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Kerala Corner

pardon my interuption but i have long considered visiting kerala here is popular for its beach life. the nature video is quite breathtaking as expected. hopefully one day, all the best friends

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as a mallu myself i was born and brought up in bangalore,compared to other south indian states i feel kerala muslims as more peacefull people,but still when ever i go to places like malaporum and other muslims dominated society i feel a sense of less patriotism in their mind..please correct me its just my observation..

I am not denying the fact that there are lot of undercurrents.... But overall if u see kerala is more peaceful.... the reason is...... People are more educated....The awareness in the society is high... Every mallu's life starts with news paper..... Most of them read more than 1 news paper..... For your info i lived in malappuram for a long period.... and i still have my relatives there.....It is a muslim dominated area... and mostly people live a peaceful life there too....There are people who has views which can be called extreme.... You may find it little more in MPM because of the population.... But what happens is that the normal population doesnt allow them to conduct their activities.... For instance you look at the politics in malappuram.... There are parties which has extreme views (Eg: SDPI).... But they dont get votes like the other parties does.... that gives you an indication that majority of the people doesn't believe in extremism.... This is my view....People can have a difference of opinion.
One thing i have observed is that people,no matter how advanced they are,are still worse than primitives when it comes to religion. Why is it so? I don't give a fucck about my religion. God is the almighty and i try to lead a gud life satisfying my moral and social duties which i consider is my prayer.
I request all mallu and non mallus to keep religion out of this thread
the people are insulated from whahabbi/salaffi ideologies in general. however, there is a slow increase in central kerala-malabar region about fundamentalist version of islam. solidarity,welfare party and many such radical islamist groups thrives. mappillah muslims started wearing black box shuttle coℂk like thing only from past 20-25 years only. many momins thinks it is the "best" thing happened to mappila muslim women.(jazakallah!)
they too want to get arabized just like world muslims do. however, the overall malayali culture and moderate values are preventing jeehadis to achieve what they want. in brief, there are still slaves who believes 7th century is superior and "best" than 21st century in kerala also.

another danger is RSS and sangh parivar are importing north Indian hinduism which promotes riots and ghettoization among people. but, their influence usually limited to Trivandrum,Palakkad,Manjeshwara etc. there are radical Hinduists like Sasikala teacher who wants to spread hatred against muslims and christians in temple grounds. the hindu jeehadis are very well there want to establish a hindu caliphate in kerala by spreading rumours and lies. sant modi ji,sant praveen thogaria ji are the guiding lights of offline and online hindu jeehadis. they are led by the ever strong north Indian Hindu(jain) religion supporters who are spreading "hindu khatre mein he" because Kerala Hindus are around 55% only. the sangh sakha classes are the baby steps towards anarchy, religious intolerance.

aww cute elephant

If you were one among them standing there , you willnot be call it cute ........:lol:
Why the defeatist mentality..why not fight back democratically ?

Sorry for hijacking this thread, guess a Tamilian must not be telling you "secular" Keralites this, but this attitude is wrong..what logic is that you migrate to another country if you love this country..if people love they should stay and fight..but guess what, for that the majority must first come out of denial..which they are not clearly seeing the reactions.

You are welcome here mate..
Well tell me how can we fight back democratically? our pseudo liberal intellectual elite and the ostrich like governments who combined to allows all kinds of fanatical criminals to run amok here. The Gov wont do anything. They will prosecute you if you raise voice against it. Where the hell in this country a police team can vandalize a temple and brutally beaten up devotees. What would have been the reaction if it was done in a mosque or a church?
Like 'nair' and 'takeiteasy' said kerala is more peaceful because People are more educated and awareness is high among us..our culture and moderate values are preventing jihadis to achieve what they want. But there is a limit for everything..
Well im not saying anything more..

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You are welcome here mate..
Well tell me how can we fight back democratically? our pseudo liberal intellectual elite and the ostrich like governments who combined to allows all kinds of fanatical criminals to run amok here. The Gov wont do anything. They will prosecute you if you raise voice against it. Where the hell in this country a police team can vandalize a temple and brutally beaten up devotees. What would have been the reaction if it was done in a mosque or a church?
Like 'nair' and 'takeiteasy' said kerala is more peaceful because People are more educated and awareness is high among us..our culture and moderate values are preventing jihadis to achieve what they want. But there is a limit for everything..
Well im not saying anything more..

You have a vote right..You are given the chance to vote once in 5 years right ?

Why cant you people utilize your vote and bring in an alternative that will look after your interests and not discriminate against you..election after elections you people either vote for Congis or commies, no matter what they do to you, while the other communities exercise their franchise in an organized strategic way. So while you are taken for granted, the others are pampered..fault is with you people & you people alone.

and let us not go into the educated and awareness part..i find the people of UP,WB and Kerala the most politically unaware people..UP , well no surprise..but WB and Kerala is because you people have been educated too much and think that everyone thinks like you..no..look at WB and learn the lesson..still if you dont want to learn and keep voting either for communists or congress then thats your fault..

Plus did you see takeiteasy's post - he talks about the growing wahhabi intolerance which is a fact and which is more or less turned a blind eye by the govt but goes on to say it is only limited and malayali culture is stopping that thus effectively pushing the main problem into the background while the RSS influence is steps to anarchy. You people havent even figured out the problem..only after the problem is figured out, then a solution can be found. And the pride of the Malayali hindus refuses them to accept the problem. Just like the WB hindus.

Anyway thanks for your welcome and time..ultimately its your state..you can either moan on an online forum about migrating to another country but refuse to look at the alternative or you can use your vote to bring about the change.

I think TN has its own version ,like al ulema.

al-ummah was financed and idealogically supported by the madani group.

that is why my blood boils when politician after politicians bends over his back in kissing that turd..
the people are insulated from whahabbi/salaffi ideologies in general. however, there is a slow increase in central kerala-malabar region about fundamentalist version of islam. solidarity,welfare party and many such radical islamist groups thrives. mappillah muslims started wearing black box shuttle coℂk like thing only from past 20-25 years only. many momins thinks it is the "best" thing happened to mappila muslim women.(jazakallah!)
they too want to get arabized just like world muslims do. however, the overall malayali culture and moderate values are preventing jeehadis to achieve what they want. in brief, there are still slaves who believes 7th century is superior and "best" than 21st century in kerala also.

another danger is RSS and sangh parivar are importing north Indian hinduism which promotes riots and ghettoization among people. but, their influence usually limited to Trivandrum,Palakkad,Manjeshwara etc. there are radical Hinduists like Sasikala teacher who wants to spread hatred against muslims and christians in temple grounds. the hindu jeehadis are very well there want to establish a hindu caliphate in kerala by spreading rumours and lies. sant modi ji,sant praveen thogaria ji are the guiding lights of offline and online hindu jeehadis. they are led by the ever strong north Indian Hindu(jain) religion supporters who are spreading "hindu khatre mein he" because Kerala Hindus are around 55% only. the sangh sakha classes are the baby steps towards anarchy, religious intolerance.

My roomie was a fundamentalist Kerala Hindu guy who firmly believed the Kabba stone was a shivalingam :lol:. It was bizarre to see him listen to crazy Hindu revisionists and propagated his views forcefully. He was a cool guy otherwise.
My roomie was a fundamentalist Kerala Hindu guy who firmly believed the Kabba stone was a shivalingam :lol:. It was bizarre to see him listen to crazy Hindu revisionists and propagated his views forcefully. He was a cool guy otherwise.

It is not only in kerala.... i heard this once in malaysia (one of my friend who is a cristian told me this ).....Perfect example of wild imagination........
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