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Kashmir to have trains in 6 months from now

PR may have replied to media and mentioned this feasibility report but GoP sees a railway link with Pakistan and China as part of the energy and trade corridor which currently is being discussed.

U mean thru the KK!!! Phew that wud take some engineering.
U mean thru the KK!!! Phew that wud take some engineering.

I bet it would! KKH itself was a miracle and looked impossible when we started building it in late sixties.
Today we have access to improved technology and resources but still it would tale some state of the art engeneering skills to build the link.
I'm quite skeptical about the proposed China-Pakistan rail link. There have been a string of other proposed items not reaching anywhere near implementation like a gas pipeline for instance. The costs might not work out. Markets and production areas are so far away on both the sides. It would require complete national commitment from either side and a willingness to write-off the huge costs incurred.

There existed an ancient trading route along the same areas through which the KH runs. This was the route through which China was enriched by Buddhist ideas.....
nina I'll get you a ticket in the train, but you have to promise you wont freak my momma. :lol: j/k
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