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Kasmiri Resistance Fighters Sameer Tiger, Aaqib Khan murdered by Indian Army

Kashmir is a disputed territory. The option for Islamic state and Secular state was never given to the Kashmiri people.

Give it to them now and let there be Peace.

Till then you will be pelted with stones.
Same option is still there, there are a lot of Islamic nation,
Anyone not happy with India can move out, and go to nation of their choice
The same Army is guarding Punjab, Rajasthan, Northeast....so I do not think there is an issue there ........
Those who want Islamic state had choices in 47 to move out, people moved from both sides towards the nation of their liking ....nothing was forced

Indian Punjab and Northeast too have seen brutal campaigns and state terrorism by the Indian Army, but that is India's internal matter. Kashmir, on the other hand, is an internationally recognized disputed territory. Moreover, just because the Indian Army is guarding India, it doesn't justify Indian aggression and terrorism in foreign/disputed territories. Does it ?

And Pakistan was not created an Islamic State in 47, it became one nine years later only i.e. in 1956 ... And the migration was "forced" ... don't know what you are on about
Same option is still there, there are a lot of Islamic nation,
Anyone not happy with India can move out, and go to nation of their choice

This is a childish manner to debate on such a heavy human cost.

The Kashmiris do not want to live with you and want to be free from your oppression. For 70 years you have pillaged, looted and raped the Land of Kashmir.

Let go of Kashmir for they have sacrificed enough.
only terrorists in kashmir are unwanted Indian dogs who are murdering and raping innocent kashmiri people
while mentally sick scums like you support the ethnic genocide of Kashmir
Kashmiri Freedom fighters are by no mean comparable to terrorists in Syria or Pakistan
they are just fighting against invaders
Yes they are same as APS attackers .....
TTP is an outcome of good terrorist ideology.....good terrorist ideology has is the reason for all major issues in Pakistan......even after losing so many fellow countrymen and armed personal you still believe in good terrorist ideology then no on can help you
Yes they are same as APS attackers .....
TTP is an outcome of good terrorist ideology.....good terrorist ideology has is the reason for all major issues in Pakistan......even after losing so many fellow countrymen and armed personal you still believe in good terrorist ideology then no on can help you
fighting the forum occupational forces in your homeland isnt terrorism its called legitimate freedom struggle
only terrorist in Kashmir are unwanted Indian dogs



Indins are the only terrorists in kashmir
who are involed in every crime one can imagine
2,080 mass graves in Kashmir

Unmarked mass grave investigation should be completed within six months, state-run human rights commission says.

by Rifat Fareed
3 Nov 2017


APDP maintains that 8,000 people have disappeared in the decades-old conflict [Shuuaib Masoodi/Al Jazeera]

Srinagar, Indian-administered Kashmir - The state-run human rights commission has told the government in Kashmir to investigate at least 2,080 unmarked mass graves discovered in border areas of the restive region.

The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP), a human rights group in Kashmir, told the commission there were 3,844 unmarked graves - 2,717 in Poonch and 1,127 in Rajouri, twin districts in the region that lie along Line of Control (LoC) that divides the disputed territory between Indiaand Pakistan.

In response, the commission acknowledged the presence of 2,080 unmarked graves and asked the government for a comprehensive investigation to be completed in six months, including DNA tests of the bodies to compare it with family members of the disappeared.

In 2011, the commission directed the government to investigate the mass graves. At the time, a special team from the commission said 2,730 unidentified bodies were buried in 38 sites across northern Kashmir.

"The commission has no hesitation to issue the same directions, which were already issued in the case," the recent order said.

Thousands disappeared
APDP maintains 8,000 people have disappeared in the decades-old conflict, and accuses government forces of staging gun battles to cover up killings.


What is the legacy of Indian subcontinent partition?
The association welcomed the commission's latest demand to investigate mass graves in India's Jammu and Kashmir state.

"It is an acknowledgement from the institution that is run by the government. It provides further legal remedies for the family members of missing," Khurram Parvez from APDP told Al Jazeera.

"We have been demanding that there be an independent commission to do a credible probe on the mass graves."

Parvez said the probe might give an "answer" to families of disappeared who do not know whether their relatives are dead or alive.

"We have done a study of 53 cases for a report where the bodies were exhumed from unknown graves. It was found that 49 bodies in the graves were of civilians and one was a local militant, three bodies were unknown. These people were dubbed as foreign militants by the government," Parvez said.

Since 2011, instead of complying with directions from the human rights commission, the government continues to avoid such an investigation on the pretext it would lead to a "law and order problem" in Kashmir, APDP said in a statement.

The European Parliament adopted a resolution in July 2008 and called on India's government ensure independent and impartial investigations into all mass graves, APDP said.

Officials contacted by Al Jazeera declined to comment on Friday.

The state government has said most of the missing were likely Kashmiri youths who crossed into Pakistan for weapons training. Those comments have been dismissed by family members of the disappeared.

