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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Well bunch of fools I can say. Since there was no HR violations before 1989 it can be said HR violations are fallout of insurgency. Since part of people of Kashmir valley supported militancy they are equally or more responsible for the fallout. All these guys are doing is wasting time, money and education etc. At the best they are contributing to anarchy in Kashmir valley. Hence they are fools IMO " Mobs does not have their brain, they genrally follow direction of others". 4 districts even if 100% united cannot ask for freedom. The sooner they understand the better. Also by making sure they are driven by religious fundamentalism world is not going to support them become another SWAT.
BS... I am an American and I can tell you exactly what Americans think about ISlam and Hinduism. We adopted Yoga from India. Most of the CEOs and influential people here are totally swayed by the dharmic and buddhist principles of India. American see Indians very positively despite them taking our jobs. On the other hand, firebrand Islam is really hated here. Islam has hardly done anything for America. There have been no cultural imports and the isolationist ideologies of Islam means that the religion is largely confined to people who have ghettoized themselves to begin with over here. But moderate Islamic people have done well here and many of them are extremely rich. Get them to talk about Muslim brotherhood and organize movements for independence for Kashmir and we will listen. Get the Saudis to tell us that it is important for us to get India to free Kashmir and we will listen. None of the Islamic people we respect tell us any of this. Why should we listen to Pakistanis, who we do not agree with in the first place? I am really getting annoyed by Pakistanis thinking that people who disagree with them are Indians. We in America do NOT agree with Pakistanis and your culture and your version of Islam. Pakistanis in America these days call themselves Indians or South Asians. There is a problem with Pakistan's image in America. Please understand that and try and correct that, instead of trying to indulge in PR exercises.

Muslims have not contributed to the world? These are all Muslim inventions:

1001 Inventions - Discover The Muslim Heritage In Our World | 1001 Inventions

And just talking never works with America. What happened to Israel?

What the hell is this??????

What the launcher of this video trying to show??

What is the proof that these are Indian Soldiers??.... similar language is also spoken in our neighbour country...
I Can say the video is build in that country and not in India

What is the motive of giving background music as Indian National Anthem in throughout the vedio???

By watching the vedio I can say this video is filmed by a phone camera (low quality video) .. How can any Indian personnel(IF ANY) post it on You tube and applying tune of National anthem if he is really an indian????

If this is not posted by any indian how this video goes in the hands of anti-Indians??


It is understood who is behind this.... as enough computer work has been done on it by giving subtitles... and that is not possible in India itself

as this video insults my national anthem and hurts the sentiments of all Indians I would request the mods to close this thread and also post reported
Kashmir Is Locked Down, but Bloodshed Continues: New York Times

SRINAGAR, Kashmir — Since Sunday, when the government announced a round-the-clock curfew, everyone — men, women, teenagers, toddlers — has been locked in. There is no telling when the curfew will be lifted, and there is no leaving.

On Tuesday the government announced that for the next three days at least, all flights going in and out of Srinagar, Kashmir’s summer capital, were suspended, for the first time in more than a decade.

“It’s suffocating,” said Sajid Iqbal, 26, a lawyer, who has spent most of the last three months at home. “It’s collective punishment. Every Kashmiri is being forced to stay inside.”

Even ambulances are having trouble getting past security checkpoints. On Sunday evening, security forces seized and tore the curfew pass of an ambulance driver and threatened him with a caning. By the time he returned to the hospital after a whole day of transporting patients and staff members, he switched off his phone and hid for a while, shaking with anger and fright.

The lockdown is the latest iteration of a cycle of stone-pelting street protests by Muslims and lethal crowd-control measures by the state security forces that has upended daily life since June, leaving nearly 90 people dead.

Even with the curfew, this week has been one of the bloodiest. The authorities said that at least 18 people and one security officer had been killed Monday, with more than 70 people wounded, as separatist protesters clashed with Indian paramilitary officers. Minor clashes continued Tuesday.

Schools have been effectively closed for the past three months. Crucial college exams have been postponed. Grocery stores and pharmacies can open only in the small windows between strikes and curfews. A summer football season, the rare bit of leisure for Kashmiri boys, has been suspended.

Young people with computers at home are glued to their screens all day, chronicling violence in their neighborhoods, arguing about Indian rule, spreading rumors. Lawyers are on strike, meaning that even when judges can show up in court, they can do no more than defer cases.

