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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Bro by Posting this thread you have negated your own signature and laid the foundations of a long war.

You can Post what ever Propaganda you want but unlike you we haven't killed 100,000 Innocents in Kashmir.

Bro, my intention was not to promote any war. Everyone disects Indian Held part but no one ever talks about the other part. I just wanted the other part to be discussed as well. And no better way to grab people's attention then posting few news like these, lol. BTW, most of the sources are independent including Dawn, Pakistan.

In any case, it is far better to have a cyber war than those actual wars we have been fighting over Kashmir. At least no one gets hurts. And no Kashmiri gets violated, either by the GOI or the GOP, what say??
Bro by Posting this thread you have negated your own signature and laid the foundations of a long war.

You can Post what ever Propaganda you want but unlike you we haven't killed 100,000 Innocents in Kashmir.

Bro, my intention was not to promote any war. Everyone disects Indian Held part but no one ever talks about the other part. I just wanted the other part to be discussed as well. And no better way to grab people's attention then posting few news like these, lol. BTW, most of the sources are independent including Dawn, Pakistan.

In any case, it is far better to have a cyber war than those actual wars we have been fighting over Kashmir. At least no one gets hurts. And no Kashmiri gets violated, either by the GOI or the GOP, what say??
SRINAGAR: At least two dozen people including 12 policemen were hurt on Tuesday in Muslim-majority Indian-administered Kashmir when police clashed with residents mourning the deaths of two rebels, officials said.

The violence erupted south of the Kashmiri summer capital Srinagar after thousands joined the funeral procession of one of two rebels killed in a gun battle with soldiers the previous day, a police officer said.

“Over two dozen people were injured, 12 of them policemen,” the officer said, adding four of the demonstrators suffered bullet wounds when police opened fire after being pelted with stones.

Police had used teargas and batons in an attempt to disperse the mourners who were chanting “we want freedom” and “Allah is great,” said locals near Kulgam town, 70 kilometres south of Srinagar.

The marchers defied a ban on demonstrations in the Muslim-majority Indian-administered Kashmir valley, said the officer, who asked not to be named.
DAWN.COM | World | Over 20 injured in fresh Kashmir violence
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Before this thread too gets closed or deleted (judging by the rate all threads related to Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan getting either deleted or closed), I just one to make one quick point:

Why do we people not like to talk about the other part of Kashmir, its people, its developments, its news. Is it all classified like the supposed Chinese military base there. What about these peoples aspirations and hopes?

Aren't discussions better then wars. And isn't discussion a two way communication rather then one sided sermons. What are we afraid of?


Pathetic Indian propaganda.

First the orator says, the guy was killed on a polling station, common sense dictates (which the Indians lack), it was a political violence, but to make use of the video, the name of Pak Army had to be brought in.

And were the Indian propagandists not wearing glasses to have missed the Pakistani flag :pakistan: being flown in the background.

After seeing this video, i have no doubts the printing of PAF Ex-CAS picture instead of the Indian AC, wasn't a mistake, but an act to show the dumbness of the Indian propagandists.


The protest was about somebody getting shot near at polling station by one rival member of the other party.......where are the woman protesting the "atrocities of Pakistani Army"?

PS.... we see two policeman relaxing near the crowd and nobody attacking anybody unlike IOK where the picture would have been of thousands off people from a cross section of the kashmiri population being attacked by the indian occupation army.
wtf!! deres a secret chineese base dere??
This must be the 10th time some indian has posted this article:hitwall:

I dont think everything the pak-indo media says is the absolute truth.
This might be a bit off topic but i recall a report in the the media where a report Commissioned by the Ministry of Women and Child Development found that 53% of indian children have suffrered sexual abuse http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/6539027.stm.........even though this report is by indians i dont belive it is true,common sense tells me this report must be flawed and i am pretty sure also that most people would agree.Now somebody telling me that 9 out 10 people in the rural areas of AJK live in "extremely impoverished conditions in rural areas" strikes me as as bit of strange number to come to.....what does mean he by "extremely impoverished conditions"?whats the criteria you have to fill to fall into the catagory of extremely impoverished conditions?
A few things come to mind..literacy rate...access to water....electrification...health ect.

