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Keep your differences separated and fix the narrative!

More then the authority deputized on many a mullah who dishes out fatwas.

It is easy to declare war from halfway across the world. War is not a joke, nor is its proclamation, and only a competent authority should be doing so.
Something that represents what was done and help is needed...Like pray for Paris comes with Eiffel tower

What pain shows Kashmir's plight?

We arent...india def is!

Refine this:

View attachment 573814



If I had the tools I would put lightening to show the cracking of Kashmir with such words


Some poster like this


Kmon any creative ideas?
Gilgit is not Kashmir

Suggest a design please
A man facing a buring village with another man in Kashmir cloths having his head on the other man's shoulder.

The man facing the burning village has a pakistani with one of his hands on the Kashmirs back (consolation) will holding a sword in the other.
@Dubious sorry for the previous picture that I made, it has artifacts at the edges. Here is the corrected one which is made for those who want to make it their profile picture on social media. The picture depicts IOK in red with Laddakh and Jammu a part of a bleeding Kashmir and the old flag of Kashmir as a separate Indian state, which has now lost it's official status as the State flag of Kashmir. #FREEKASHMIR must be our hashtag instead of any other as it signifies action instead of verbal rhetoric. #FREEKASHMIR

Gilgit is not Kashmir

A man facing a buring village with another man in Kashmir cloths having his head on the other man's shoulder.

The man facing the burning village has a pakistani with one of his hands on the Kashmirs back (consolation) will holding a sword in the other.

Thanks for the suggestion
@Dubious sorry for the previous picture that I made, it has artifacts at the edges. Here is the corrected one which is made for those who want to make it their profile picture on social media. The picture depicts IOK in red with Laddakh and Jammu a part of a bleeding Kashmir and the old flag of Kashmir as a separate Indian state, which has now lost it's official status as the State flag of Kashmir. #FREEKASHMIR must be our hashtag instead of any other as it signifies action instead of verbal rhetoric. #FREEKASHMIR View attachment 573843

Thanks for the suggestion
I'm gonna use that, thanks
. . . . .
Like all democratic societies, we in Pakistan have our own political affiliations, i mean there is a diversity & it is a norm in democracy. But let me raise some simple questions, these are the questions we need to ask from ourselves collectively as a nation, again and again and again, repeatedly, across all our life span.

1- Are our political affiliations/differences bigger than the country?

2- The political leaders we follow, are they bigger than the state?

After feb 2019 confrontation with India, we knew that enemy will strike back at the time and place of its own choosing, and to counter this we need unity in our ranks, but no we have to play politics still at this critical juncture.

Everyone wants to put Kashmir's mess at someone other's neck. Thats everyone is doing, Looks like we hate each other more (at political basis) than enemy, But enemy is different, totally committed & resolute against us.

There is a suitable time for Politics and political debates, this is not the time for this, it will act as a toxin. Toxin? We as a nation need introspection here, all of us, HOW much we ourselves have added in this toxin, I mean, let me reiterate, there is a time for politics. When enemy stands at your gate, the last thing concerning us as a nation must be internal politics.

Just stop this business of accusing/maligning each other at political basis, thats what enemy wants us to do, if someone is playing politics, just ignore him/her, Stick to the task at hand don't deviate.

Right now we Pakistanis are bitter enemies of each other more than our enmity towards India, an existential threat to our existence.

Remember, Unity is strength in itself, a deadly & decisive weapon itself & Division is an exact vice versa.
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