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Kashmir-The Valley Of Tears.

Why u posted two threads with same video?

Valley of tears indeed. nowhere has one seen such brutal genocide and exodus of natives from their home perpetrated by foreign backed terrorists .

there r no terrorists in kashmir there r just freedom fighters there as its their brother in religion who committed one of the most brutal war crimes of all times so its obvious that there will be some kicks in their @$$ by the local population and for their support for indian operation n their support for indian army's crimes against Muslims.

Kashmir is a more then 80% Muslim population. So in a democratic way the majority ios the authority.So a minority of hindus n their so called sufferings dont contain any wait.

when Kashmir will be liberated in the Future then like in 1947 the non muslims will be send to india.
So they will be send to join their like minded people for Good.

as india claims to be a Democratic country that too worlds biggest one So she will understand that.

But well as we aw in the video that India herself dont want the Kashmir issue to be Solved so it is As responsible for non muslim so called killings as it is for Muslims.





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Indian coward & occupation army has killed more civilians than the terrorist groups of Kashmir combined

*******, beghairat logh try to show themselves as saint

there is no terrorist in kashmir. Only freedom fighters.
you can call any one Freedom fighters even the BLA

In the period from 2003-2012 it is estimated that 8000 people were kidnapped by Pakistani security forces in the province.[20] In 2008 alone an estimated 1102 Baloch people disappeared.[66] There have also been reports of torture.[67] An increasing number of bodies "with burn marks, broken limbs, nails pulled out, and sometimes with holes drilled in their heads" are being found on roadsides because of a "kill and dump" campaign conducted by Pakistani security forces especially by the Punjabi-dominated Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the Pashtun-dominated Frontier Corps (FC) - which until 9/11 fought alongside the Afghan Taliban and Al-Qaeda against the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan.[23][68] In July 2011, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan issued a report on illegal disappearances in Balochistan and identified ISI and Frontier Corps as the perpetrators.[69] The Pakistan Rangers are also alleged to have committed a vast part of the human rights violations in the region.[70] No one has been held responsible for the crimes.[23]
Islamist parties such as Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Jamaat-e-Islami, have also systematically targeted Shia Muslims in Balochistan, with about 600 being killed in attacks in recent years.[20]


Looks like the demonstrators are paid well, On topic it is the Pakistani policy to bleed India that brought Kashmiris this pain not India.

For India it is simple smoke out the terror rats and kill them.

Kashmir was a very peaceful region until 1980's and kashmiris realized this and the recent survey by BBC reflected it(majority want independent country). Pakistan should stop this terror policy for the sake of Kashmiris.
Its not a disputed territory n only 3 leaders of tribe there r against our Army thats all.

People in the cities actually dont know the names of these leaders too so they cant be freedom fighter as they dont represent majority unlike in Kashmir.

Actually u r comparing the same Apples n Oranges.
Looks like the demonstrators are paid well, On topic it is the Pakistani policy to bleed India that brought Kashmiris this pain not India.

For India it is simple smoke out the terror rats and kill them.

Kashmir was a very peaceful region until 1980's and kashmiris realized this and the recent survey by BBC reflected it(majority want independent country). Pakistan should stop this terror policy for the sake of Kashmiris.

Its not Pakistan's policy to bleed any one.
Fact is yr occupying someone else lands n population.

As seen in the video the sayings of Human Rights activist who is a Indian National NOT Kashmiri n certainly NOT a Pakistan tells the reporter that u people dont actually want solve the issue as its in not yr interests.

Troll topic :lol:

Baloch awam zindabad :azn:

post something according to the topic if not then remain Shut atleast.

This video is not taken by Pakistan but a from a foreign media.
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