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Kashmiri Freedom Fighter Group UJC claims Pathankot Attack

We did. 1947 UN resolution on Kashmir. Number 1. Withdrawal of Pakistani troops.
For you here is the resolution, mandating withdrawal of Pakistani troops from JAMMU and kashmir.
United Nations Official Document
It is available in english and urdu.
Indian military is not required to -remove any of its troops!
So Pakistan first. See what happens.
Wanna know what happens?
India removes troops into Jammu or Punjab, regardless, the JUD Islamic fundamentals will start slaughtering Hindus or other just as Partition.
The worst Hindu extremist has hockey stick or sword to threaten people with but your JuD have AKs and RPGs.
Pakistan can not take care of itself let alone contain JuD in Kashmir!
There is no Army presence in AJK the border is manned by Mujahid force that is trained by Army only top level officers are from Army in that force. I have been to the farthest parts of AJK myself and was surprised to see there is no troops on ground in a disputed territory. Met a few personals that were going towards a border post. That is only possible if there is no unrest in the area opposite to what is seen on the other side of the border.
So back to my original question shall we, let the Kashmiris decide for themselves what they want either violence or peace.
Both your kababs and Dung are closely related with IQ boundary value parameter... isn't it ? :partay:

Will not be able reply off topic anymore ... i would be banned and nothing much will happen to you dude.. :-)

The parameter you set to the value of dung and kababs are good enough to understand the volume of your IQ yet Kababs all alone is a different thing alas you may understand. You started to being off topic so quotes were only to remind you and you understand well so here is the sign of improving. Stay at PDF will learn more but be mannered.

You guys are masters of spinning things and I will give you that but tell me how exactly does Nawaz telling Modi that he will look into the matter based on Indian information (and not word of the mouth) is a tactical acceptance of what you implied above? Last time your media person when raised a similar question in the US got a snub and one of the points were because Nawaz actually called Modi and denounced and condemned this attack. This would not lead to any loss of face for us because even though India was quick to blame Pakistan (like always) we still offered to look into it. The world has called your BS out. Don't agree just look at how Modi approach has changed w.r.t Pakistan. What happened to 56" chest?
The world calls India BS? :D Okay.

Yet you claim in the first sentence that we are masters of spinning things. Which we are. Thankfully.
The world calls India BS? :D Okay.

you claim in the first sentence that we are masters of spinning things. Which we are. Thankfully.

Oh yes I did when you tried to spin Nawaz good will gesture into a tactical acceptance nevertheless the world does not agree with you.
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You are more powerful than Pakistan and you are pressurising us since decades. Even you caught them and released them without any good reason. Ilyas Kashmir, Masood azhar and many ohers were your prisoners once, when they released they are not differntiating both countries. Why?
We are conducting operation Zarb-e-Azb and using our entire resources to neutralize them. How many operations you conducted in J&K compared to Zarb-e-Azb,Rah-e-Nijaat etc

More source for this barbaric event.
Commandos cross LoC: 14 AJK villagers slain by Indians

Ever heard about Kandahar hijacking incident
Indian Airlines Flight 814 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And 90-95% just happen to be a demographic you dont like

Source: Kashmiri Freedom Fighter Group UJC claims Pathankot Attack | Page 9
You want facts? Post them. Pakistan is guility of changing the demographics in Azad Kashmir India ONTOH has protected Kashmiri demographics. More than 20 Percent of JAMMU and Kashmir is Hindu or other. Let me ask you, what heppened to you Pakistani Hindus in Azad Kashmir? I imagine you have atleast 1?
It doesn't matter what Pakistan thinks on Kashmir! FACT! Thats why Pakistan doesn't have Kashmir, India holds the lions share, and if their is chance of independence or greater autonomy than it is with the Union Of India NOT Pakistan.
Let me ask you, are you Kashmiri?
Change religion,change name,change diet,change script,change festivals and you become totally different from your ancestors :D

Source: Kashmiri Freedom Fighter Group UJC claims Pathankot Attack | Page 9
Urdu is NOT a native dalect of Pakistan! it is alien!
There is no Army presence in AJK the border is manned by Mujahid force that is trained by Army only top level officers are from Army in that force. I have been to the farthest parts of AJK myself and was surprised to see there is no troops on ground in a disputed territory. Met a few personals that were going towards a border post. That is only possible if there is no unrest in the area opposite to what is seen on the other side of the border.
So back to my original question shall we, let the Kashmiris decide for themselves what they want either violence or peace.

