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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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A wishful thinking my friend.. if it had lost the intrest of the "world" at large, it would have been out of UN disputed list because India has probably all the good chips which it can use to manipulate the "world". So the moment we stand, UN declares Kashmir as a disputed territory between India and Pakistan.
Au contraire, Kashmir, as 'India-Pakistan question', consistently appearing under 'Matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not discussed at meetings of the Council during the period covered', is indicative of world's opinion.

Now take a chill pill. Pronto.
Watch The Video Again

Why dont you watch again and again and try to come up with some damage control otherwise no propaganda of your in future will have any face saving among your own countrymen.

Oh FYI i dont need to watch it again we were part of media coverage during the election in Gilgit Baltistan province.:pakistan:
The woman being interviewed though said that Police fired on the crowd resulting in the death..

Anyway, Kashmir aside, the Police in our part of the world must be the worst in the world for crowd control. :disagree:

Police is pathetic and the reason is police here is not free from political influence in many parts of Pakistan.

firing during elections by political activists in Pakistan is not a new thing.

The amusing thing is that you Indians have posted it with false orange claims.

made my day
every one has right of protest.but look protests in your side one women here you start dancing but hundreds of thusends protesters u dont care what a pathic you are.
That's between a rock and a hard place for our Indian friends - If only Kashmir were not a problem - everyday the kashmir dispute festers it serves to remind peoples that it is acceptable to majorities in India that a Muslim majority area in what Indians call India, continue to suffer, and where the armed forces engage in behavior that tarnishes the reputation of India and worse still of it's standing as a democracy.
हिन्दूस्तानी;1272569 said:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Damn dude, I dropped my food all over my shirt!

:rofl::rofl: i know..

Anything associated with Arundhati Roy is now (officially) a joke.

Nobody is arresting her, she must have been shattered when there was no midnight knock on her door, coz now no more free publicity.

Keep posting, knock yourself out. I'm lovin' it:lol:
Murtaza Shibli guardian.co.uk,
Thursday 28 October 2010 13.59

The news that the prize-winning Indian author Arundhati Roy may be arrested for her remarks about Kashmir is not surprising. It is a sign of growing Indian intolerance towards the issue.

Well Indian government follow really good method to ignore her :rofl: Bechari

No free attention for her

@ Pakistani members we dnt want to arrest her dnt wary ..... After criticizing India she can still live in India thts the democracy and freedom of speech

Jai Hind :tup:
A wishful thinking my friend.. if it had lost the intrest of the "world" at large, it would have been out of UN disputed list because India has probably all the good chips which it can use to manipulate the "world". So the moment we stand, UN declares Kashmir as a disputed territory between India and Pakistan.

And UN refused to discuss the so called dispute for last 10 years or more and the UN Sec Gen refused to use his good offices unless not only Pakistan, but India as well asks him to do so.

Take it as you will
Whether Kashmir is there in the agenda or not,it does not make much of a difference.The UN is unable to stop Iran in it's hunt for nuclear power.It could not stop the invasion of Iraq.It will be unable to resolve the Kashmiri dispute.
Pakistan is the largest contributor to UN peace keeping, they did not have the guts to piss us off.


As the crowd continued to swell I listened carefully to the slogans, because rhetoric often holds the key to all kinds of understanding. There were plenty of insults and humiliation for India: Ay jabiron ay zalimon, Kashmir hamara chhod do (Oh oppressors, Oh wicked ones, Get out of our Kashmir.) The slogan that cut through me like a knife and clean broke my heart was this one: Nanga bhookha Hindustan, jaan se pyaara Pakistan. (Naked, starving India, More precious than life itself - Pakistan.)

As long as the people of Kashmir feel like this, then this dispute will continue.

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