American exploits in Vietnam and neighboring countries = horror stories no doubt.

Following observations are relevant nevertheless:

1. Smart bombs were not in use back then - much higher quantities of dumb bombs had to be dropped in a sector to neutralize targets of interest because there would be misses and collateral damage would be significant accordingly (sadly).

2. Much of the Vietnamese terrain does not favor armored thrusts on the ground = even greater reliance on carpet bombing runs than norm.

Smart bombs = Revolution (easy to neutralize targets of interest in a sector; significantly reduced collateral damage). First significant use in the Persian Gulf War (1991).
The US military has cemented their place in history as the most savage blood lusted force to have come into existence after the mongols. The sheer death, devastation and misery that they have brought upon the planet is unrivaled.
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