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Kashmiri Boy Slaps India With a Million Dollar Question On NDTV


Lets not argue, its off topic. It has been India since 47 & shall stay that way forever.

My Q remains.. where was the ' slap' ?

.. and what constitutes a ' slap' ?

It has been just invaded by India since 47 thats all.

are we getting a new state?:flame:

in case u dont know its the capital city of Pakistan.
@KRAIT this is answer to yr threadhttp://www.defence.pk/forums/kashmir-war/237876-kashmiri-pundit-what-done-them-kashmiri-muslims.html
funny how the moderators were comparing Pakistan with Kashmiri boy's Million Dollar Questions.This is the height of insecurity.:omghaha:
Well I was talking about Kashmiri Pundits. As they say Karma is a bit*h.

What few of the Kashmiri Muslims did to Pundits, made them leave their homes because of cue from terrorists, are killed by these same terrorists. They are paying the price for their betrayal to their own people.

Still, Hindu and Sikh dominated Indian Army, CRPF, BSF is protecting these same people. 5 CRPF soldiers died trying to save these same people of Kashmir.

When CRPF soldiers needed blood, the mob tried to stop CRPF, got shot and one got killed.

Few Kashmiri Muslims causes trouble along with swines sent by Pakistan, whole valley lives under curfew.

Message is simple. Its either the IA way or the highway. :omghaha:
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Yup see n think before a Missile from our country with nuke warhead strikes yr city of banglore.

are umair bhai,priti mazzak kar rahi thi.

Well I was talking about Kashmiri Pundits. As they say Karma is a bit*h. What Kashmiri Muslims did to Pundits, made them leve their homes because of ue from terrorists, are killed by these same terrorists. They are paying the price for their betrayal to their own people.

Still, Hindu and Sikh dominated Indian Army, CRPF, BSF is protecting these same people. 5 CRPF sldiers died trying to save these same people of Kashmir.

When CRPF soldiers needed blood, the mob tried to stop CRPF, got shot and one got killed.

Message is simple. Its either the IA way or the highway. :omghaha:

the mob tried to stop crpf??
it doesnt go to srinagar dude. its just name contains srinagar.
Bagati Kani Pora, Jammu and Kashmir is where it goes.
The trains cant reach there dude as the area is very hilly n nor yr country is china to make rail tracks in tibet province of china.

Didn't you hear we opened 11.2 km long railway tunnel in Kashmir in December. Third longest in Asia.
I like this boy, I thought we started rail to Srinagar and there is also an alternate route developed for transportation. How old is this video?
Early 2011. That's a couple of years old. Rail connectivity is already through in the Valley and is being extended to Jammu soon.
it doesnt go to srinagar dude. its just name contains srinagar.
Bagati Kani Pora, Jammu and Kashmir is where it goes.
The trains cant reach there dude as the area is very hilly n nor yr country is china[/B] to make rail tracks in tibet province of china.

Dude read this article ..............We Indians would like to remain Indians..................

Kashmir Railway, India

India is undertaking one of its most challenging railway projects ever by building a line to connect Kashmir with the Himalayan foothills. The Kashmir Railway Project (KRP) is being developed to provide an alternative and reliable transportation system to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The line is officially called the Jammu-Udhampur-Katra-Quazigund-Baramulla link (JUSBRL).

KRP is the only railway line in mountainous ranges in India that is being constructed in broad gauge. The estimated cost of the project is $13bn. The 345km extension of the Indian Railway network will allow a 900km (560 mile) journey direct from Delhi to Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir.

At the moment Kashmir is connected to the rest of India only through road.

Far from being an ordinary scheme, the 345km route crosses major earthquake zones, and is subjected to extreme temperatures of cold and heat, as well as inhospitable terrain.

The idea of bringing organised transport to the Kashmir Valley is nothing new. The first proposals were made in 1898 and this was followed in both 1902 and 1905 by British-led plans to reach the region by rail, including a 2ft or 2ft 6in gauge electric railway climbing to 11,000ft over the Pir Panjal Mountain Range. None of these were built.
"Constructing the railway route to this isolated region has involved significant engineering challenges."

Further proposals emerged in the mid-20th century, but it wasn't until 1994 that Indian Railway Minister Jaffer Sharief made headway in building a line to Baramulla and the Kashmir Valley.

In 2001, the Kashmir Railway received National Project Status from the Indian Government and has seen unlimited funds provided to it. The Railway Ministry itself does not have sufficient funds to tackle the project.
The project

The KRP line connects Jammu and Kashmir's winter capital Jammu to its summer capital Srinagar. There will be 30 stations and they will be served by ten to 12 trains a day.

The entire project is divided into four sections. The first section, referred to as Leg 0, stretches 53km in the sub-mountainious region. The line that connects Jammu to Udhampur includes 158 bridges (36 major and 122 minor bridges) and 10km tunnels. The cost of the first section is about $114.2m. This section was opened in April 2005.

The second section, Leg 1, connects Udhampur to Katra. Leg 1, which involves construction of 25km track, is under construction and is scheduled to be completed in 2011. Leg 1 will include 10.9km of tunnels, 38 major and minor bridges and ten ROB/RUBs. A 90m bridge is the tallest bridge in this section, while the longest tunnel is 3.15km.

The 148km third section (Leg 2) will connect Katra to Qazigund and is scheduled to be opened in 2016. It is the most challenging section, as it involves construction of many tunnels and viaducts. A 1.3km bridge being constructed across the river Chenab is the world's tallest railway bridge. It will be 359m above the bed level of the river. It is being managed by Konkan Railway Construction between Salal and Laol stations.