Yet there is no end in sight. Already, the separatist faction led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani has announced a protest calendar for the next 10 days. It calls for a series of protests, on the streets and on social-networking sites like Facebook, and it specifies days and hours in which shops are to be opened and when Kashmiris are to partake in “cleanliness drives.” Its most provocative gesture is a call for protests “up to the destinations of army establishments.”

So far protests have focused on state and federal police installations. Calling civilians to confront the Indian Army is a marked escalation and a likely invitation to more bloodshed.

No one — not Kashmiri separatist leaders, nor Kashmiri politicians nor the Indian government in New Delhi — can agree on a road map to restore normalcy. Instead, the government simply expanded the curfew on Tuesday and sent more security forces to the valley.

The government’s move followed an especially lethal outburst on Monday. Like fresh logs in a fire came reports of the desecration of a Koran in the United States, broadcast on an Iranian television station here and spread across the Internet.

More protests broke out across the region. Christian schools were burned, something Muslim leaders in India condemned. Government offices were destroyed. All told, 18 people were killed Monday, including a police officer. For Kashmir, it was the bloodiest day of the year.

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Shamima Keng, 48, a schoolteacher who was a mother of two young children when the armed insurgency swept through Kashmir in the early 1990s. “The people coming out on the road, they are fearless. They don’t fear death. That is very scary.”

Under a strictly enforced curfew since early Sunday morning, much of Srinagar is like a ghost town. Security forces are posted on virtually every block. The streets are littered with shards of glass, bricks, embers and uncollected garbage.

At Lal Chowk, the city’s protest center, lies the detritus of a recently renovated bell tower. At Jehangir Chowk, one of the city’s most vital intersections, stands the shell of what used to be the office of the Kashmiri police crime branch. It was burned Saturday.

Police vans roar down the wide boulevards. A litter of puppies have the run of a once-bustling street of Kashmiri shawl and saffron shops. Birds break the silence, and occasionally, there is the whistle of a police officer, or the sound of gunfire to scatter an assembling crowd. Two small children were let out on to the sidewalk in front of their home with tricycles, only to be shooed back in by a federal police officer in riot gear.

The fruits of rage and retaliation are on display at the Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences hospital. A bullet has blown the brains out of a 23-year-old’s head. A pellet gun has ripped through the lower intestines of a 22-year-old auto-rickshaw driver.

An 18-year-old was shot in the legs as he defied police orders and joined a funeral procession for a slain protester. He said he was not scared and would join another protest as soon as his legs healed. “I’ll go again,” he said with the bravado of a teenage boy. “You die only once.” Most of the wounded, hospital officials guess, are teenage boys.

And this rage presents an unenviable problem for parents of teenage boys.

Samina Mufti was 18 when she flirted with the anti-India protests that broke out during her youth. She did not tell her parents, and she soon gave it up to pursue an education. Her son is 15 now and insists on joining the anti-India protests of the day. She knows she cannot stop him. Even if she tried, he would not listen. In her heart is a mixture of emotions. “Scared as well as proud” is how she put it.

Jim Yardley contributed reporting from New Delhi.
bharat image is going bad again, not that bharat after all now
Thank you. Thank you very much for being so sensible. There are not many on :pdf: who are.

Based on media reports, I can tell you that there is some heavy brainstorming going on inside the GoI right now. We will see some action (like selectively remiving AFSPA, of which I'm personally in favor) very soon, very soon indeed.

Sensible in your Dictionary ....Who acquises to any Indian demand .
Plebicite.....No ....India does not agree
Chenab formula....No....India does not agree
Lets kill Kashmiris...Yes .....India agreess
Lets(India) take lahore....yes....India agrees
DGMO I hope your hot line with Indian forgien office is alright so you can enlighten us about what else India does agree or diagree
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Considering the amount of initial response by Indians here, if feel this is a India Defence Forum.... or some bharat rakshak. So many RSS trolls. Now I don't want a QUOTE BY QUOTE reply from any insanely patriotic Indian, I am seeking answers from Pakistanis. That's why I suggest reducing the number of indians here to a decent few.

Listen, I have debated this a zillion times, and I can tear down your each and every argument like anything, but I seriously don't want to loose 1 full day fighting on internet with some zealot, and in the end all he does is jerk off all over his keyboard with his nationalistic orgasm. If there is any room for decent debate, Indians, please be logical, for once.
& to the admin... please give these kids an Indian flag in the smilies... at least they'll get to play with it. They don't seem to have enought of the crazy jumping banana, or whatever it is.
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As long as you support/aid/carry out attacks on Indian citizens(Hindu pandits) in your state,you will face consequences.

