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Kazakhstan Wants JVs in Defence Sector with India

LOL; Zionists conspiracies ... Next would be the white horse and dazzling sword on Red fort Delhi BS:... seriously dude just avoid what ever you r smoking these days.:D

Thats why Pakistanis are always 3 steps ahead of you, good for us, that you do not believe in conspiracy theories, good on ya!
Lol so you mean that India should stop its bilateral relations with a country that it shares land borders, a country which provides India roads to South East Asia,a country which coordinates with India for anti terror ops just because Pakistan and China has relations with it?

I never said that, have I said that? Read everything what i said and than come back with more logical answer, if you cant understand the diplomacy of your own Intelligence agency than I am not the one to blame. The reality is that the entire BJP is hijacked by the RAW and the RAW is hijacked by the Zionists. Since Mudi has become a PM the air traffic between Israel and India has increased 120%, now thats not a coincidence? But as I said you guys live in a dream world where you find your Country to be the next super powa of the world with the help of Israel. Hence whenever someone explains this to you that the Zionists are not friend to anyone, you reply with illogical answers.
Its strange that wherever Pakistan's Military or Civil leadership goes and finalize agreements India than poke its nose and beg for the same kinda agreements and projects. Don't you guys have some dignity?
To be the world's fastest growing economy with the greatest inflow of FDI you have to be shamelessly going after business wherever the oppurtunties exist :D

How else with 1.3 billion slum-dwellers pull themselves out of poverty? ;)
I never said that, have I said that? Read everything what i said and than come back with more logical answer, if you cant understand the diplomacy of your own Intelligence agency than I am not the one to blame. The reality is that the entire BJP is hijacked by the RAW and the RAW is hijacked by the Zionists. Since Mudi has become a PM the air traffic between Israel and India has increased 120%, now thats not a coincidence? But as I said you guys live in a dream world where you find your Country to be the next super powa of the world with the help of Israel. Hence whenever someone explains this to you that the Zionists are not friend to anyone, you reply with illogical answers.

Mate, I am a Zionist. A proud HINDU ZIONIST at that.

Now considering all that conspiracy theories that the likes your "Think Tanks" AKA Riaz Haq and Lal Topi, the zionists are writing the American History and it is because of the much maligned Zionists that America is where she is now, subscribing to Zionism is not necessarily a bad thing.

It buys us influence, its good for our economy and most of all causes our foes to piss their pants.

Hell, I can live with that.

Hail Zionism, Hail Modi. And screw the naysayers who say otherwise. This is our century. We are here to stay.

PS: I support the Buddhists .. They are "FREEDOM FIGHTERS" :partay:
Excellent. But must defence equipment and developers were in Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Georgia. Kazakh military industries continue to largely depend on Russian expertise.

This will be interesting. Most welcome.
Mate, I am a Zionist. A proud HINDU ZIONIST at that.

Now considering all that conspiracy theories that the likes your "Think Tanks" AKA Riaz Haq and Lal Topi, the zionists are writing the American History and it is because of the much maligned Zionists that America is where she is now, subscribing to Zionism is not necessarily a bad thing.

It buys us influence, its good for our economy and most of all causes our foes to piss their pants.

Hell, I can live with that.

Hail Zionism, Hail Modi. And screw the naysayers who say otherwise. This is our century. We are here to stay.

PS: I support the Buddhists .. They are "FREEDOM FIGHTERS" :partay:

this clearly explains that how dumb you guys are!
Ok, mate, here we go, I can give you hundreds of examples for the rest of the 345 days of this year. The entire world knows that China has an amense influence in Burma and so as Pakistan was also gaining its grounds in Burma diplomatically and financially. And off course how India can tolerate this? So what India did was that it supported Burmese Buddhists to start genocide of Muslims. And it forced Burmese Government to halt the relationships not only with Pakistan but with China as well on certain issues. Now this Muslim Genocide was started with the help of monks, members of the Bodu Bala Sena organisation. And who was supporting Bodu Bala Sena? Guess who? RSS, and therefor Bodu Bala Sena's leader Gnanasara Thero approached RSS openly several times and was in talks with the RSS to create a “Buddhist-Hindu peace zone” in South Asia to counter Islamic extremism in the region. And offcourse Indian intelligence RAW who supports RSS did not wanted an international issue on this matter pressurized RSS to call for a press Conference and rejects any kinda of offers that was made by the Bodu Bala Sena.
Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims? - BBC News
Sri Lanka’s BBS ‘in talks’ with RSS for tie-up | Business Line

Isn't this coincidence that this guy Ganasaro Thrapo leader of the Bodu Bala Sena who is a SriLankan Citizen has quite an unprecedented approach in Burma, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Bhutan?

