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Kashmir Issue : Our options & possible Course of Action

Only option is to either convince China to help with a major invasion given that the Indians were targeting Chinese construction workers in Neelum/Jhelum region.
And you think China would risk throwing its economy away when its dreaming of overthrowing USA as the biggest economy and challenging it in every aspect?
Here is news for you. India has already briefed all P5 members and no one has said anything against this move so far. The most has been said been said by UN and even that is to just exercise restraint and not that what India did was illegal.
please ban all Indian imports and exports asap... thanks in advance...
Shame on all these retards... Zaid Hamid was predicting this for the last 10 years but nobody paid any shit. Everybody dismissed him as lal topi wala ...

Pakistan is next. Amit shah and subramian and RSS have already declared their intentions. Imran Khan and Qureshi have made a foreign policy blunder.
Together will the liberals and journalists who used to make aman ki asha statements.

War is coming whether you like it or not. Also , to a lot of indians. Nuclear Pakistan is not a threat to them because they firmly believe that they can sustain huge causalties but get rid of Pakistan permanently. We don't need hiroshima sized atomic bombs. If Pakistan's establishment have any brains, they should now go for H-bombs in order of megatones or else Pakistan is gone.
As if China don't have anything else to do other then worrying about Pakistan, how many wars China started in favour of Pakistan before? Plz use your brain.

You were and are on your own. don't wait for others to do your bidding.

Why make a personal comment? Its like you have the intellectual capacity of a teenager.

Lets look at whats happened. India has used its longest range artillery (Bofors) to target Chinese construction workers at the Neelum Jhelum Damn site. They have directly attacked a major section in the 60 billion dollar CPEC project which is a major strategic line for China.

Now if that doesn't constitute a threat to Chinese interests then tell me what does?

China has played a significant role in many conflicts for Pakistan during the Soviet Jihad and the Kargil War and that was when they were still establishing themselves. They have a strategic alliance and it is Pakistans fault for not using this to its max capacity.

Militancy will affect nothing except more misery to the people.

The IRA brought the british govt to its knees because of its campaigns in the mainland.

The reversal of foreign investment/capital makes such tactics gamechanging scenarios.

The number of aggrieved and disgruntled groups in India also make it hard to pin down blame especially since IS have footprints now in india.

And so the Kashmiris should just accept the planned genocide to come? Standing up and possibly dying fighting for one's rights as compared to being the quiet victim of genocide is what anyone with any dignity would prefer.

Militancy is what defeated the Soviet Union and now the US in Afghanistan so underestimating the power of an insurgency is quite silly.

To me the Kashmiris have no other choice. And Pakistan should take full advantage of this fool hardy move.

China china China and China. We rely more on China than Allah or on our own self.

Calm down.

Allah also commanded to be diplomatic, use alliances and work from a position of strength. It is what the Prophet (PBUH) did as well. No need to be all silly and emotional.

And you think China would risk throwing its economy away when its dreaming of overthrowing USA as the biggest economy and challenging it in every aspect?
Here is news for you. India has already briefed all P5 members and no one has said anything against this move so far. The most has been said been said by UN and even that is to just exercise restraint and not that what India did was illegal.

Did India also tell the P5 that it would deliberately target Chinese construction workers and threaten a major project in the CPEC package? China will defend its strategic interests and investments. China has a history of working with Pakistan during security challenges and this is no different.

No one really expects much from the UN with regards to statements. But everyone including Indians in the opposition themselves have called the move illegal.

A response will come, just like it did on Feb 27 but that is for us to plan and execute and for you to find out about later.
everyone who? Congress and other activists who arent legal experts?
Here is an ex supreme court judge saying the way it is done is not unconstitutional

Similarly, former attorney general has also called it legal. They are the legal voices of country, not congress.

