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Khaleda was born at Silguri tea garden, Zia luckily a freedom fighter: PM


May 10, 2010
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Published in Bengali daily Prothom Alo on 18-03-2012

Khaleda was born at the tea garden of Silguri & Zia is luckily a freedom fighter :PM Hasina

PM Shaikh Hasina said that despite keeping good relation with two neighbour India and Myanmar we have not forgotten about our rights. We filed case and have got more then what we had expected. The verdict of the case against India will be declared on 2014. If we win the election of 14 then we will also win at that case.

PM said all these as a chief guest at the conference organized by Bangladesh Awami league on the occasion of 92nd birth day of Bangabandhu Shaikh Mujibor Rahman and national children day at the Bangabandhu international conference centre.

While mentioning the incident of taking money by opposition leader from Pakistani Intelligence agency, Prime minister said She was born at the tea garden of Silguri. What is the name of her maternal grand father and mother?
Ziaur Rahman was born in India, studied in Pakistan. The grave of his parents are in Pakistan. How patriotism will remain in them? She said Ziaur Rahman is luckily a freedom fighter. It is written at the book of BNP leader Major Hafiz that guerrillas wanted to take Begum Zia to India but she did not go. She stayed with the Pakistani army in their mess.

Shaikh Hasina said the leader of BNP took money from Pakistani occupational force to defeat Awami league. Truth cannot be kept concealed. By giving statement at the Pakistani court ISI chief agreed that they have given money to the leader of BNP. Whom we have defeated, those who raped our mother and sister, committed mass murder, nothing can be dirtier then brokerage for that looser power.

[Then some comment about the winning on the maritime case against Myanmar and blaming BNP for doing nothing about this while they remained in power and doing brokerage of the looser power after taking money from them and mentioned Awami league come to power to serve public.]

Original article:

আলোচনা সভায় প্রধানমন্ত্রী
খালেদার জন্ম শিলিগুড়ির চা-বাগানে, জিয়া ঘটনাচক্রে মুক্তিযোদ্ধা

??????? ???? ????????? ??-??????, ???? ????????? ???????????? - ????? ???

