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Khan decoded from a Chinese perspective

I almost thought ts a researched study and not another Anti-PTI Paid Piece Untill

You almost blew your cover here :-)

Yes and i am the Head of CIA sub-continent Operations which is secretly controlled by Nazis who went underground after World war 2 :sarcastic:

I dont even know what this Paragraph means honestly o_O

Ok fine. We accept. China Hates Imran khan who is a combined Yahoodi and Taliban at the same time considering the events and analysis.

The level of discourse on this forum is pathetic



If it was a matter of science or physics then maybe we could consider the proof without looking at the author.

This is an opinion piece and here knowing the author gives perspective about where the author is coming from.

We all know how propaganda works, and how easy it is to twist facts to make it appear in any way you want.

So I really would like if you'd tell who the author is?


Wait, you think I copy/pasted this without attribution?
I do not know much about regional or international politics. Nor do i know much about economics and trade wars.

But i know that one should never ever criticize any populist leader in 3rd world countries. Aspiring dictators always have henchman and hordes of barbarians ready to uproot any sign of dissent and critique.

The thread will follow an eventual line of abuse and name calling before being shut down.

Peace out.

El Sidd
while your monkey-faced Modi gets slapped on all issues whether NSG or CPEC.

Wonder when your baboon faced leader might get slapped like this :lol:

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@CriticalThought when trying to analyze chinese perspective, it would be good for you to give some references to chinese opinion pieces. I agree intuitively with your opinion that chinese will be disappointed by our handling of uighar issue. The government and media are to be equally blamed. It has got to do with our national psyche; we are in awe of west and it will take time to get out of the spell of 'freedom of media in the west'.

I don't believe the Chinese see him as being influenced by the west. Scandinavian states are welfare states, they have excelled in that respect; to acknowledge and respect that doesn't suggest 'influence'.

As far as chinese anti-corruption drive, their system of government and culture are radically different from ours. We can admire them but ccan't copy them in this regard. So no need to worry if no MOUs signed on that.
This is Bullshit. a carefully crafted article which wants to create a divide and uncertainty between pakistan and china.

no matter who leads Pakistan. China is Ally number 1 . Xinjiang matter is china's internal matter.
@CriticalThought when trying to analyze chinese perspective, it would be good for you to give some references to chinese opinion pieces. I agree intuitively with your opinion that chinese will be disappointed by our handling of uighar issue. The government and media are to be equally blamed. It has got to do with our national psyche; we are in awe of west and it will take time to get out of the spell of 'freedom of media in the west'.

I don't believe the Chinese see him as being influenced by the west. Scandinavian states are welfare states, they have excelled in that respect; to acknowledge and respect that doesn't suggest 'influence'.

As far as chinese anti-corruption drive, their system of government and culture are radically different from ours. We can admire them but ccan't copy them in this regard. So no need to worry if no MOUs signed on that.

The South China Morning Post is based out of Hong Kong.

If it were limited to his infatuation with Scandanavia, it could have been defended.

Who knows what Chairman Khan has in his mind.

This is Bullshit. a carefully crafted article which wants to create a divide and uncertainty between pakistan and china.

no matter who leads Pakistan. China is Ally number 1 . Xinjiang matter is china's internal matter.

Maybe you should read again, because it is reporting on divides that have already been created. The least we can do is to be honest about it.
if you speak on internal matters of other countries u will get a back lash. Pakistan is a well wisher of china and Muslims in general.

xinjiang is not a Muslim problem. its a nationalist and sepratism movement against china. we should never ever be sympathetic towards it. let china deal with its matters we shouldnt get involved. uyghur are chinese citizens. xinjiang chinese province.
if you speak on internal matters of other countries u will get a back lash. Pakistan is a well wisher of china and Muslims in general.

xinjiang is not a Muslim problem. its a nationalist and sepratism movement against china. we should never ever be sympathetic towards it. let china deal with its matters we shouldnt get involved. uyghur are chinese citizens. xinjiang chinese province.

If anyone has any reservations, including the Minister of Religious Affairs, they should pursue quiet diplomacy.
NOTE: This is an analysis piece that tries to correlate publicly reported and observed events of national and international significance. The author does not have access to any secret, classified, or non-publicly disclosed information. As is the case with all such analysis, there is a margin of error in the conclusions drawn. The reader is advised to take this into consideration and use personal intellect and knowledge to draw individual conclusions.

The recent visit of Prime Minister Imran Khan and his delegation to China offers a unique perspective for those interested in understanding what exactly drives the 'Khan Eleven'. Just as the measure of a man or group is obtained from their words and actions, so too the treatment meted by others provides a different perspective into their true nature. Based on publicly available news so far, China has reinforced its brotherly relations with Pakistan, while snubbing 'Team Imran' at a personal level. In this article, we take a look at evidence that reinforces this line of thinking.

But before we talk about 'Team Imran' specifically, it is essential to provide a historical context of China's current geo-political situation, and the challenges it faces. If we look at Western narrative concerning China, we find repeated accusations of a totalitarian, repressive regime that curtails individual freedoms and poses a threat to neighbors and the world at large. In Pakistan, such propaganda is rightfully filtered out to construct a positive image of our friend and ally. Unfortunately, this causes Pakistani audiences to completely lose track of the poisonous campaign against our ally. In turn, this limits our ability to understand the difficulties and problems faced by our friend.

