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Khan Devta: The Muslim God in Bastar’s Hindu Pantheon

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This is how all hindu "God's" get made

5000 year's ago some hindu farmer see's a monkey fall out of a tree, he runs to his village and says he saw a flying monkey

Hey presto the story/myth begins to formulate and is added to the Hindu pantheon

This khan guy was just a doctor helping some pig ignorant hick locals

He may have been a good man, a kind man, a devoted man who spent life healing these yokels

But he was not a God, however does it matter the same bumpkin's now pronounce him God and he heals beyond the grave

Poor Dr Khan must be spinning in his grave :sick:
Reported for mocking religious beliefs

Nobody asked you to worship him
You see you MISSED what I said and You missed to understand the main point.

Why they needed create so many (or even one) in the first place? Even if they are healed by a herb in the jungle, it it becomes a miracle for them and they made a god out of the herb (NO insult intended to you and your religion.), the only point is that you failed millions of people and they are left to these 'self-created gods' for fulfilling basic amenities of life

The story only shows that human worship only those who benefits them. There is no religious tolerance here.
Dear while u r right,, but U MISSED OUT on Realizing somthng more important(the real thing) :)
I hope with time u will realise it
Reported for mocking religious beliefs

Nobody asked you to worship him

When did I mock your religious beliefs?
It may be wrong in your religion but not in ours. Mr. Khan is not worshipping idols here. He is being worshipped as the idol.

This story shows the level of religious tolerance at the ground level in India which most people such as yourself cant get your heads around.
u idiot, its wrong too. U cant worship a man not let other worship anyone besides Allah be it u or anyone. Thats why i said, he probably didnt knew about it, or else he wouldnt have allowed it.
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