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Khamenei says US can not be trusted

China had better stop selling stolen technology to stay friends with the NATO nations that buy so much from their factories.

How exactly sure are we that China steals Western technology? It's too irrational to assume that China doesn't come up with something if its own.
Yeah because Dutch people happen to care about all the issues that Indians happen to care about, and "stand up" for rights only when it doesn't involve India. Gotcha.

I am aware of his interests in India and china ...but his stereotype views of India has convinced me he knows nothing of India. His views as typical european ....molded by the media there. His observations of India, Islam, china etc ...is pretty superficial, hence my belief that he is really dutch.
I am aware of his interests in India and china ...but his stereotype views of India has convinced me he knows nothing of India. His views as typical european ....molded by the media there. His observations of India, Islam, china etc ...is pretty superficial, hence my belief that is really dutch.

Yet he is always defending India and never criticizing it. :lol:

Just look at the link I posted.
How exactly sure are we that China steals Western technology? It's too irrational to assume that China doesn't come up with something if its own.

Western newspapers report such things all the time, as do western military strategy webpages/forums.
I can provide no real evidence for it.

Yet he is always defending India and never criticizing it. :lol:

Just look at the link I posted.

Wrong, I just don't happen to mention/criticize India a lot, as my focus is on improving the lives of Muslim(a)s.
Like the Chinese government does not spy wherever it can. Doh. Note that i'm not saying governments shouldn't spy (even on their allies). It's better to spy and know what your allies and enemies are *really* up to, than to see misinformation or lies lead to war.

And the Chinese government has made it a policy to steal technological developments and then sell them without paying any royalties.

We of NATO don't trust Khamenei either.

The fact to be dealt with is we can enforce our demands, and the Iranians don't even allow nuclear inspectors into their country to prove that their nuclear program is (and stays!) of peaceful nature.

This is incorrect.
@Devil Soul
I don't think we should trust Khamenei either, do we?
To be honest, i don't trust anyone....be it Khamenei or anyone else they all have molded folded the religion/sect they follow to suite & fulfill their needs... :undecided:
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To be honest, i don't trust anyone....be it Khamenei or anyone else they all have molded folded the religion/sect they follow to suite & fulfill their needs... :undecided:

I guess you're right bro :tup:

Please provide evidence, then. I hear my NATO governments complaining about 'no inspectors allowed in Iran' all the time.


What is it with you and NATO man? Relax mate!
What is it with you and NATO man? Relax mate!

All i'm trying to do is end and prevent wars between NATO and Islamic countries.

Your Nato governments are not afraid to lie to their populations. Here is a report from November 2012 which is the latest I think. There is a more comprehensive version to be found as well but in any case it's clear that they have inspectors in Iran


restricted inspectors can not do a thorough job.
iran is restricting inspectors, according to http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iran/10096310/Iran-nuclear-inspection-talks-going-around-in-circles.html

if Iran wants the threat of military force off the table, they should provide unrestricted permanent access for nuke inspectors.
that's not just my opinion, but also of NATO leaders.
Yeah, you're here on a Pakistani Defence forum, getting upset when Pakistanis refer to India as a land of rape. Like in this thread:

http://www.defence.pk/forums/senior...ather-rapes-five-daughters-2.html#post4541172 (Why so upset?)

You hate China and use all the same arguments that Indians use on us regarding Tibet.

I've never seen a Dutch person so valiantly defend India before. I don't buy it. :lol:

All Indians hate Chinese or is it that the media hates China? Sir, do not generalize.
ROFLMAO, look at the members who thanked Yzd-Khalifa's posts! LOL! :laughcry:

Just read their usernames .......:rofl:

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