Abrar Babary, Mahwish Zeeshan Department of Anthropology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Corresponding Author‘s Email:
Katas raj is a Hindu temple, where devotees worship the Shiv linga. The data was collected through participant observation as an observer at Katas Raj Mandir in Chakwal. The nature of the study was qualitative. The size of the sample included 17 sampling units who were Hindus. The researcher observed and collected all the modern rituals and their practices with their local context. Some rituals were found to be regularly practiced while some were limited to special festivals like MahaShivratri. The festivals and the temple worked as a bridge of communication among various Hindus in the locale, helping them form relationships among their own religious circle. The economic conditions of the hotels in front of the Temple also enhanced during these festivals. Key Words: Katas Raj,Rituals, Puja, Shiva, Shiv Linga,Temple, MahaShivratri
Katas Raj Mandir, speaks of its grandeur from the glory of its past. The word ―Katas” or ―Kataksha” is from Sanskrit language, which literally means ―spring eyes‖ [1]. It was next called Amar-Kund, then Chamar-Kund and lastly Kataksh-Kund, or the ―spring of raining eyes,‖ because on this very spot the tears rained from Siva’s eyes on the death of his wife Sati[2].Katas Rajthus became an important temple in Hinduism because it was a center of the pilgrim for Hindus. Thousands of pilgrims and visitors visitKatas in April to take a bath in the holy pool[3]. Shiva was a one of the most powerful deities in Hinduism.In Sanskrit language Siva means ―The auspicious one‖. He was also famous as ―Mahadeva –The great god‖. He was considered very powerful and thus attained the position of a major deity in Hinduism. He had the power to create and destroy anything at will. ―He had four hands to show that he holds the power life and death‖[4]. ―The word ritual stands for a series of actions or type of behavior regularly and invariably followed by someone‖[5]. Temple means a place of worship. The house of God is a temple in Hinduism. The idea and themes of the all temples are same. Hindu temples also reflect the effect of conflicts between Hinduism and Islam since the 12th century. Many pilgrims come to visit the holy temple for special purpose. When devotes worship the Bhagwan Shiva, Firstly they Purify their body with water as one enters the temple, or holy site, where he regularly reveals his numinous presence. One brings him flower, sweet smelling incense, and other beautiful things representing one‘s heart and soul, and dedicated them to Mahadev. One also offers a ripe coconut, which the attendant priest dashes against a hard stone surface, spilling the milk in front of the idol, or the lingam, which is shiva‘s sign [6]. Most of the Hindus worship the Sivalinga which is the main ritual among Shiva‘s believers. Linga represents a ―mark‖ or ―sign‖ hence ―penis‖, that is the sign of manhood. The main or central shape in any Shiv temple is an upright duct that is an image of a phallus. However, it isn‘t perceived the same by modern worshippers [7]. ―
Shiva is a god of opposite: He is a fierce ascetic, but also prone to sexual excess and anger. The central image of shiva is a shaft or elongated oval called the linga – a word that literally means mark or sign. In one myth of the origin of the linga, Brahma and Vishnu are arguing about who is the supreme creator of the universe. As the two gods continue their dispute, a gigantic shaft or linga of burning light appears. As Brahma and Vishnu unsuccessfully attempt to span its height and depth, the linga opens to reveal shiva inside. In this sense, the linga represents a kind of cosmic energy with shiva as the supreme god who creates, sustains and destroys. In other myths, the power of Shiva’slinga is unmistakably sexual. After disturbing the wives of sages in the pine forest, Shiva is castrated and the universe loses its vital powers and begins to wither and die. In this sense, the linga represents sexual generatively and shiva is often presented with an erect penis—a sign not of promiscuity, but of creativity and power. As an ascetic, shiva holds his sexual power in check and thus overcomes and transmutes the power of passion for the benefit of the cosmos. For images of shiva used for worship, the oval linga is often represented, joined with or penetrating the circular yoni or vulva. The linga and yoni together represent the union of shiva and Shakti, the masculine and feminine elements in creation‖[8]. ―MahaShivratri (the great night) festival is celebrated on the fourteenth night of the new moon. It is celebrated in the month of Phalgun in Hindu calendar and in English calendar celebrated in the months of February and March. MahaShivratriis the symbols of the Shiva and Parvati‘s wedding. Some believe that lord Shiva performs the ‗Tandava‘ dance of the creation, preservation and destruction on this auspicious nigh [9]. MATERIALS AND METHODS The nature of the study was qualitative. The data was collected through participant observation as an observer. The study was carried out in Katas Raj Templewith the help of two major key informants ―KishwerNond‖and ―Jay Ram‖.
Katas RajMandir holds the significance of a sanctified place in Hinduism because of its sacred water and the story of the Pandavaswho were exiled from their kingdom who later got refuge here. It is considered the second most important Hindu temple around the globe [10]. Hindus believe that when Shiva wept his tear dropped in two places; one drop fell down in Ajmer Pushkara and the second fell in Katas.―It‘s illustration of a lot of numerous tales, the Katas sub-shrine was able to measure a kind of proto Nagara tower‖[11].
