Tax collection is a government or governance problem, not a problem associated with a free economy - In fact, in a free economy, the need for greater transparency (as in a measure of certainty with regard to policy, procedures and near future as criteria for investment) actually brings the issue of tax collection into the awareness of the public and the awareness by itself creates the demand for action.
A more free society, utopian? Sure if US and Europe and Japan and even China are engaged in a utopian enterprise, then sure, we would be in good company - You ask what my "motives are? fair enough, my motives are to see greater economic activity, greater wealth in the hands of private individuals, a more robust economy allowing greater numbers of Pakistanis the opportunity to create lives of dignity - can you handle that? Are those good for Pakistan?
How does a free economy create a free society? Do you realize that a free economy also creates freer individuals and more free conscience?? How? By creating choices for free individuals to avail, by creating lives of DIGNITY, choices with regard to their children's education, choices about their life chances, choices about the kinds of ideas they find persuasive and seek to associate with.
Anyway - don't worry about motives, be concerned with whether it's good for Pakistan or not. Good, bad, right and wrong, these are the criteria to evaluate propositions such as a free economy, it;s relationship to a free society and a transparent and effective delivery of government services..