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Keep the dollar flying

Pakistan does not and never has had any real industry.
Agree with first part not the second. Pakistan had growing private industries in the 60s only to be destroyed by Bhutto Democrat in the 70s:
@Indus Pakistan we have enough industrial know how accumulated over the years to not be a post colonial 1950 type nation
but clearly not enough to go head to head with global powers

its not a complete s*** show but its also not a success story, enough ground work is there in multiple diverse industries that with attention they can prosper but without it they'll be more of the same

SME sector need cheap loans, they struggle with getting capital going
In Pakistan it's the opposite. Pakistan keeps getting itself into periodic financial crisis because of continues overvalued exchange rate policy View attachment 783316

View attachment 783319

As far as your people are ready and able to pay higher electricity bills, gas, and inflation coming from imported goods then fine, but the hard condition will not be felt 2-3 months, it could be much longer, depending on many kind of variables, as competitiveness is not only in the form of cheap currency, but education quality, ease of doing business, supportive laws, good gov policy, and so on and so on.

Just see Malaysia and Indonesia case during Asian Financial Crisis, Malaysia can withstand Asian Financial Crisis and their currency only depreciate a little, China also the same, but they can have high export during 1998-2010, way better than Indonesia whose currency collapse from 2500 Per USD IN 1996 into 12000 per USD during 2000;s. It even touched 18000 per USD in 1998
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Import or export?
I will chose none. Because in either case, I need to give a lot of bribes, and I need to suck people's blood, because if do things honestly, the electricity alone has the potential to bankrupt me.
If I anyhow make it, I will receive purchi stating " tumhara bhai roz college jata Hai or usky salamti chahty hoto apny business revenues ka 50% hamain do. Or koi chalaki nahi, hamary log tumhary staff main hain". You go to the police and police will demand chaey pani. Every day some ASI or sub-inspector will come to your factory and will ask you either to come to someplace for further investigation or give some money. Nothing will happen, except for calls from other numbers demanding more money.
Then if I figure out who are the informers and fire them, my brother gets kidnapped, and in the end what happens? I don't need to tell you. I have only one question: where is government?

Now show me Charts and tell me how IMF helped Pakistan(Where Pakistan herself doesn't bother to help people who can eventually lift Pakistan and get Pakistan free from the clutches of all types of slaveries), and to be honest, how will these govt guys stand in front of Allah tomorrow for taking all high positions, and not helping at all. They in fact are part of the problems.

I will never do business in Pakistan. Cuz I don't feel safe and govt doesn't ensure me anything, neither financially nor economically and socially.

Of course, if I will start a narcotics business then I can consider Pakistan. Shareefon k liay koi jagah nahi Hai Pakistan main, qabar ya nezay ki nok k siwa.
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Pakistan had growing private industries in the 60s only to be destroyed by Bhutto Democrat in the 70s
Honestly, I think you know I am not a Bhutto disciple but I feel while he did many wrongs but he has become a huge 'mop' that everybody today uses to wish away the failures of Pakistan. He has become a convenient scapegoat. Think about this. He died 42 years ago. That is fcukin long time ago. He ruled for less than 7 years., The country is over 70 years old. How can a 7 years ruin a country. Adolph Hitler for fcuks sakes erased Germany and killed 15 million Germans. The fcukin country was booming with 5 years of his departure. Yet in Pakistan 42 years later apparently the reason they can't make car, a decent tractor, a decent road or farm properly is because 'Phuttoo'. Does this even make sense?

Even the 1960s boom was mostly artificial and fueled by huge US dollar aid which spurred demand and this created a market for all the lazy industrialists in Karachi to set up the racket of import subsititution. Those SOB's are still raping the country.

The link you gave is a good example but sadly that was and is a oasis in a vast dry desert of laziness, incompetence and rent seeking.
As far as your people are ready and able to pay higher electricity bills, gas, and inflation coming from imported goods then fine, but the hard condition will not be felt 2-3 months, it could be much longer, depending on many kind of variables, as competitiveness is not only in the form of cheap currency, but education quality, ease of doing business, supportive laws, good gov policy, and so on and so on.

Just see Malaysia and Indonesia case during Asian Financial Crisis, Malaysia can withstand Asian Financial Crisis and their currency only depreciate a little, China also the same, but they can have high export during 1998-2010, way better than Indonesia whose currency collapse from 2500 Per USD into 12000 per USD during 2000;s. It even touched 18000 per USD in 1998
18000= 1 USD?
we have enough industrial
That statement I made that Pakistan has no industry was tad harsh.A more nuanced statement would be only Sialkot in Pakistan has real industry. You want to take Pakistan forward? Replicate Sialkot everywhere.

Sialkot is not raping remittances - meaning living off the demand created by remittances. You know CKD kit car Toyotas, CKD TV's, CKD etc etc which are just local packing operations of global multinationals like Toyota, Suzuki, Hiear etc.

Sialkot actually makes products that are sold abroad and at prices that compete with rest of the world. It is genuine industry and in the best tradition of entrepreneurship. It depends on no subsidy, import substitution, a packing racket etc. Siakot actually generates real wealth.

So people need to study this city. What does it have? why are the people so 'industrious'?
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