PS:mods need an IP check here
thanks in advance.

I can assure you that does not happen... now that should logically imply that you should stop worrying about us, about your hindu friends here. we may be pro whatever we are, please leave us alone to rot, you can give our hindus in kashmir some preferential treatment if you want to, give them money, etc, or take them as migrants, or whatever you want, we wont and we dont interfere in their lives, or choices., just leave kashmir to it's fate, there is not a single strategic gain by maintaining an army here, as far as I know, in laddakh, siachen, etc, it is counterproductive, other than a few observation posts into china and pakistan, there is no strategic value, & if at all there is any stratgetic value, it is counterbalanced by the costs, which are enormous for a country struggling with hunger, homelessness, AIDS, and poverty... i'm afraid i'm debating here again, i did not want to do this in the first place, but now that i did, why waste the effort, i hope you end this after answering this one, coz i dont want an endless debate, it is really useless.
thanks in advance
you don't want to see my IP, at most it'll get you to NIB banglore, or Jalandhar probably, not beyond.:coffee:
The guy is reporting from New Delhi. He probably doesn't even know how bad the situation is......this is getting outta hand!
And as I have said countless times, what will a 'diplomatic offensive' achieve?

Don't the OIC have TV's or read the press reports? How loudly is the P5 speaking out? How loudly have the EU spoken out in the past 2 months? Nothing, zilch.

India whether we like it or not has the clout to tell those nations 'keep your nose out, this is an internal matter, messy as it is, it's internal'. And those nations are obliging.

So let's say we go on a diplomatic offensive. Do you honestly feel we'll get cries of condemnation from Washington and Brussels? No we won't. What we will get are toned down criticism such as 'we would urge for all sides to demonstrate maximum restraint and avoid any injury or loss to civlian life' etc etc. What do we do then, everyone in the FO give each other high-fives? Pop the champagne corks? Does that stop the suffering of the Kashmiri's? Will India take heed? Nope.

The solution lies in India to stop dithering, and to do something. But as the AFP report touches on, there is 'paralysis'in New Delhi. Whatever it proposes is shot down by the separatists and is seen as insufficient. So the cycle of violence is here to stay for the foreseeable future - barring any drastic change in tune from the GoI.

Why world at large would condemn India's behavior when Pakistan which is genuine party to dispute does not have courage /will to take up this issue. The fact is that world at large would remain silent unless Pakistan makes an effort to tell the world that India can't be allowed to get away genocide in Kashmir .Somewhere in your posts you had mentioned that Kashmiris know we (Pakistani's) care but what kind of care is that which does not even compel you to call even an OIC meeting. The absence of Kashmir from International consciousness is a reality but that reality is not fact of nature like Gravitation. This reality need not be accommodated to and can be improved if efforts are made.
Man yet another Kashmir thread and yet another India/Indian-bashing thread:hitwall:

@syedtalha you cude could have utilised so many other threads on kashmir already open. Opening newer and newer threads on largely similar lines only makes job of other member difficult. It's very difficult to keep track of so many similar threads.

@mods, please take note, this is nothing but redundancy of thread
Considering the amount of initial response by Indians here, if feel this is a India Defence Forum.... or some bharat rakshak. So many RSS trolls. Now I don't want a QUOTE BY QUOTE reply from any insanely patriotic Indian, I am seeking answers from Pakistanis. That's why I suggest reducing the number of indians here to a decent few. Otherwise it ends up like a pillowfight with a prostitute, or the washroom a gay bar in Ohio. Indian's are all about smoking cheap bheedi, and a constant smell of curry from every possible hole on their body.
Listen, I have debated this a zillion times, and I can tear down your each and every argument like anything, but I seriously don't want to loose 1 full day fighting on internet with some zealot, and in the end all he does is jerk off all over his keyboard with his nationalistic orgasm. If there is any room for decent debate, Indians, please be logical, for once.
& to the admin... please give these kids an Indian flag in the smilies... at least they'll get to play with it. They don't seem to have enought of the crazy jumping banana, or whatever it is.

Ignore the trolls you have to find some way of communicating efffectively without getting effected by Indian trolls .....Keep the members here updated about Kashmir .

tangmarg toll is not yet complete... friends say there are many missing and bodies lying in open filed where curfew has been imposed to prevent burial. God knows weather this is true or not. i hope not. but official toll of 13 sep is 18.

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