বিশেষ প্রতিনিধি | তারিখ: ১৮-০৩-২০১২

২২১ মন্তব্য
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প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা বলেছেন, ‘দুই প্রতিবেশী দেশ ভারত ও মিয়ানমারের সঙ্গে আমরা বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ সম্পর্ক বজায় রাখলেও দাবির কথা ভুলিনি। মামলা দায়ের করেছি, যা চেয়েছি, রায়ে তার চেয়ে বেশি পেয়েছি।’ তিনি বলেন, ‘ভারতের সঙ্গে মামলার রায় ২০১৪ সালে হবে। ১৪ সালের নির্বাচনে আমরা জয়ী হলে সে রায়ও আমরা পাব।’
আজ রোববার বঙ্গবন্ধু আন্তর্জাতিক সম্মেলন কেন্দ্রে বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের ৯২তম জন্মবার্ষিকী জাতীয় শিশু দিবস উপলক্ষে আওয়ামী লীগ আয়োজিত আলোচনা সভায় প্রধান অতিথির বক্তব্যে প্রধানমন্ত্রী এসব কথা বলেন।
বিরোধীদলীয় নেত্রীর পাকিস্তানের গোয়েন্দা সংস্থার কাছ থেকে টাকা নেওয়ার কথা উল্লেখ করে প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, তাঁর জন্ম শিলিগুড়ির চা-বাগানে। তাঁর নানা-নানির নাম কী? জিয়াউর রহমানের জন্ম ভারতে, পড়াশোনা করেছেন পাকিস্তানে। তাঁর বাবা-মার কবর পাকিস্তানে। দেশের প্রতি তাঁদের দরদ থাকবে কী করে? তিনি বলেন, জিয়াউর রহমান ঘটনাচক্রে মুক্তিযোদ্ধা। বিএনপির নেতা মেজর হাফিজের লেখা বইয়ে আছে, মুক্তিযুদ্ধের সময় গেরিলারা বেগম জিয়াকে ভারতে নিয়ে যেতে এসেছিলেন। তিনি যাননি। তিনি ক্যান্টনমেন্টে পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনীর সঙ্গে মেসে ছিলেন।’
শেখ হাসিনা বলেন, ‘বিএনপির নেত্রী পাকিস্তানের হানাদার বাহিনীর কাছ থেকে টাকা নিয়েছিলেন আওয়ামী লীগকে হারাতে। ধর্মের কল বাতাসে নড়ে। পাকিস্তানের আদালতে হলফনামা দিয়ে আইএসআইয়ের প্রধান স্বীকার করে নিয়েছেন, বিএনপির নেত্রীকে তাঁরা টাকা দিয়েছেন। যাদের আমরা পরাজিত করেছি, যারা মা-বোনের ইজ্জত লুটেছে, গণহত্যা করেছে, সেই পরাজিত শক্তির দালালি করার চেয়ে জঘন্য নোংরা কাজ আর কী হতে পারে?’
মিয়ানমারের সঙ্গে সমুদ্রসীমা নিয়ে মামলায় জয় সম্পর্কে প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, বঙ্গবন্ধু ’৭৩ সালে মিয়ানমারের সঙ্গে আলোচনা করেন। ’৭৪ সালে তিনি একটা সমুদ্র আইন করেন। ’৮২ সালে জাতিসংঘ সমুদ্রসীমা নিয়ে প্রথম আইন করে। এ আইনে একটা ট্রাইব্যুনাল গঠন করা হয়। তিনি বলেন, ‘বিএনপি-জামায়াত সমুদ্রসীমায় আমাদের অধিকার নিয়ে কোনো কাজ করেনি। ১৯৯৬ সালে আমরা ক্ষমতায় এসে জাতিসংঘে গিয়ে সমুদ্র আইন-সংক্রান্ত ট্রাইব্যুনালে অনুস্বাক্ষর করি।’ শেখ হাসিনা বলেন, ‘২০১১ সালের মধ্যে সমুদ্রসীমা নিয়ে দাবি পেশ করার সময় ছিল। বিএনপি ২০০১ সালে ক্ষমতায় আসার পর এ ব্যাপারে কোনো উদ্যোগ নেয়নি। এবার আমরা সরকার গঠন করেই উদ্যোগ নেই।’ তিনি বলেন, ‘সমুদ্রসীমা রক্ষায় আমরা কক্সবাজারের রামুতে সেনাঘাঁটি, কক্সবাজারে বিমানঘাঁটি স্থাপন এবং নৌবাহিনীকে শক্তিশালী করি।’ প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, ‘আমরা ক্ষমতায় আসি জনগণের কল্যাণের জন্য। পরাজিত শক্তির টাকা খেয়ে দালালি করলে দেশের প্রতি দরদ থাকে না।’
সৈয়দা সাজেদা চৌধুরীর সভাপতিত্বে আলোচনা সভায় আরও বক্তব্য দেন সুরঞ্জিত সেনগুপ্ত, মতিয়া চৌধুরী, মহীউদ্দীন খান আলমগীর, সৈয়দ আশরাফুল ইসলাম, ইউসুফ হোসেন হুমায়ুন, মাহবুব উল আলম হানিফ, আবু সাঈদ আল মাহমুদ স্বপন, মোফাজ্জল হোসেন চৌধুরী মায়া। কবিতা পাঠ করেন আবদুল লতিফ সিদ্দিকী ও ইয়াফেস ওসমান।
This kind of statements is not helping her political downfall at all. Did she completely lost it? What does she think people are?
^^ She thinks people are stupid, and that's the sad truth. :P Even Begum Zia knows how dumb people in the streets are, but SH is outperforming her in the "getting personal" contest!
You got it ;in the near future there is no chance to war between any of the country with us. So why not discuss internal wars of the political persons in these forums???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
i wonder who'd win in a mud wrestling contest. Khaleda or Hasina? khaleda has the power and hasina has the agility. I'd watch it pay per view.
I find bi!itch fights sexy.

My highschool had a lot of them, more than dudes fighting. They are always epic with lots of hair pulling and the top getting displaced by the end :P
Chaos, comments and condemnation…

Sun, Mar 18th, 2012 11:08 pm BdST

Dhaka, Mar 18 (bdnews24.com)—Foreign minister Dipu Moni and another ruling MP took a dig at two opposition legislators on Sunday for 'indecent' remarks after joining parliament.

"The words the opposition MPs uttered do not even befit red light areas. I mean no disrespect to the people living in those red light areas, but even they do not use such language despite their grooming in such an environment, " she said.

"I say this with a heavy heart," said Moni, the woman affairs secretary of Awami League, speaking on a notice under section 300 of rules of procedure.

She made the comment in response to the statements of two opposition MPs who spoke in the thanksgiving motion on the president's speech.

"I see something different is happening inside parliament. People are looking at this parliament. The trend of fair politics will cease to exist if things continue to happen this way," she added.