Okay... I do not know where you got all this information from but seriously; did you even read what you have written or think about it even once before posting? Please review your own comments once before posting such allegations as to why the riots happened.

1- Myanmar borders us, they don't have a problem with us unlike you. We share culture and faith with them and also a lot of customs here. Why and how is that a problem?

2- They have been helpful to us in many ways and helped us get rid of terrorists and drugs and human traffickers in the border areas. After the removal of sanctions, it makes us logical to proceed with business and opening tourism and aviation with a country that is just beside us. Myanmar is a strong proponent of Indian participation in ASEAN along with rest of the member nations. We buy massive natural gas from them them and have immense border trade with them which gives jobs and earnings to our people through trading points jointly set up. The benefits of border trade and violence-free zone is well understood by the Burmese government.

3- “Buddhist-Hindu peace zone”. It says Peace zone. What part of peace don't you understand?

By the way, here are some fun facts which you and your countrymen don't know:

a- Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs have regular meetings with each visiting the other's holy places, without any restrictions. I could go and meditate in a Hindu temple, pray in a sikh temple and similarly they could come and do the same at any monastery. Heck, the some of the biggest stakeholders at Mahabodhi temple (our holiest shrine) are Hindus.

Please don't relate us as three 'mutually exclusive entities' the way Christianity, Islam and Judaism are.

Your mistake is that you see the three of us with the same glasses as you see the other Abrahamic religions and their relations with you. This is where your analysis repeatedly fails.

b- BBS is a relatively new development in Sri Lanka which feels threatened that Buddhist culture is targeted there. They were not even there when RSS started (around 83 years ago).

Tell me something; according to your logic the Christians of west are feeling threatened by you; the Hindus are wary of you and now, you have the Buddhists too. Don't you think you need to see why these organizations just emerge?

c- Your analogy about RSS and RAW being the same is hilarious! If RSS was dismantling relations between you and Myanmar, why would Chinese be affected by it?

China has given more money and during harder times to Myanmar than we did. Why is it that Myanmar has limited their dependence on them?

Here's the thing; no one does anything for free. We cannot offer more cash than China and you know this and Myanmar is not some wuss democratic nation; it is ruled by a military junta for heaven's sake.

Unless you are suggesting that we threatened them with a takeover, your explanation really doesn't make sense.

And this does not stops here, recent blockade of Nepal by India and the Indian involvement in Srilanka's Internal matters and foreign and defense policy and Indian involvement in Afghanistan and in Iran's Chabahar to counter CPEC and many more. We can talk about it evidently for months.

Nepal's blockade was not imposed by India but by the Madheshi protesters who were rioting in response to the new constitution in their country. They did not let the trucks of fuel and cylinders pass into the country and only let food and medicines pass.

Check the geography of Nepal. Madhesh province borders our Bihar states and that rioting and protests were a serious problem for our authorities as this would have spiralled down into our state. How are we responsible for what they didn't allow in their country?

Sri Lanka's internal matters? Rajapakse got involved in massive scams with funds that were meant for investment and got voted out. By telling that we forced him to step down, you must know that he had the backing of China who is far more influential in terms of money, investments and backing than us. So please, make up your mind. Either ways, you are accusing the intellect of Sri Lankans who voted. It was not our folks who did the voting.

Afghanistan ASKS for us. They WANT us in their country. Their government lays a red carpet welcome to our officials, engineers, architects and government officials to help them rebuild. Why are you so pissed off about that?