KatasRaj Mandir is considered equally consecrated for Hindus as Makkah and Madina are for Muslims. Shiva a Hindu god was one of the most powerful deities in Hinduism. His power is called Shakti which can destroy everything but makes new life possible. Shiva‘s power was in the form of his wife Parvati and her avatars Durga and Kali. Sati was the first wife of Shiva [12]. ―Shiva is often portrayed smeared in ash. He dresses in leopard skin and holds a trident with a small drum; a cobra is wrapped around his shoulders and the river Ganges emanates from his matted locks. He is most commonly represented sitting in yogic posture, emphasizing his association with renunciation and asceticism‖[8]. Shiv Linga in Katas Raj There is a Shiv lingainside this temple which is said to date back to 5th to 6th century AD. Shivalinga is a stone. It is usually made of black marble but this specific linga inside the Katas temple is made of sandstone. It represents the power of Shiva which according to Hindu belief is so encompassing that it covers the land from within and reaches the sky. It is a manifestation of the Shiva. Hindu women believe that worshipping him will bring them good spouses since they relate it to Parvatiwho worshiped Shivlinga and she got Shiva in return. Shiv Linga is a holy stone in Hinduism. It is a symbol of BhagwanShiva. Most of the devotees worship the shiv linga. There were two type of linga 1- Shiv Linga 2-Shiv Yoni. Some Hindu believed that Shiv Linga was bachelor Linga, Yoni and some believe that Linga represents Male and Yoni represent female. Linga stood on round base which is called Shiva. It starts from inside the earth to the top of the sky. Basic three steps of ShivaPuja Uapasana: All devotees preformed this step ―Uapasana‖. In this step devotees preformed Puja, Arti, shiv Chalisa, Shiv RudraIstak and Bhajan. This was regular Puja which was performed by all devotees. Sadhana: Specific devotees preformed this step ―Sadhana‖. It was a special step for devotees. When people wanted a specific wish, they performed this step. Some people performed this step not all of them. In this step devotees performed Arti, Shiv Chalisa and RudaIstak. Dhayan: means meditation, in this step devotee‘s contact with BhagwanShiva directly. This step was performed by only those devotees who were very tolerate and pure. Regular step of Shiv Linga worship This regular puja was performed in the ―Uapasana‖. Monday was a day of shiv‘s puja and devotes were fasting for shiva on this day. Puja:Shivlinga was given a bath with Libation. This was an ―Abhishekam‖. Libation consisted these items; sea water, Honey, Milk, Yogurt, Ghee, Rice, Pan, Bill Patar and coconut. Every three hours devotees should be given a bath to linga with this Libation. When devotees offered these items to shiv linga, they get Satisfaction. ―The devotees taken a bath and wear freshly washed clothes. Then they enter the meditation room singing hymns. Sitting in front of the lingam, they blow the conch, ring bells and call upon god to seat himself on the throne. A libation of five holy fluids is gentle poured over the linga‖[6]. When devotees offered these items, each item gave different benefit. (1) Milk (gave them purity and faithfulness). (2) Honey (created love in together and gave sweet speech). (3) Yogurt (gave prosperity and progeny). (4) Ghee (gave victory). (5) Sugar (gave happiness). (6) Water (gave purity). (7) Sandur (gave marriage life). (8) Pan (gave relaxation in world). (9) Coconut (gave protection to pain and grief). (10) Rice (gave internal relief). (11)Bill Patar (through this god accept the sorry). (12) Fruit (god gave long life). When devotees offered these things, they also kept on saying ―OM Namaa Shivaya‖. It was basic mantar of shiv linga Puja. Some devotees had offered the Shiva‘s name 108 times. Arati: ―
One important function of the temple is to perform group Puja and Aarti (the burning of lamps and waving them clockwise before a deity is called Aarti). Aarti is generally performed by a priest twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening‖[13,14].After the Puja, devotees decorated the shiv linga with flower and pasted sandal wood on linga. Sandal wood was used to keep cool because Hindus believe that linga was very hot in its depth. Then devotees performed arati ―OM Jai ShivOnkaraHar Shiv Onkara, Brahma Vishnu SadashivArddhagniDhara. Om haraharaMahaadevaa‖. Finally they were ringing a bells and rubbed white ash on the forehead and distributed ―Prasad‖. Then this Puja were ended. MahaShivratri ―MahaShivratri (the great night) festival was celebrated on the fourteenth night of the new moon. It was celebrated in the month of Phalgun in Hindu calendar and in English calendar celebrated in the months of February and March‖[15]. MahaShivratri was celebrated for several reason, some Hindus celebrated because Shiv married Parvati and some Hindus celebrated it in remembrance when Parvati stop the poison being spread in Shiva‘s neck and dancing the whole night. There was another connotation that Shiva did not sleep and some celebrated because it was that day when Shiva was shown in linga. In MahaShivratri devotees specially visit the shiv temple and worshiping the linga. MahaShivratri has different traditions and customs. Devotees use to fast in the honor of Shiva; some devotees ate the fruits and uncooked thing. But some devotees did not take any single drop of water. Women specially celebrate this night because that believes that if they celebrate this night or worshiped the Shivling they will handsome husband or honest husband as Parvati got BhagwanShiva.
Maha Shivratri Fast MahaShivratri Fast stands very important fast in Hinduism. In MahaShivratri, devotees wake up early in the morning and get bath in Katas Raj Pound or Ganga river, then they went to the near ShivMandir and promise for doing fasting, then they worship whole day and night, then next morning they opened their fast. Maha Shivratri Worship In Maha Shivratri devotees woke up early in the morning and took bath in the Katas pound or Ganga River. Then wore a new dress and went to the nearest the Shiva temple. Then they were took bath (Ashan) the linga with Milk, Water, and Yogurt, Ganga‘s water, coconut and honey. Then they started to praise ―OM Namaa Shivaya‖ continually. They late started bathing the Linga with a lapse of every three hour. Whole day, they were reciting about the Shiva. During this day they were also doing special Arati. CONCLUSION The aim of the study that to find out the rituals and practices in Katas Raj temple. The study concluded that in Katas raj temple mostly people do the worship of Shiv ling. This temple opens on daily basis for Puja but due to lack of Hindu community in this area Puja is not practice. In MahaShivratri Hindus come and perform their religious rituals as it is their Holy festival.
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