Source: Kashmiri Freedom Fighter Group UJC claims Pathankot Attack | Page 10
Really, No army presence, your statement just proved against your point. People with guns is an army, small, but still an army.
Are you Kashmiri?
Really, No army presence, your statement just proved against your point. People with guns is an army, small, but still an army.
Are you Kashmiri?
No I'm not and i guess you did not bother reading my full post just going through in a hurry to find something for next argument to build on and you didn't bother answering my initial question as well. So I'm going to take you less seriously from now on, it was a mistake on my part taking an Indian seriously in the first place on the matter of Kashmir. You will never understand the gravity of the matter sitting in a comfy room living peacefully doesn't have to bother about your rights but only your future.
No I'm not and i guess you did not bother reading my full post just going through in a hurry to find something for next argument to build on and you didn't bother answering my initial question as well. So I'm going to take you less seriously from now on, it was a mistake on my part taking an Indian seriously in the first place on the matter of Kashmir. You will never understand the gravity of the matter sitting in a comfy room living peacefully doesn't have to bother about your rights but only your future.

Source: Kashmiri Freedom Fighter Group UJC claims Pathankot Attack | Page 10
No I don't Kashmir a big issue. Its just an excuse by all parties. As far as you question, demographics, I like people who like me and are kind to me. I'm only human. No ones a stranger in my home.
As far as my comphy living room, yea, I've been to Jammu and understand its importance. Climbed a fuking mountain. The Army was nice to me despite my questionable and stupid behaviour. Its NOT violent...any more.
So answer my question. How many Punjabis in Kashmir Azad Kashmir? A lot. Kashmiri's that have gone to Azad Kashmir see more Punjabi and Urdu.
Heck , Pakistani Punjab has basically become Urdustan! Atleast we on our Punjab protected our culture and managed to leave a lasting imprint on India.
I'm not going to debate the philosophy behind, India or Pakistan, but as minority, i'm glad i'm living under Gandhi's legacy and NOT Jinnahs or Maos. And,
You want me to favor Pakistan? I want what is best for Punjab, at it turns out what is best for Punjab ends up being in the interest of India. Fact, if PLA tomorrow dicided to nuke India, Your Pakistan gets radiated and millions die!
If you don't know the continents history, you will not find a solution.
India is in many ways a EU in reverse gear. It made ense during 1947 as India was sh1t poor. Kashmir can have greater autonomy, and actually will be the best solution. All of India wants greater autonomy from the centeral govt, its not a want for Freedom but a Need. The worlds largest democracy is always on the brink of chaos, all democracy are. They all get response to the environment. Money is big part of it. 15 Million Kashmiris who vote for independence, won't have hospitals or schools.
However, if your a net surplus state, ie Gujurat, Punjab, Bengal you can afford a strong provincial level govt, AS STRONG as European nation!
You want your own flag to waive during the Olympics? Well you need money. Only economics strength is respected in this world order and don't let me start with defence.
The Kashmiris don't want Indians there, but they certainly don't want Pakistanis in Kashmir.
Musharaf, already killed Kashmir cause as he knew what it was. And excuse to fight India. Cold war is over, and if Pakistan doesn't piggy back off the money rush coming to Indo-Pacific, your state hood will be under threat!
All,said, Kashmir has better chance of independence under India than either China and in spite of Pakistan.
No I don't Kashmir a big issue. Its just an excuse by all parties. As far as you question, demographics, I like people who like me and are kind to me. I'm only human. No ones a stranger in my home.
As far as my comphy living room, yea, I've been to Jammu and understand its importance. Climbed a fuking mountain. The Army was nice to me despite my questionable and stupid behaviour. Its NOT violent...any more.
So answer my question. How many Punjabis in Kashmir ***? A lot. Kashmiri's that have gone to *** see more Punjabi and Urdu.
Heck , Pakistani Punjab has basically become Urdustan! Atleast we on our Punjab protected our culture and managed to leave a lasting imprint on India.
I'm not going to debate the philosophy behind, India or Pakistan, but as minority, i'm glad i'm living under Gandhi's legacy and NOT Jinnahs or Maos. And,
You want me to favor Pakistan? I want what is best for Punjab, at it turns out what is best for Punjab ends up being in the interest of India. Fact, if PLA tomorrow dicided to nuke India, Your Pakistan gets radiated and millions die!
If you don't know the continents history, you will not find a solution.
India is in many ways a EU in reverse gear. It made ense during 1947 as India was sh1t poor. Kashmir can have greater autonomy, and actually will be the best solution. All of India wants greater autonomy from the centeral govt, its not a want for Freedom but a Need. The worlds largest democracy is always on the brink of chaos, all democracy are. They all get response to the environment. Money is big part of it. 15 Million Kashmiris who vote for independence, won't have hospitals or schools.
However, if your a net surplus state, ie Gujurat, Punjab, Bengal you can afford a strong provincial level govt, AS STRONG as European nation!
You want your own flag to waive during the Olympics? Well you need money. Only economics strength is respected in this world order and don't let me start with defence.
The Kashmiris don't want Indians there, but they certainly don't want Pakistanis in Kashmir.
Musharaf, already killed Kashmir cause as he knew what it was. And excuse to fight India. Cold war is over, and if Pakistan doesn't piggy back off the money rush coming to Indo-Pacific, your state hood will be under threat!
All,said, Kashmir has better chance of independence under India than either China and in spite of Pakistan.
A case of mistaken identity, I have't asked you anything related to demographics. My question was If you think Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris will India honor that by granting them control over their state affair and let them decide for themselves.
A case of mistaken identity, I have't asked you anything related to demographics. My question was If you think Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris will India honor that by granting them control over their state affair and let them decide for themselves.