While Western rhetoric unilaterally paints China in a negative image, it cunningly hides the organized Western propaganda that is orchestrated world wide against China. For this author, the realization dawned during the uproar about the Uighur issue. It is to be noted that the Uighur issue is well known for a long time. But during the recent escalation of tensions between the United States and China, an orchestrated fresh campaign of accusations was started with renewed vigor. And this author was amazed and astounded by the breadth and depth of this campaign, when in a tiny Sydney mosque, the prayer leader discussed the issue before the start of congregational prayers. It is to be noted, that in a Western society such as Australia, using the pulpit for political propaganda is highly frowned upon. Most prayer leaders pointedly stay away from issuing political statements. Thus, the behavior observed in this Sydney mosque was bizarre and against the norm. The only way a prayer leader could get away with this, is if he was backed by the establishment. And the summary of what the prayer leader said after recapping the situation in Uighur camps, is that we should pray for our Muslim brothers, and boycott Chinese products. Trump's trade war had reached a Sydney mosque! Of course, it is to be noted that plausible deniability was maintained in this incident, for I am quite sure the prayer leader would assume personal responsibility for his actions upon inquiry.

Needless to say, China is extremely sensitive regarding widely publicized Western narrative. With this understanding in mind, consider what China would perceive when the Minister of Religious Affairs in the PTI government takes up this same Uighur issue during the visit of Chinese Foreign Minister, exactly during the height of the Western campaign, and the matter is publicized through various media outlets. This was a diplomatic disaster of epic proportions, and from a Chinese perspective, it raises embarassing questions about the actual intentions of Imran Khan and his PTI government. Once the doorway to this suspicion is opened, a close scrutiny follows. Let us review available evidence.

On October 8, 2018, the Supreme Court of Pakistan reserved its judgement regarding the blashpemy case involving one Asia Bibi. Interestingly, on the very same day, before the actual hearing by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the website of an INGO named 'International Commission of Jurists' published an article on the matter:


Amazingly, the Supreme Court's decision reads like a further elucidation of the judgement passed in the ICJ article


One may question why China should be concerned about something that is essentially an internal matter of Pakistan? Because this same ICJ has a long history of publications condemning human rights in China, including the issue of Uighurs. It doesn't inspire much trust if China sees the Supreme Court of its ally, where it has made billions of dollars of investments, parroting the views of an anti-China INGO.

In the immediate aftermath of Imran Khan's recent visit to Saudi Arabia, we came to know that Pakistan shall play the role of 'arbitrator' in the Yemen conflict. In face, the Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry recently went on camera to say we expect some meaningful results from this effort soon. But the reality of the situation was revealed in a recent CNN news article:


It turns out that actually the Americans are pushing for peace, using Saudi vulnerability as leverage. Disregarding the concern about what this means for Pak-Saudi relations, we stick to analyzing China's perspective. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has come closer to China, especially with the Saudi King visiting China in 2017. But even more importantly, China sees the Kashoggi debacle as an opportunity for China and Saudi to come closer


There are two interesting takeaways here. The PTI government has tried to shamelessly take credit of an American led initiative in which Imran Khan's input is minimal. But even more importantly, this is an initiative to arm twist the Saudis on the Kashoggi matter - which is supposed to bring together our two closest allies.

During Imran Khan's China visit, in his address to Central Party School on Nov 4, 2018, he waxed lyrical on the topic of Chinese success in poverty alleviation.

Strangely enough, on Oct 31, 2018, Bill Gates gave a talk on the topic of 'Living in extreme poverty' where he also mentioned China's success in poverty alleviation

It is to be noted that people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are considered the benign face of the American deep state. Behind the guise of philantrophic ventures, they are actively forwarding the American agenda. From the Chinese perspective, Imran Khan once again comes forth as a follower of Western thought.

But even more damning are Khan's public elocutions on how Scandanavian countries such as Denmark are the true manifestation of 'Riasat-e-Madina' (State of Medina). It should be noted that Zardari and Nawaz Sharif also have considerable ties with the West. But, they were seen as incompetent, provincial minded, and greedy people leading a poor country. In Imran Khan, China sees an educated, intellectual, man on a mission with very strong leanings towards the West who is leading a poor country. A country that doesn't have much to offer beyond defence cooperation today. As such, Imran Khan is an unknown quantity who shall be watched very closely. It is no wonder then, that the list of MoUs signed during the visit has no mention of mutual steps in dealing with corruption. Would China trust Khan enough to share internal matters that could provide further ammunition to its enemies to be used for levelling accusations of human rights violations? Only time will tell.

For Pakistan, it should be a cause for extreme concern, that our state institutions are seen as an extension of Western policy. In an increasingly multipolar world, being seen as intellectually subjugated to the West will only lessen Pakistan's stature. Could there be any steps that Khan can take to increase Chinese confidence? Given that Khan's powerbase lies in the West through his ties with Jemima Goldsmith and his British upbringing, gaining full trust is highly unlikely. China is accustomed to Western interference in its neighborhood in the form of leaders educated in Britain. The example of Aung San Suu Kyi comes to mind. Given such high company, no one is fooled regarding Imran Khan's real intentions, and the masters he serves.

Khan should know that for over a decade, technology has existed which, given as input a news about a typhoon, can not only predict the possible path, but can automatically reason that due to a large number of houses being destroyed, the demand for cement will rise, hence the price for cement will rise. This technology was in the hands of US military more than a decade ago - although, of course, the US military has other concerns than the price of cement. There is no reason to believe that China doesn't utilize big data technology. Correlations that have been manually found in this article can be queried easily through such software. Thus, Khan can run, but he cannot hide.

But as far as state institutions are concerned, it is their duty to abide by the true spirit of Iman and Islam which is embodied in the constitution of Pakistan.
Another example of serious meaningful thread. The title makes it even more important.

@Hammad Arshad Qureshi
You still haven't told me what the heck a patwari is? Oh and tooi as well. I honestly don't know the meaning.

Regardless, if this is the intellectual level of PTI supporters, then IK can certainly relax.
Did you ask me about it?
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