A number of legal voices in India themselves are calling the move illegal. Bifurcation of J&K needed consent of the elected assembly of J&K. Not just a presidential order or Governors consent. There will be challenges upcoming. Just because government mouth pieces of a hindu fascist regime are in lock step doesn't mean jack.

But thats just the Indian legal system. Already former pro Indian Kashmiri leaders have now declared the Instrument of Accession null and void. That alone is significant. The pro separatist parties have been vindicated and that is why India needs 800K to quell the uprising that will follow.

And Pakistan will take advantage. Its not a question.
give link.
And evn if thy hve voiced against Indian govts stupid action what difference it ill make on the grounds, it's simple now no one can. Blame pak if bigger militant groups with bigger and heavier arms start attacking Indian forces Thts the only solution right now
Militancy will affect nothing except more misery to the people.

The IRA brought the british govt to its knees because of its campaigns in the mainland.

The reversal of foreign investment/capital makes such tactics gamechanging scenarios.

The number of aggrieved and disgruntled groups in India also make it hard to pin down blame especially since IS have footprints now in india.
good one :tup: you said it all.
Agree with Zaid Hamid, need to show some spine, cowardice doesn't gets any respect...

As he said need to attack the Indian posts across LOC, if we don't they will lay claim to all of AJK and GB after this abrogation, part of the fascist Hindutva greater plans.

Dying with honour is better, warna Zaleel bhi hongay aur marey bhi jaeengay...he added.

This is what Jihad is all about..,fight against repression, tyranny, genocide...Pak Army need to show courage and 'Hammiat', whole nation is with them.

India has most likely initiated mass genocide against the Kashmiri Muslim population in the Valley. There is no communication from IOK for 48 hours now and even the Kashmiri lapdogs are being put under house arrest.

While Pakistan and its economy are in no shape to sustain a war effort, Pakistan has to respond in some sort of military manner in order to make the current occupation impractical and costly for India. Otherwise Pakistan risks normalization of this kind of Indian fascist behavior. India's next step will be pushing towards Azaad Kashmir, and if Pakistan lets it get to that, then game over.

Pakistan could restart militancy on a massive scale given that most Kashmiris including those who used to support India are now sidelined. However Pakistan risks being black listed on the FATF further stressing the economy.

Only option is to either convince China to help with a major invasion given that the Indians were targeting Chinese construction workers in Neelum/Jhelum region. Lets not beat the bush, they have directly attacked CPEC.

But it is clear that a military response is necessary. Otherwise the Fascist Hindu government in India will only be encouraged. These cowards only understand the language of the gun.
members on this forum got quite of an imagination...
why on earth would china help you?? they are all about business... they never helped u b4 why wud they help u now?
members on this forum got quite of an imagination...
why on earth would china help you?? they are all about business... they never helped u b4 why wud they help u now?
Because they literally believe that the friendship is higher than mountains and deeper than skies and dont understand that its about business.
I have said this so many times.
the only scenario in which China might intervene is if India invades and threatens Karakoram highway project.
Even then India might give an assurance that the highway will not be attacked if Pakistan forces dont utilise it for mobilisation.
China gets what it wants...highway remains and Indian economy becomes weaker.
Why should they intervene needlessly?
Shame on all these retards... Zaid Hamid was predicting this for the last 10 years but nobody paid any shit. Everybody dismissed him as lal topi wala ...

Pakistan is next. Amit shah and subramian and RSS have already declared their intentions. Imran Khan and Qureshi have made a foreign policy blunder.
Together will the liberals and journalists who used to make aman ki asha statements.

War is coming whether you like it or not. Also , to a lot of indians. Nuclear Pakistan is not a threat to them because they firmly believe that they can sustain huge causalties but get rid of Pakistan permanently. We don't need hiroshima sized atomic bombs. If Pakistan's establishment have any brains, they should now go for H-bombs in order of megatones or else Pakistan is gone.
I think before the end of Modi's term this time we will have an armed conflict with India over Kashmir. We should prepare for it.

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