President Ashraf Ghani did his best to rapproach with Nawaz Sharif ignoring India at first after election. Then he was the first one to rush forward to PM Modi and resume the strong and warm ties between our countries. Afghans don't have a problem with us; their government wants our presence there.

How is that foreign intervention? :blink:

No dude that's not the case, I replied you on this silly question so that you understand that the Nuclear deal or no deal has nothing to do with the issues that I was referring to. India has an obsession with China and Pakistan, hence wherever we go and finalize deals Indians would follow like rats. They simply cannot digest that any Country in this world can have any kinda good relations with both China and Pakistan. And Russia is a core example of it. And this Indian obsession is drying out all kinda relations India has with the rest of the world. Just think about it being a Neutral person, not some dumb kinda Patriotic.

Are you suggesting that we don't trade with Kazakhstan?

Perhaps a little understanding of international trade is what you need, sir.

Every country trades with as many countries as they wish and can.

That is how business is done.

Dont get over excited, you got that deal because of the Israel's influence in American Politics. And what Israel is getting out of it, most probably your own dumb Politicians don't know about it either. So we are pleased that Indian politics just like US politics has been hijacked by the Zionists. And it's not a bad thing for us, not at all.

These Zionists have a history of destroying themselves and their friends. But what changes will US common Citizens will bring in US politics in next couple of years you will be surprised. Oh, sorry my bad, I cant discuss complicated future predictions with any Indians as it is beyond their limited thinking.

Jews, Zionists, massacre of Muslims, evil Indians, Americans, RAW, RSS Hindus and radical Buddhists.

This is what you have extensively spoken here, none of which has anything to do with the topic at hand.

:cheesy: Wow ! You're giving Zaid Hamid a tough time.

I was shocked reading that, as a Buddhist myself. :lol:
@simple Brain ,here is your situation.

Okay... I do not know where you got all this information from but seriously; did you even read what you have written or think about it even once before posting? Please review your own comments once before posting such allegations as to why the riots happened.

1- Myanmar borders us, they don't have a problem with us unlike you. We share culture and faith with them and also a lot of customs here. Why and how is that a problem?

2- They have been helpful to us in many ways and helped us get rid of terrorists and drugs and human traffickers in the border areas. After the removal of sanctions, it makes us logical to proceed with business and opening tourism and aviation with a country that is just beside us. Myanmar is a strong proponent of Indian participation in ASEAN along with rest of the member nations. We buy massive natural gas from them them and have immense border trade with them which gives jobs and earnings to our people through trading points jointly set up. The benefits of border trade and violence-free zone is well understood by the Burmese government.

3- “Buddhist-Hindu peace zone”. It says Peace zone. What part of peace don't you understand?

By the way, here are some fun facts which you and your countrymen don't know:

a- Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs have regular meetings with each visiting the other's holy places, without any restrictions. I could go and meditate in a Hindu temple, pray in a sikh temple and similarly they could come and do the same at any monastery. Heck, the some of the biggest stakeholders at Mahabodhi temple (our holiest shrine) are Hindus.

Please don't relate us as three 'mutually exclusive entities' the way Christianity, Islam and Judaism are.

Your mistake is that you see the three of us with the same glasses as you see the other Abrahamic religions and their relations with you. This is where your analysis repeatedly fails.

b- BBS is a relatively new development in Sri Lanka which feels threatened that Buddhist culture is targeted there. They were not even there when RSS started (around 83 years ago).

Tell me something; according to your logic the Christians of west are feeling threatened by you; the Hindus are wary of you and now, you have the Buddhists too. Don't you think you need to see why these organizations just emerge?

c- Your analogy about RSS and RAW being the same is hilarious! If RSS was dismantling relations between you and Myanmar, why would Chinese be affected by it?

China has given more money and during harder times to Myanmar than we did. Why is it that Myanmar has limited their dependence on them?

Here's the thing; no one does anything for free. We cannot offer more cash than China and you know this and Myanmar is not some wuss democratic nation; it is ruled by a military junta for heaven's sake.

Unless you are suggesting that we threatened them with a takeover, your explanation really doesn't make sense.