'Emotional closure'
Tahira Begum, 39, from Baramulla whose husband disappeared in 2002, said if the government investigates the graves it would provide "emotional closure" to family members.

"We want to know whether our family members are buried in these graves. At least, we will get an address to mourn," she told Al Jazeera.

Tahira said she had to leave her three sons in an orphanage after her husband disappeared.


Partition: Borders of Blood
"My kids would run from school and ask me where their father is. For years, I told them he has gone for work outside. But as time passed, I couldn't lie to them any more."

Her husband disappeared after leaving home for work and never returned. "I went everywhere to look for him but failed. I just want an answer - what happened to him," she said.

Nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan each administer part of Kashmir, but both claim the Himalayan territory in its entirety.

Rebel groups have been fighting since 1989 for the Indian-administered portion to become independent or merge with Pakistan.

Nearly 70,000 people have been killed in the uprising and the ensuing Indian military crackdown. India maintains about 500,000 soldiers in the territory.

Anti-India sentiment runs deep among Kashmir's mostly Muslim population and most support rebels against Indian rule despite a decades-long military crackdown to fight the armed rebellion.

India has accused Pakistan of arming and training the rebels, allegations that Pakistan denies.

Rebel groups have largely been suppressed by Indian security forces in recent years, and public opposition to Indian rule is now principally expressed through street protests.

WATCH: Kashmir's 'black day' marks 70 years of Indian army arrival (1:28)

you seems to be to ignorant bout the history or its just the RSS propaganda they feed you in their temples?
kashmiris were never offered choice by Indian regime their home was forcefully occupied
this is why they are asking for right to self determination

I guess you need some history lesson

British drew lines on the territories they controlled,
Princely states had the option to either join Pakistan or India or remain Independent. There were 565 princely states in 47
Rulers Bahawalpur, Khairpur, Chitral, Swat, Hunza etc. chose Pakistan and Gwalior, Madras, Hyderabad etc. joined India.
Initially, Ruler of Kashmir Raja Hari Singh opted to stay independent but after Pakistan's invasion signed Instrument of Accession with India.
It was Pakistan who attacked independent Kashmir state and Indian forces entered only after legally merger of Kashmir with India (see instrument of accession)
Hyderabad etc. joined India.
egally merger of Kashmir happened with India (see instrument of accession)

oh my God the irony
it was decided that the muslim majority state will go with Pakistan and hindu majority will go with India
and Kashmir being a Muslim majority state was supposed to merge with Pakistan

Indian regime not only occupied Kashmir but Hyderabad Junagarh and Goa as well
and Indian PM later promised to give right of self-determination to kashmiris but still they have to honour their words
It was Pakistan who attacked independent Kashmir state and Indian forces entered only after legally merger of Kashmir with India (see instrument of accession)


a) International law clearly states that every treaty entered into by a member of the United Nations must be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations. "The Instrument of Accession" was neither presented to the United Nations nor to Pakistan. Hence India cannot invoke the treaty before any organ of the United Nations.

b) The legality of the Instrument of Accession may also be questioned on grounds that it was obtained under coercion. The International Court of Justice has stated that there "can be little doubt, as is implied in the Charter of the United Nations and recognized in Article 52 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, that under contemporary international law an agreement concluded under the threat or use of force is void."..... India’s military intervention in Kashmir was provisional upon the Maharaja’s signing of the Instrument of Accession. More importantly, however, the evidence suggests that Indian troops were pouring into Srinigar even before the Maharaja had signed the treaty. This fact would suggest that the treaty was signed under duress.

c) The Maharaja had no authority to sign the treaty, hence the Instrument of Accession can be considered without legal standing . The situation on the ground demonstrates that the Maharaja was hardly in control of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Hari Singh was in flight from the state capital, Srinigar. And it is highly doubtful that the Maharaja could claim that his government had a reasonable chance of staying in power .....

Thus, an analysis of the circumstances surrounding the signing of the Instrument of Accession shows that the accession of Kashmir to India was neither complete nor legal, as Delhi has vociferously contended for over sixty years.

Moreover, further shedding doubt on the treaty`s validity, in 1995 Indian authorities claimed that the original copy of the treaty (letter of accession) was either stolen or lost !!!