Leg 2 also involves construction of 300km access road. An access road of 110km has already been constructed. A tunnel 10.95km long is being constructed at Quazigund and will be the longest tunnel for the railway.

The fourth section/Leg 3, which connects Qazigund to Baramulla, stretches 119km in the Kashmir Valley. It includes 704 major and minor bridges across rivers, canals and roads.

This section was completed in October 2009. However, this will remain isolated until section 3, which includes construction of the Chenab River crossing, is completed.

The project was aimed to be completed by August 2007. However, the completion date was put back due to suspension of work on Leg 1 and uncertainties in Leg 2 works.

The alignment for the Kashmir Railway presents one of the greatest railway engineering challenges ever faced, with the only contest coming from the China-Tibet rail route which crosses permanently frozen ground and climbs to more than 5,000m above sea level.

While the temperatures of the Kashmir Railway area are not as severe as China, it does still experience extreme winters with heavy snowfalls. However, making the route even more complex is the requirement to pass through the Himalayan foothills.
"The completion date was put back due to suspension of work on Leg 1 and uncertainties in Leg 2 works."

The route includes many bridges, viaducts and tunnels – the lower section of the railway crosses a total of 158 bridges and passes through 20 tunnels.

Even though the line is being built through a mountainous region, a ruling gradient of 1% has been set to provide a safe, smooth and reliable journey.

It is being built to the Indian standard gauge of 1,676mm gauge, laid on concrete sleepers with continuous welded rail and with a minimum curve radius of 676m. Maximum line speed is 100km/h (60mph).

The Kashmir line will connect with the Indian Railways railhead at Jammu, where a 60km access route has been built to Udhampur. The main sections of the route are between Udhampur and Qazigund – 75% in tunnels and the responsibility of Konkan Railway Construction Corporation – with the Qazigund-Baramulla section constructed by Indian Railways.
Rolling stock

Rolling stock for the new route will be from the existing national fleet. Both passenger and freight trains will use the new railway into and out of Kashmir. Passenger services will be provided by diesel multiple units. The service will at first be provided on a 45km section of the Qazigund-Baramulla section, running initially between Rajwansher and Anwantipora.

Freight services conveying grain and petroleum products will run in between the ten to 12 passengers services that are planned to operate daily.

An eight-coach DEMU will run on the Quazigund-Baramulla section of line. The coaches were transported to the valley by using specially modified road trailers and each coach will carry 90 passengers. It will run twice a day in both directions. The train has been fixed with a snow cutter system for clearing snow on the track. The temperature in coaches can also be maintained at 20°C during winter.
Signalling and communications

Three-aspect colour light signalling is being installed on the route to maintain train safety. GSM-R equipment may be installed in the future to improve the quality of the system.

Kashmir Railway - Railway Technology
Well I was talking about Kashmiri Pundits. As they say Karma is a bit*h.

What few of the Kashmiri Muslims did to Pundits, made them leave their homes because of cue from terrorists, are killed by these same terrorists. They are paying the price for their betrayal to their own people.

Still, Hindu and Sikh dominated Indian Army, CRPF, BSF is protecting these same people. 5 CRPF soldiers died trying to save these same people of Kashmir.

When CRPF soldiers needed blood, the mob tried to stop CRPF, got shot and one got killed.

Few Kashmiri Muslims causes trouble along with swines sent by Pakistan, whole valley lives under curfew.

Message is simple. Its either the IA way or the highway. :omghaha:
Actually these hindus in particular in the valley r those who had betrayed the kashmiri cause by giving indian army logistical n moral support in valley. Do u know that this curse is only subjected to them only not to buddists who chose to remain neutral.

So why is only hindus being targeted??

Itsa actually because of their own doings n they r also a very few group of people in the n r subjected to Jammu n surrounding areas only.

U cant draw the picture of society by focusing on only lets say 5-7% people only.

Sikhs, Hindus r of those forces who r there to oppress the local population just because they resist them.So their wrath n resistance against them must not be surprising.

U must understand that India is the part of problem here not part of solution.

There is a reason for their behavior.





arre bhai, there is not nuke or warhead..

is PA betraying islmic cause by shelterng shady kind of people? PA is the only problem. remove PA and P, then there will be no K issue. because the trouble makers are non-K

K is part of Pakistan. We r just defending and liberating our occupied land.
Pak without K is incomplete.
K is part of Pakistan. We r just defending and liberating our occupied land.
Pak without K is incomplete.

What about 'A' in Pakistan?? don't you claim America ... :rofl:

Gambit beware as there is 'A' in pAkistAn, Some ppl may claim there tight in your country..

Wait there is an 'I' also, 500 you too get scared... :P
Nope they mention Pakistan because they are obsessed and use Pakistan as an excuse for your own shortcomings. The boy said clearly, this is not about Pakistan because the anchor kept bringing Pakistan up and asked some legitimate questions to which nobody gave him a good reply.

Pakistan is the reason to all of the India's woes.
The context of the debate was of economic integration with India's South Asian neighbors, and hence the anchor tried to steer the topic towards Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal et al., and reasoned out that Pakistan has been using terrorism as a state policy due to which the South Asian economic integration has failed, when Kashmiris wanted to use an alternative route to trade with Delhi in case Jammu is blocked. C. Raja Mohan (the analyst) effectively argued that having more than one fail-safe routes would have helped Kashmiris to better integrate with India instead of searching for the usual trade route established in pre-Partition India. Thus, the anchor was not wrong in bringing Pakistan to the table, but the line of reasoning to answer the Kashmiri boy's question was not the accurate one.

@DroneAcharya you call mentioning a state as reasoning?! :blink:
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