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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Who would have thought in this day and age the so called biggest democracy country in the world still find the need of sending in army and tanks to kill innoncent unarmed cillivians.....

Free iok

Don't confuse the Tiananmen Square massacre with this. There are no tanks being sent here.The army just did a flag march & nothing more.
Who would have thought in this day and age the so called biggest democracy country in the world still find the need of sending in army and tanks to kill innoncent unarmed cillivians.....

Free iok

Didn't last year China send its army to Kill countless unarmed Buddhist monks in Tibet

Talk about living in glass houses , china has no integrity nor moral authority to lecture anyone.

What is the national integrity. Making nude and semi nude movies and killing innocents in Kashmir.


What nude movies are you talking about? :tdown: Can you compare Bollywood movies with Lollywood?

Which country didn't kill innocent people? Pakistan? China? US? Russia? Or are we something special?

When people fights with police some people/police die everywhere not only in India but every where! Its unfortunate but those people coming to the streets and fighting for nothing are also responsible.
Who would have thought in this day and age the so called biggest democracy country in the world still find the need of sending in army and tanks to kill innoncent unarmed cillivians.....

Free iok


There is only one tiananmen square in this world! Rests keep aside...

Those people died in Kashmir was not innocent, we have seen videos. Police did everything not to turn it violent but the people started throwing stones. The Policemen also were Kashmiris themselves mainly.

Though unfortunate it happens anywhere in India and the world.
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Who would have thought in this day and age the so called biggest democracy country in the world still find the need of sending in army and tanks to kill innoncent unarmed cillivians.....

Free iok

Who sent tanks ?? Its a flag march to restore law and order.

Much better than one using airforce bombardments and indiscriminate shelling on its own people. After some days, situation will cool down because these handful of protesters are nothing compared to voting population of kashmir.

Still now Kashmir is better than Urmaqui,Xinjing where muslims are not allowed to Haj without govt consent, even confiscating their passport or they are not allowed to fast during Ramdaan or not allowed to pray in mosque on Fridays or not allowed in CPC just because of their religious beliefs.
Who would have thought in this day and age the so called biggest democracy country in the world still find the need of sending in army and tanks to kill innoncent unarmed cillivians.....

Free iok
We're more concerned about Tibet and Taiwan. J&K is a small state. Larger proportions of humanity locked in these two places. Like Dalai Lama said, until the independence of Tibet is not secured, humanity will not be able sleep with their conscience. And of course, continued independece of taiwan...
Indian govt warns youths over Kashmir protests

By Izhar Wani (AFP) – 2 hours ago

SRINAGAR, India — The Indian government on Thursday appealed for parents in Kashmir to keep their teenage sons indoors after the deaths of several young men in violent protests over the last month.

At least 15 people have died in separate incidents as security forces opened fire to break up angry demonstrations held across the Muslim-majority Kashmir valley.

Each death has triggered further violence despite appeals for calm from the state's Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. Teenagers and young men have often been among those throwing stones at security forces during the rallies.

"It is important that people do not come on to the streets and start stone pelting," Home Minister P. Chidambaram told reporters in New Delhi, saying the restrictions on all public movement would remain in force for some days.

"Children, especially young boys, should remain indoors. I think there is a responsibility of parents to ensure that," Chidambaram said.

Tens of thousands of Indian soldiers, paramilitary troops and police were on patrol on Thursday in Indian-controlled Kashmir enforcing the curfew in Muslim-majority towns.

The shutdown was imposed in the Kashmiri summer capital Srinagar on Tuesday after three protesters died in firing by the security forces.

The city has been the focus of protests since June 11, when a 17-year-old student was killed by a police teargas shell.

Curfew orders have been widely ignored in recent days, but the national army on Wednesday marched through Srinagar in a show of force designed to end the increasingly violent protests. The army presence was also strong on Thursday.

However Kashmiris -- many of whom want independence from India -- crowded several mosques in downtown Srinagar overnight shouting: "We want freedom."

Separatist leaders have also repeated calls for residents to defy the security forces and take to the streets.

Home Secretary G.K. Pillai, a senior civil servant, visited the disputed region and held discussions with Abdullah.

"The situation is under control in Srinagar and is being watched closely," Pillai told NDTV. "More paramilitary forces are being sent there. The state government has been told to crack down on trouble-makers."

Shops, offices and schools remained closed and streets were empty during the day.

Reporters and photographers were not allowed to operate in Srinagar despite having curfew passes.

The insurgency against New Delhi's rule over Kashmir has claimed tens of thousands of lives.

Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority Pakistan each hold Kashmir in part but claim it in full. They have fought two of their three wars over the region since the subcontinent's partition in 1947.
Induction of Army into Kashmir in tune with national policy
2010-07-08 16:50:00

The cycle of violence that has enveloped Kashmir for almost a month now has finally led to the decision of calling in the Army in support of the Police and the Paramilitary forces. This is the time to evolve new ideas that provide viable long term options to deal with the problem.

First and foremost, all democratic and freedom loving forces in the country should stand steadfast in support of the government of Jammu and Kashmir and its Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. Not many Chief Ministers in Kashmir have completed their terms, even the grandfather and father of the present incumbent have resigned from the post of Chief Minister at some point in time. The previous government fell under similar circumstances of turmoil just two years ago.

Historically, removal of a government has not brought about any change in the politico-social environment of the Valley, therefore, this is not the solution to the problem. On the other hand it would result in yet another victory for such forces in the Valley who indulge in causing disruption.

This is not the first time in India that the Army has been called out in aid of civil authority. Kashmir need not be seen through a prism that is different from the rest of the Nation and the decision should be viewed as one taken in concert with national policy for dealing such situations. In other words, the emotional hype that is being given to this decision is misplaced and it should not be allowed to gain political credence.

The Army has, very rightly, been given the mandate to maintain peace through the medium of flag marches and imposition of curfew. Some other forces have the responsibility of crowd control. This decision maintains the stature of the J and K Police and Para military forces who are primarily responsible for maintaining law and order. However, should the need arise, the Army should not shy away from using force to maintain peace.

The responsibility for this cycle of violence is sought to be put on the youth of Kashmir. The implication is that, due to a violent childhood spent in the shadow of the gun and lack of employment opportunities, they see no light in the end of the tunnel and the resultant anger and frustration is erupting in the form of spontaneous agitations.

This perception is divorced from reality. In comparison with the rest of the Nation, Kashmir is well placed in terms of both literacy and poverty indices. There are others who are much worse off, but they do not come out in the streets and vent their frustration and anger.

Secondly, while the world is getting globalised Kashmir is being guided by its leaders towards geo-political isolation. If you do not welcome investment, do not provide land for commercial use, do not give security for commercial enterprise and on top of it do not leave your home town to look for employment outside, how can you progress? The leaders and elders should advise the youth to put the past behind them, get over this ghetto mentality, shun hatred , abjure mindless rage to direct their energies towards achievement orientation like the rest of the youth of the country.

A word about the so called spontaneous nature of these agitations. One cannot help but discern a distinct pattern being followed year after year which leaves doubts about their spontaneity. It is also a known fact that some political segments in the Valley use disruption as a tool to achieve their objectives . While living in luxurious comfort they give unending calls for Hartals and Bandhs with little thought to the inconvenience and economic loss being caused to the poor people.

Against this backdrop, while ruthlessly cracking down upon the disruptive elements the Government should prepare itself to deal with such upheavals. Training the police in riot t control should be given top priority and the quality of policing should be enhanced through additional recruitment, purchase of modern riot control equipment and specialised training.

The debate on Kashmir should involve a wider section of society. Jammu and Ladakh are also stake holders and their people need to be involved in the discussion process. Retired officials who have served in Kashmir, intelligentsia including Kashmiri Pundits, businessmen, scholars, analysts and journalists should be involved in evolving a holistic understanding of the problem.

Presently, selected Kashmiri politicians and leaders are invited to express their views on pre- decided agendas.

The decisions are mostly inconclusive. It is often said the most complex problems have simple solutions. Kashmir will emerge from the existing despondency through a simple, realistic, step by step approach. By Jaibans Singh (ANI)

AFP: Indian govt warns youths over Kashmir protests
These are very tragic moments for Kashmiris, hope they somehow be successful in there pursuit for a just cause..!

arundhati on BBC urdu abut kashmir voilence . she her self think indian army is occupaid kashmir. and killing innocents.voileteing rules .

click link for her conversation with BBC urdu

?BBC Urdu? - ????? ?????? - ????? ???? ???? ???????
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I see Indian are very Concerned over the riot in Indian Occupied Kashmir.
and im also anxious to know whether they are going to Affliates these riots with
ISI. as they always do .

May the People of Kashmir Get their due Freedom for which they are figthing for many years.
These are very tragic moments for Kashmiris, hope they somehow be successful in there pursuit for a just cause..!
Sure they will be successful in their just cause of being prosperous, peaceful and contributing citizens of the republic of India. Don't worry about that. We'll cull out the elements behind these 'spontaneous' protests.
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