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Kids less fit than parents were: Global study

two reasons: our parents got pure things to eat and also alot of physical exercise, we lack both !
Obesity is the cost of luxury. You want to ensure your food is clean - it has to be processed. You want enough food - the fields need to be fertilized and sprayed with pesticide. Animals are fed antibiotics. So your food is now clean, but unhealthy in the long run.

As more processes and factories start to get automated, more people move away from factories and fields into offices. So a vast majority of the population now spends at least 8 hours each day hunched over a comfy chair.

It's hot, dusty and smoggy outside, so of course you need a car or a bike to get around. No more walking. Also, you're just added to the dust and smog yourself.

You're home, tired from a long day of work. So you have to stay in, watch TV or post something ridiculous on PDF.

So essentially, you're eating unhealthy food, you get absolutely no excercise and you spend most of your day in a chair, sofa or toilet seat.

The only way to stay healthy these days is to force feed vegies to yourself and hit the gym.
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