Source: Kashmiri Freedom Fighter Group UJC claims Pathankot Attack | Page 10
Dud, ask your self what is self determination and governess? To give up a little sovereignty to have greater security and social economics gains.
If left to decide, even if Kashmir votes for independence, they'll go back to using Rupees and demandd trade with India. Kashmir is dependent on India. This is why a Kashmiri poitician who wants absolute independence or wants integreation with Pakistan is dillusional.
Pakistan is giving up its sovereignty for socio economics gains, so why would Kashmiris want to loose this? So yes, strengthening local govt. is important even self determination it they need, but they have naturally better connected to the Indian market than any other they will immediately give it up for stability.
An issue of identity also pops up. Kashmiris like other Indians have strong local tribal culture.
What Kashmiris really want is not self determination to put some other dumbass on the throne but rahter Justice!They have been on the edge of war and of course the army has comiited crimes.
For justice you need the truth and reconilation and open expalinations and apologies to the families be they Hindus or Muslims.
For this to happen you need to stop disputed Kashmir, Inda and Paksitan.
Regardless of the border, if the Kashmiris get rich, they'll have al ot more say than lobbying gernades or pelting stones.
Dud, ask your self what is self determination and governess? To give up a little sovereignty to have greater security and social economics gains.
If left to decide, even if Kashmir votes for independence, they'll go back to using Rupees and demandd trade with India. Kashmir is dependent on India. This is why a Kashmiri poitician who wants absolute independence or wants integreation with Pakistan is dillusional.
Pakistan is giving up its sovereignty for socio economics gains, so why would Kashmiris want to loose this? So yes, strengthening local govt. is important even self determination it they need, but they have naturally better connected to the Indian market than any other they will immediately give it up for stability.
An issue of identity also pops up. Kashmiris like other Indians have strong local tribal culture.
What Kashmiris really want is not self determination to put some other dumbass on the throne but rahter Justice!They have been on the edge of war and of course the army has comiited crimes.
For justice you need the truth and reconilation and open expalinations and apologies to the families be they Hindus or Muslims.
For this to happen you need to stop disputed Kashmir, Inda and Paksitan.
Regardless of the border, if the Kashmiris get rich, they'll have al ot more say than lobbying gernades or pelting stones.
I have just highlighted some fallacies in your post better go educate yourself on the matter than waste the precious bandwidth on the internet. You do understand whatever you write is not going to be taken as ultimate truth and world doesn't revolve around what your say is. Do not try to present your delusional thoughts as facts.

Kashmiris want themselves to be neither subjects of India nor Pakistan that's the sole reason for the unrest in your part of Kashmir. But the problem for India to let go Kashmir is based on the existential threat. If India gives them independence there is a fear that elements in other states will demand the same which will weaken the central govt. India has taken the maximalistic approach on Kashmir, calling it 'atoot ang'(even realistically speaking it's not and a burden on Indian economy) they have became victim of their own ego.
Kashmiris want themselves to be neither subjects of India nor Pakistan that's the sole reason for the unrest in your part of Kashmir. But the problem for India to let go Kashmir is based on the existential threat. If India gives them independence there is a fear that elements in other states will demand the same which will weaken the central govt. India has taken the maximalistic approach on Kashmir, calling it 'atoot ang'(even realistically speaking it's not and a burden on Indian economy) they have became victim of their own ego.

Source: Kashmiri Freedom Fighter Group UJC claims Pathankot Attack | Page 10
EGO had nothing to with it. It (kashmir ) is fuel for the fire on both sides. Designed by purpose with purpose.
You can pretend to Know Kashmir issue all you want, but if you don't understand the larger context of the Cold WAR in Asia then you will not find your answers. Regardless of India being on the correct side of history or not, Kashmir or P0K will have the same problem of becoming Pakistan just as it happened in Punjab Lahore, Karachi , Sindh.
Kashmiri Indians have been largely protected because of a old law from land grabbing Punajbis, and zamenders.
I find it unusual that, so much bad blood exists in the first place, but indoctrination is quite common isn't it?
As of now i'm done with you. Your punditry was not amusing.
We respect sovereignty of our neighbours. If your govt. invites us to conduct an operation, we will certainly do that. However, India would reserve its options only in extreme cases of human rights violations and genocide as it was done in 1971 in east pakistan. But this should be done as the last resort. Hope such a situation does not come up.
Also I dont think our courts have issued any death warrant againt these people, so we would prefer to try them before the law rather than doing an Osama.

