Oh then that's a deeper issue than I thought. You nations needs a though cleansing and revisit its fundamental values. That can be assisted if you have an honest leader like our LKY for a long duration (2-3 decades) and everybody believes in him. I still find it difficult to digest that majority of people in your country are corrupt. They are many forms of corruption and each of them is condemn-able but it is necessary to classify for to understand and take necessary steps to solve the problem. Some people are corrupt only because they do not have much knowledge and tend to think that this the norm. These people are normally in large number and are easier to fix with education and awareness. Proper religious education can be quite fruitful here since you can control everyone and everything by rules and you cannot watch everyone all the time..so morality, responsibility, God-fearing traits can eliminate most part of this corruption. Then there are people who simply have no sufficient income to support their survival and in most of the poor and under-developed countries, that forms the largest chunk of corrupt people (but their total corruption is still far less than that of the elite group; I will discuss later in this comment) and that normally is the direct consequence of dysfunctional economic system that exploits the poor and benefits the rich, most of the capitalist economies without any controls suffer from this problem. The system forces people to seek illegal and even criminal ways to fullfil their needs. USA despite being the largest economy and the superpower has one of the largest number of petty criminals simply because of highly exploitative economic system of capitalism and free market and people have no guaranties and support from the govt and extremely uneven distribution of the wealth. This can be eliminated effectively through the reformation of economic system and raising the wages of people to reasonable level. Most of the developed countries (except for USA) provide some sort of social security to its people whether it is Canada, Australia, China, UK, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland etc etc. The last four countries have the best existing economic system (not the ideal yet). They have higher rates of taxes but the govt provides a suitable level of social security for the people with no means to earn. This eliminates not only the petty corruptions but also the petty crimes like mobile snatching, robbing, stealing etc. People get less stressed and less corrupt.
Now we come the last group, the corrupt elite. They are the smallest group in number but they share by far the largest chunk in the corruption pie. I hope you aware of the 20-80 or 80-20 principle. That principle or its modified forms ie. 10-90, 5-95, 30-70 etc are applicable here. These people normally control the establishment of their country. The make the policies, systems and administration. They always make the system that is heavily skewed into their favor both actively and passively. Their corruption run in billions of USD or Euros. These are ones who know how to evade tax, they invest in offshore companies secretly. They own properties and assets under different identities, they control the banks and the banking system. They control the economy. Their exploitative policies actually force rest of the people into corruption. This is the that has no loyalty to any country and they sell anything for money. This group acts like an economic hitman for the society/country. That is where you need laws, force, bullets and extreme punishment because there is no other way to rectify them.