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Khan decoded from a Chinese perspective

This all is something coming from a guy who lives in Australia which for your information is becoming one of the most anti China countries of the world.
If we go by your logic you're a western stooge as well and you're planting a fake news story to disrupt Pak-China relations. Can you explain that now?

Which 'news' that I have quoted above is fake? And how am I trying to disrupt relationships? If you are implying China doesn't already know most of this, then you need to take your head out of the sand.
IK's problem is that he idolize west where he had been educated and had lived flamboyantly during his youth.

It will take time for him to become a true practising Muslim who frowns upon western culture.
Rich coming from a Trump's worshipper
You're referring to TTP which is a foreign funded terrorist organisation.
But that aside all the people who accuse IK of being Taliban don't have that in mind. They call him the Taliban who ruled over Afghanistan. They call him an extremist when he says we should have dialog. But when US does the same thing these same people are no where to be found.
And if you are so naive all the people who say this have never accused India or West of funding terrorism in Pakistan, irony is that they all get their pay checks from some NGO funded by USAID and the likes of it.
This notion of Taliban khan commonly used after when I.K offered TTP to open an office in Peshawar. He always had used soft words for them until APC incident had happened. Why his argument of relating American negotiations with Afghan Taliban with Pakistan should negotiate with TTP had always received least support because the TTP does not have any popular support in Pakistan and they have mostly targeted the people of Barelvi and Shia sects. So mostly people related to these sects had mocked the I.K with the phrase of Taliban khan and people of Deoband and Ahle Hadees mostly accused him for being pro-west and using the Yahoodi agent phrase for him back in past.
Rich coming from a Trump's worshipper

We are Hindus and we are allowed to worship any thing created by Almighty :enjoy:

But Chinese don't like IK worshipping western values :P
At the end of the day.
The common man doesn't want Pakistan to prosper so name calling and accusations wont get us anywhere.

Was this article written by a Chinese analyst? Who is the author and how does he/she is able to decode using the Chinese perspective?

Read the first para.

I did. It offers nothing about who the author is and how is he able to decode something from the Chinese perspective.

Is the author a Chinese person if not a Chinese analyst? that was the impression I got from the title of the piece but the article didn't clarify that.

So who is the author?
We are Hindus and we are allowed to worship any thing created by Almighty :enjoy:

But Chinese don't like IK worshipping western values :P
And moron, who gave you the right to talk on behalf of Chinese?

Chinese respect IK and value his opinion more than any foreign leader and that is why only PM Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi has been invited to address the future leadership of China

while your monkey-faced Modi gets slapped on all issues whether NSG or CPEC.

Chinese are not stupid or hateful people. They value knowledge and wisdom and if it comes from the west, they happily accept it. Go to any major Chinese city you will see it looks more like a modern western cities e.g. Stockholm, NYC, Paris ...and not like the slums of Mombay or the rape capital and the dirtiest capital city New Delhi.


I did. It offers nothing about who the author is and how is he able to decode something from the Chinese perspective.

Is the author a Chinese person if not a Chinese analyst? that was the impression I got from the title of the piece but the article didn't clarify that.

So who is the author?
basically is a certified patwari and he opens threads against the Prime Minister of Pakistan

I did. It offers nothing about who the author is and how is he able to decode something from the Chinese perspective.

Is the author a Chinese person if not a Chinese analyst? that was the impression I got from the title of the piece but the article didn't clarify that.

So who is the author?

It tells you that you don't need to know who the author is and correlating public news necessarily has a margin of error. Within that error, the author has hypothesized. You are welcome to refute if you know better.
I have to agree that the PTI government went way over it's head with it's indecorous public statements on Uyghur issue. Out of respect for a bond that we share with China, PTI could have expressed it's qualms to the Chinese government in a much better way. Chinese are very critical of the criticism they receive, and despite the fact that the statement came from one minister in a personal capacity, the government did nothing to rebuke the minister or even as much as distant itself as a damage control move.
I almost thought ts a researched study and not another Anti-PTI Paid Piece Untill
The PTI government has tried to shamelessly take credit of an American led initiative in which Imran Khan's input is minimal
You almost blew your cover here :-)

It is to be noted that people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are considered the benign face of the American deep state
Yes and i am the Head of CIA sub-continent Operations which is secretly controlled by Nazis who went underground after World war 2 :sarcastic:

But even more damning are Khan's public elocutions on how Scandanavian countries such as Denmark are the true manifestation of 'Riasat-e-Madina' (State of Medina). It should be noted that Zardari and Nawaz Sharif also have considerable ties with the West. But, they were seen as incompetent, provincial minded, and greedy people leading a poor country. In Imran Khan, China sees an educated, intellectual, man on a mission with very strong leanings towards the West who is leading a poor country. A country that doesn't have much to offer beyond defence cooperation today. As such, Imran Khan is an unknown quantity who shall be watched very closely. It is no wonder then, that the list of MoUs signed during the visit has no mention of mutual steps in dealing with corruption. Would China trust Khan enough to share internal matters that could provide further ammunition to its enemies to be used for levelling accusations of human rights violations? Only time will tell.
I dont even know what this Paragraph means honestly o_O

consider what China would perceive when the Minister of Religious Affairs in the PTI government takes up this same Uighur issue during the visit of Chinese Foreign Minister
Ok fine. We accept. China Hates Imran khan who is a combined Yahoodi and Taliban at the same time considering the events and analysis.
Regardless of iks urge to end the war in neighborhood through dialogue by taking all the stake holders on board, navaz butt has been rejected by the Pakistani nation for taking $$$ directly form Osama bin laden and politically pampering banned terror orgs in Pakistan.

It tells you that you don't need to know who the author is and correlating public news necessarily has a margin of error. Within that error, the author has hypothesized. You are welcome to refute if you know better.

If it was a matter of science or physics then maybe we could consider the proof without looking at the author.

This is an opinion piece and here knowing the author gives perspective about where the author is coming from.

We all know how propaganda works, and how easy it is to twist facts to make it appear in any way you want.

So I really would like if you'd tell who the author is?

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