He is born and brought up an Indian but after he began indulging in terror acts, he has taken shelter in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Pathankot is in Punjab not J&K.
Razia people like you, loyalists to India are part of the problem. You believe everything the Hindutvas tell you and then peddle that same stuff aggressively. The only victim of Indian blame game is Muslims. We will be framed and harassed like Afzal Guru was and like those victims arrested for Jama Masjid blasts were only for it to turn out hindu groups were actually responsible.

By accepting the Indian narrative you give credence to the Indian media which is out for Muslim blood. You will only understand the consequences of your actions when one of you (loyal Indians) will be harmed like my mamoo was. Indians as a state policy harass and suppress muslims and Pakistan is the only country that stands up for them. You should consider this before arrogantly repeating the Indian Hindutva narrative.

Pakistani infiltration is merely an excuse and an opportunity to harass local muslims and frame them on false charges of terror. As a Lucknowi I will continue to advocate our independence from the Hindutva. You should join Pakistani loyalists in Indian occupied parts for this (peaceful) struggle.
the problem is not with Razia,the problem is with people like you who dont see anything beyond religion,for people like you its never your fault ,its always someone else's mistake.

And stop this lucknowi BS,you are Pakistani already.

And dont make it muslims vs others,by saying we will be framed like afzl guru and others,i am sure you wonld not have even recognisd him if he had walked past you.

In short dont be a bigot.

the problem is not with Razia,the problem is with people like you who dont see anything beyond religion,for people like you its never your fault ,its always someone else's mistake.

And stop this lucknowi BS,you are Pakistani already.

And dont make it muslims vs others,by saying we will be framed like afzl guru and others,i am sure you wonld not have even recognisd him if he had walked past you.

In short dont be a bigot.

Razia people like you, loyalists to India are part of the problem. You believe everything the Hindutvas tell you and then peddle that same stuff aggressively. The only victim of Indian blame game is Muslims. We will be framed and harassed like Afzal Guru was and like those victims arrested for Jama Masjid blasts were only for it to turn out hindu groups were actually responsible.

By accepting the Indian narrative you give credence to the Indian media which is out for Muslim blood. You will only understand the consequences of your actions when one of you (loyal Indians) will be harmed like my mamoo was. Indians as a state policy harass and suppress muslims and Pakistan is the only country that stands up for them. You should consider this before arrogantly repeating the Indian Hindutva narrative.

Pakistani infiltration is merely an excuse and an opportunity to harass local muslims and frame them on false charges of terror. As a Lucknowi I will continue to advocate our independence from the Hindutva. You should join Pakistani loyalists in Indian occupied parts for this (peaceful) struggle.
the problem is not with Razia,the problem is with people like you who dont see anything beyond religion,for people like you its never your fault ,its always someone else's mistake.

And stop this lucknowi BS,you are Pakistani already.

And dont make it muslims vs others,by saying we will be framed like afzl guru and others,i am sure you wonld not have even recognisd him if he had walked past you.

In short dont be a bigot.

Razia people like you, loyalists to India are part of the problem. You believe everything the Hindutvas tell you and then peddle that same stuff aggressively. The only victim of Indian blame game is Muslims. We will be framed and harassed like Afzal Guru was and like those victims arrested for Jama Masjid blasts were only for it to turn out hindu groups were actually responsible.

By accepting the Indian narrative you give credence to the Indian media which is out for Muslim blood. You will only understand the consequences of your actions when one of you (loyal Indians) will be harmed like my mamoo was. Indians as a state policy harass and suppress muslims and Pakistan is the only country that stands up for them. You should consider this before arrogantly repeating the Indian Hindutva narrative.

Pakistani infiltration is merely an excuse and an opportunity to harass local muslims and frame them on false charges of terror. As a Lucknowi I will continue to advocate our independence from the Hindutva. You should join Pakistani loyalists in Indian occupied parts for this (peaceful) struggle.
the problem is not with Razia,the problem is with people like you who dont see anything beyond religion,for people like you its never your fault ,its always someone else's mistake.

And stop this lucknowi BS,you are Pakistani already.

And dont make it muslims vs others,by saying we will be framed like afzl guru and others,i am sure you wonld not have even recognisd him if he had walked past you.

In short dont be a bigot.

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