Accession of Kashmir is different from accession of any other Indian Princely State as the accession has been placed before the UN Security Council for arranging a ratification or otherwise by the people of the State under the auspices of the United Nations. Therefore, the arrangement caused through the accession of 26 October 1947 has been taken over by the interests of 195 countries of the UN (including Pakistan as a member nation of UN and as a party). Pakistan as a party to the dispute administers two administrations of the State on its side of cease fire line.
oh my God the irony
it was decided that the muslim majority state will go with Pakistan and hindu majority will go with India
and Kashmir being a Muslim majority state was supposed to merge with Pakistan

Indian regime not only occupied Kashmir but Hyderabad Junagarh and Goa as well
and Indian PM later promised to give right of self-determination to kashmiris but still they have to honour their words
Nothing was decided....religion majority area division was not applicable to princely states.....
It was job of Indian / Pakistani establishment to convince princely states to join them, India succeeded in getting signature from Kashmir ruler

fighting the forum occupational forces in your homeland isnt terrorism its called legitimate freedom struggle
only terrorist in Kashmir are unwanted Indian dogs

View attachment 471581

Indins are the only terrorists in kashmir
who are involed in every crime one can imagine
2,080 mass graves in Kashmir

Unmarked mass grave investigation should be completed within six months, state-run human rights commission says.

by Rifat Fareed
3 Nov 2017


APDP maintains that 8,000 people have disappeared in the decades-old conflict [Shuuaib Masoodi/Al Jazeera]

Srinagar, Indian-administered Kashmir - The state-run human rights commission has told the government in Kashmir to investigate at least 2,080 unmarked mass graves discovered in border areas of the restive region.

The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP), a human rights group in Kashmir, told the commission there were 3,844 unmarked graves - 2,717 in Poonch and 1,127 in Rajouri, twin districts in the region that lie along Line of Control (LoC) that divides the disputed territory between Indiaand Pakistan.

In response, the commission acknowledged the presence of 2,080 unmarked graves and asked the government for a comprehensive investigation to be completed in six months, including DNA tests of the bodies to compare it with family members of the disappeared.

In 2011, the commission directed the government to investigate the mass graves. At the time, a special team from the commission said 2,730 unidentified bodies were buried in 38 sites across northern Kashmir.

"The commission has no hesitation to issue the same directions, which were already issued in the case," the recent order said.

Thousands disappeared
APDP maintains 8,000 people have disappeared in the decades-old conflict, and accuses government forces of staging gun battles to cover up killings.


What is the legacy of Indian subcontinent partition?
The association welcomed the commission's latest demand to investigate mass graves in India's Jammu and Kashmir state.

"It is an acknowledgement from the institution that is run by the government. It provides further legal remedies for the family members of missing," Khurram Parvez from APDP told Al Jazeera.

"We have been demanding that there be an independent commission to do a credible probe on the mass graves."

Parvez said the probe might give an "answer" to families of disappeared who do not know whether their relatives are dead or alive.

"We have done a study of 53 cases for a report where the bodies were exhumed from unknown graves. It was found that 49 bodies in the graves were of civilians and one was a local militant, three bodies were unknown. These people were dubbed as foreign militants by the government," Parvez said.

Since 2011, instead of complying with directions from the human rights commission, the government continues to avoid such an investigation on the pretext it would lead to a "law and order problem" in Kashmir, APDP said in a statement.

The European Parliament adopted a resolution in July 2008 and called on India's government ensure independent and impartial investigations into all mass graves, APDP said.

Officials contacted by Al Jazeera declined to comment on Friday.

The state government has said most of the missing were likely Kashmiri youths who crossed into Pakistan for weapons training. Those comments have been dismissed by family members of the disappeared.

'Emotional closure'
Tahira Begum, 39, from Baramulla whose husband disappeared in 2002, said if the government investigates the graves it would provide "emotional closure" to family members.

"We want to know whether our family members are buried in these graves. At least, we will get an address to mourn," she told Al Jazeera.

Tahira said she had to leave her three sons in an orphanage after her husband disappeared.


Partition: Borders of Blood
"My kids would run from school and ask me where their father is. For years, I told them he has gone for work outside. But as time passed, I couldn't lie to them any more."

Her husband disappeared after leaving home for work and never returned. "I went everywhere to look for him but failed. I just want an answer - what happened to him," she said.

Nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan each administer part of Kashmir, but both claim the Himalayan territory in its entirety.

Rebel groups have been fighting since 1989 for the Indian-administered portion to become independent or merge with Pakistan.

Nearly 70,000 people have been killed in the uprising and the ensuing Indian military crackdown. India maintains about 500,000 soldiers in the territory.

Anti-India sentiment runs deep among Kashmir's mostly Muslim population and most support rebels against Indian rule despite a decades-long military crackdown to fight the armed rebellion.

India has accused Pakistan of arming and training the rebels, allegations that Pakistan denies.

Rebel groups have largely been suppressed by Indian security forces in recent years, and public opposition to Indian rule is now principally expressed through street protests.

WATCH: Kashmir's 'black day' marks 70 years of Indian army arrival (1:28)


Just random picture...I can post 100s of pictures of Balochistan or Pashtun areas.....

Atleast we donot use F16/ Tanks / Heavy arms on our civilians...the way Indian extablishment treats Kashmiris is 100 times better than what Balochs / Pashtuns gone through in last few decade
Human Life costs less than 1000 rupees in India.

Pakistani flags Pop up without being paid.

How dumb is an average enndian
What is the price of Pakistani? You people are ready to fight others' wars. Saudi and US used you as mercenaries.

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