Nepal's blockade was not imposed by India but by the Madheshi protesters who were rioting in response to the new constitution in their country. They did not let the trucks of fuel and cylinders pass into the country and only let food and medicines pass.

Check the geography of Nepal. Madhesh province borders our Bihar states and that rioting and protests were a serious problem for our authorities as this would have spiralled down into our state. How are we responsible for what they didn't allow in their country?

Sri Lanka's internal matters? Rajapakse got involved in massive scams with funds that were meant for investment and got voted out. By telling that we forced him to step down, you must know that he had the backing of China who is far more influential in terms of money, investments and backing than us. So please, make up your mind. Either ways, you are accusing the intellect of Sri Lankans who voted. It was not our folks who did the voting.

Afghanistan ASKS for us. They WANT us in their country. Their government lays a red carpet welcome to our officials, engineers, architects and government officials to help them rebuild. Why are you so pissed off about that?

President Ashraf Ghani did his best to rapproach with Nawaz Sharif ignoring India at first after election. Then he was the first one to rush forward to PM Modi and resume the strong and warm ties between our countries. Afghans don't have a problem with us; their government wants our presence there.

How is that foreign intervention? :blink:

Are you suggesting that we don't trade with Kazakhstan?

Perhaps a little understanding of international trade is what you need, sir.

Every country trades with as many countries as they wish and can.

That is how business is done.

Jews, Zionists, massacre of Muslims, evil Indians, Americans, RAW, RSS Hindus and radical Buddhists.

This is what you have extensively spoken here, none of which has anything to do with the topic at hand.

I was shocked reading that, as a Buddhist myself. :lol:
You know I always wonder this. Pakistanis just don't seem to get that Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs are not really all that separate.

There seems to be a thought amongst Muslim Pakistanis that the Budhists and Sikhs not to mention the lower caste Hindus are all 5th columnists to India and all are just waiting to attack or separate from India :lol:
1- Myanmar borders us, they don't have a problem with us unlike you. We share culture and faith with them and also a lot of customs here. Why and how is that a problem?[/QUOTE

Yes you do border with Myanmar and as far as problems are concerned I do not have to explain this to you as I already have. The problem with you guys is that you do not read what others publish, you simply jump to the conclusion that satisfy your soul the best.

Okay... I do not know where you got all this information from but seriously; did you even read what you have written or think about it even once before posting? Please review your own comments once before posting such allegations as to why the riots happened.

So I have written most of it and you are telling me that I am unaware of what I have written, have you read it thoroughly? No off course not, you simply read the title and first sentence of the main topic rest who cares, right? And the answer lies in my next reply.

“Buddhist-Hindu peace zone”. It says Peace zone. What part of peace don't you understand?

Peace Zone, yes and this is why everyone in this entire world knows that how stupid Indians are, I must say the Muslims who live their aren't less Stupid than the Hindus. Alright I give you one example, yesterday I met with Hafiz Saeed and we discussed to open a joint Human rights organisation. He said that he is more than happy to, after all this organisation will further enhance his future goals. What ya all Indians think about it? Isn't it a good news? Specially for those Indians who are quite a lovers of Hindu Zionists.
Mate, I am a Zionist. A proud HINDU ZIONIST at that.

Tell me something; according to your logic the Christians of west are feeling threatened by you; the Hindus are wary of you and now, you have the Buddhists too. Don't you think you need to see why these organizations just emerge?

yes I do, the fastest growing religion of the world? Islam, tell me, isn't this true? Your religious so called leaders feel threatened because Islam is spreading in every corner of the world. China is the biggest Buddhist Nation on earth, I don't see them having any kinda of conflict with Muslims living out their. Same goes to Thailand and Japan. Than why is this problem with only those Countries that share their borders with India? And as far as Christians are concerned, so do not blame the entire Christian race, they do not hate us, yes their is a minority who does and they are also funded by the CIA and Mossad backed Priests.

​ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA/NATO ‘dirty war’ op — RT Op-Edge Read this open your eyes, but oh why would you open your eyes, you are happy in the hands of Zionists, they are helping your economy as this idiot @banvanaxl said earlier.

And if you are still not satisfied, than read the book, Zionism, Islam and the West by Kerry Bolton.

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