"I see things are falling apart. People will not accept if things keep falling apart," she said.

Khaleda Zia joined parliament along with MPs from her party and from the parties of her coalition, apparently to save their membership. Law provides for canceling the membership if a member of parliament remains absent for 90 business days consecutively. Khaleda left parliament about an hour after she had joined.

The opposition lawmakers alleged to have used 'indecent' words were Rehana Akter Ranu and Shahiduddin Chowdhury Annie.

"Words being used in parliament fall far short of the minimum sense of decency. Speeches should be delivered abiding by the parliamentary procedure. Screaming would not do any help. Lawmakers must know what are the words to be used and what to be omitted," said Moinuddin Khan Badal, an MP of Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal, an AL ally.

Opposition chief whip Zainul Abdin Farroque reacted to Badal's statement and said, "We have been in parliament for 30 years. We have not come here to learn."

"If indecent remarks are not made from your right (government) side, it won't be made from your left side (opposition) either. We are not using 'indecent' words as madam has asked us no to," Farroque said, addressing speaker Abdul Hamid.

Demanding that the 'indecent' words be expunged, chief whip Abdus Shahid said, "Their (opposition) membership would have expired had they remained absent for eight more days.
"They have come here just to ensure their salaries and other benefits. People know everything."

The speaker informed Shahid that the indecent remarks were already expunged.

Hasina and Awami thugs are extra mad because their lie involving ISI fund has been exposed wide open. Now Hasian will come up more lie and her disciples will try to use "equate Hasina-Khaleda" template to prove others are not better than Awami League.
Hasina and Awami thugs are extra mad because their lie involving ISI fund has been exposed wide open. Now Hasian will come up more lie and her disciples will try to use "equate Hasina-Khaleda" template to prove others are not better than Awami League.

When this happened ?????
Have anyone read "Amar Fashi Chai"; recollection of Hasina's state of mind and activities, even the the intimate one, written by her once close confidant Motiur Rahman Rentu?

Here are some excerpts from Amar Fashi Chai:

During her stay in Mahakhali and later at her house on Road-32, before she came to know Mrinal Kanti Das, Shaikh Hasina used to go out routinely every evening for a couple of hours to an undisclosed place. She would take a bath pot on a perfume, powder herself, arrange her hair neatly before going out alone with driver Jalal. Except for that unknown place, Shaikh Hasina never traveled alone in a jeep; she always used to be accompanied by others.

In 1987, Shaikh Hasina came to know Mrinal Kanti Das, the vice-president of Haraganga College at Munshiganj. She brought him to Road-32 where he began to live. She gradually gave up her usual routine of going out to the unknown place in the evening. Till late night, she would talk and laugh with Mrinal Kanti in the Library room of the Bangabandhu House, having locked the doors from inside.
Very thin and young Mrinal Kanti Das soon became fat with his hip measuring about seventy inches. His acceptance to Shaikh Hasina went up so high that it became a matter of jealousy for all. His influence over Shaikh Hasina became so great that anybody belonging to the Awami League did not hesitate to salute him as if he was the king of Shaikh Hasina’s kingdom. Mrinal became so powerful that in 1990 he insulted the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Awame League, at present Minister for Environment and Forests, Begum Sajeda Chowdhury, and sent her out of Bangabandhu Bhaban. As she did not get any redress from Shaikh Hasina, Begum Sajeda Chowdhury raised this issue at the Working Committee of the Party. After this incident, Mrinal’s authority became even greater. Shaikh Hasina’s pet relative - at present Assistant Private Secretary of Prime Minister Bahauddin Nasim and at present her Chief Security Najib Ahmed and others used to feel grateful in carrying out his orders to fetch cigarettes for him.

One day in Bangabandhu Bhavan Mrinal was playing cards with four or five people. It was around 3 or 3.30 p.m. At that time the only maternal uncle of Sheikh Hasina, Akram Mamu, appeared and in a very suggestive and bad manner told Mrinal, “Oh Mrinal, go, she is waiting for you. She has not eaten.” Mrinal replied, “Does not matter. Let her stay for sometime, let her remain hungry.” That Sheikh Hasina was waiting for Mrinal was the message Akram Mamu was trying to convey to Mrinal. In order to show his authority to those with whom he was playing cards, he told Mamu that Hasina should wait for him for sometime. Mrinal Kanti Das became undisputed master of Sheikh Hasina’s kingdom. The sign of that authority became perceptible in Mrinal's expressions and manners.
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