Official Website of Planning and Development Department - AJK
Based upon the population census of 1998 and taking into account the annual increase, the current population is estimated at 3.513 million with roughly 88% living in rural areas. Population density is 270 per sq. km. against 187 in Pakistan. Northern AJ&K being mostly mountainous is economically under developed. Some areas have inadequate infrastructure and population is mostly dependent upon the rural economy & remittances from abroad......where not afraid at looking at our short comings.

From my understanding the literacy rate is between 62% to 73%
literacy rate in Azad Kashmir was 62% in 2004
Kashmir can fulfill Pakistan’s power needs: Atiq

Access to water
In the urban areas approximately 74% population has been provided piped water supply whereas an estimated 65% rural population gets water supply facilities through stand posts. The rural water supply is managed by the Local Government & Rural Development Department through community participation where entire operation & maintenance cost is born by the users.
Official Website of Planning and Development Department - AJK

From a personal point of view the houses and villages around my area have piped water and the building costs where fully paid for by the govt.

Rural electrification has also been one of the major areas of thrust and almost 84% population of the area has been provided electricity
Official Website of Planning and Development Department - AJK

Health has been another priority sector and at least one Basic Health Unit has been provided at the level of Union Council. However, the level of specialized health services in the area are not satisfactory because there is only one bed for 2092 persons in AJK as compared to a bed for 1310 at National level.(a point you can pick up on) However, EPI coverage in AJK is well over 89%. To improve the health facilities in the area, the Health Sector infrastructure is being upgraded and more facilities are being added.......if i can just add that at the present moment there are numerous projects taking place other then the govt ones where free healthcare is given and new hospitals are being built by people living abroad.
dabong1 is online now Report Post Thanks
my request to pakdefece, plese make a special threat for Indian jokes! thanks!
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If anyone needs to familiarise themselves with UN resolutions, it would be our Indian guests.

Princely states enjoyed three options: accession to India, accession to Pakistan, or independence. But the choice, according to India's Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and tacitly endorsed by the British, was to be made by popular referendum in cases where the creed of the ruler varied from the religion of the majority. That fundamental democratic principle had been sternly applied by Nehru with military means in Hyderabad and Junagadh where the rulers were Muslim but their inhabitants largely Hindu. Kashmir presented a converse case: the Maharaja was Hindu but the majority subscribed to Islam.

On November 2, 1947, Prime Minister Nehru reiterated, “We have declared that the fate of Kashmir is ultimately to be decided by the people. That pledge we have given and the Maharaja supported it, not only to the people of Kashmir but to the world. We will not and cannot back out of it."
Get your facts right first, the Indian part is the occupied Kashmir, the rest is refered to as AZAD KASHMIR.
Ever wondered why there are always demos, strikes, abduction and killing and rapes etc etc taking place on daily basis in the Indian held Kashmir, where as Azad Kashmir is the most peaceful part on this side of the border. ? But i guess it takes high moral values to address this question.

Calling a donkey a stallion does not change its existance.....only makes one look stupid.....

LOL....on part 2 of your statement....Why wouldnt the terror hub of Kashmir be peaceful....you dont crap where you eat!!!
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Indian minister delivering this statement just putting political pressure on Pakistan, so Pakistan accept the LOC has permanent border. Otherwise External minister has no value only lip service. Sooner or later Kashmir will dislodge from Indian rocket anyway. Its just matter of time.
If anyone needs to familiarise themselves with UN resolutions, it would be our Indian guests.
the choice, according to India's Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and tacitly endorsed by the British, was to be made by popular referendum in cases where the creed of the ruler varied from the religion of the majority.
Not really. 'Referendum' was never made the mechanism to exercise the 'choice'. It was only upto the ruler of the Princely State to make that decision and it was to be based on 'geographical contiguity'.

The accession of Princely States had nothing to do with religion.
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