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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Aksai Chin is important to China because it has the only direct route from Tibet to XinXiang. I don't think India has any interest in Aksai Chin, it's just a bargaining chip for Chinese claim of Tawang.
The bottom line should be Aksai Chin has nothing to do with India.

If India claiming Aksai chin makes it a disputed land, what happens when they claim Tibet, or even claim the whole China?


Why don't you ask THEM why they are claiming Aksai chin then?

How would I know why India wants to claim that area?
Wait so is Aksai chin disputed or not?

Nope, India didn't care until it started asserting its right over land drawnout by the Mahon line. As far as I'm concerned it's not.

Ask the Indian army if they want to occupy it. They didn't in 1962 and I doubt they want to now. They told the political leadership as much back then.

Why don't you ask THEM why they are claiming Aksai chin then?

How would I know why India wants to claim that area?

Here's pretty much the answer I've been trying to explain.

Aksai Chin is important to China because it has the only direct route from Tibet to XinXiang. I don't think India has any interest in Aksai Chin, it's just a bargaining chip for Chinese claim of Tawang.
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Why don't you ask THEM why they are claiming Aksai chin then?

How would I know why India wants to claim that area?

Because they are a bunch of expansionists, is that reason good enough for you?

You don't know the reason why they claim Aksai Chin, then why are you in a hurry to call it a disputed land?
The bottom line should be Aksai Chin has nothing to do with India.

If India claiming Aksai chin makes it a disputed land, what happens when they claim Tibet, or even claim the whole China?


It's disputed because Aksai Chin was a part of Ladakh which was under Hari Singh's rule and Hari Singh acceded the whole Kashmir to India.

Please write in English which is the lingua franca for this forum(except member's club) for everyone's convenience.
Nope, India didn't care until it started it started assert its right land drawnout by the Mahon line. As far as I'm concerned it's not.

Ask the Indian army if they want to occupy it. They didn't in 1962 and I doubt they want to now. They told the political leadership as much back then.

I mean is it disputed "today"?

I read that it was disputed in some articles a while back, but I am not aware if it is still considered disputed by international observers?
the disputatious of Kashmir should be limited between India and Pakistan. China has no border disagreement with Pakistan. We don't owe Indian anything in Kashmir, there is nothing to talk about.
Because they are a bunch of expansionists, is that reason good enough for you?

You don't know the reason why they claim Aksai Chin, then why are you in a hurry to call it a disputed land?

Because this is the definition of a territorial dispute:

"A territorial dispute is a disagreement over the possession/control of land between two or more states, or over the possession or control of land by a new state and occupying power after it has conquered the land from a former state no longer currently recognized by the new state."


What do YOU think the phrase "disputed area" means? If I got the definition wrong, then please correct me.
I mean is it disputed "today"?

I read that it was disputed in some articles a while back, but I am not aware if it is still considered disputed by international observers?

Yes it's disputed. All the land that was under Hari Singh's rule is disputed.
oh well Power speaks :)

Money wins... Humanity lose

Nothing new, this has been the practice of human beings since thousands of years now :)

PS: You are most welcome to criticize this post...But Kashmiri's should have been the prime voter to conclude this matter....Not India or the United Nations

Anyway, doesn't matter - The matter is still disputed between both nations


If you don't want to talk... you don't have to.

I don't understand why you are so upset that I used the phrase "disputed area". Clearly it fits the definition of the phrase, or at least the definition I could find? You can correct me if I am wrong.

Do you want me to stop saying that Aksai chin is disputed? If this is what you want... then just ask me.
It's disputed because Aksai Chin was a part of Ladakh which was under Hari Singh's rule and Hari Singh acceded the whole Kashmir to India.

Please write in English which is the lingua franca for this forum(except member's club) for everyone's convenience.

ladakh was a tribal under the spiritual leader of Tibet,which then was under the Crown of Qing. Ladakh was stolened illegally by the ruler of Kashmir by military actions without the agreement of its owner, so it is not legally Kashmir land. Whether the ruler of Mr.Singe has the right to decide the fate of Kashmir people and to give 'his' land to India has been under disputation (with Pakistan and People of Kashmir e.g.).

Based on the reasons, I have no choice but seriously doubt your points and leads to my conclusion that 'Chinese white sand' is not a dispute area but Indian controlled Kashmir is.
oh well Power speaks :)

Money wins... Humanity lose

Nothing new, this has been the practice of human beings since thousands of years now :)

PS: You are most welcome to criticize this post...But Kashmiri's should have been the prime voter to conclude this matter....Not India or the United Nations

Anyway, doesn't matter - The matter is still disputed between both nations

Zaki Bhai.. UN does not recognize Kashmir as a separate country. IN the books of UN, it was a dispute between India and Pakistan, with both claiming full Kashmir..
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